The University of Gloucestershire is based at three campuses in Cheltenham and Gloucester, with approximately 10,000 students and 1,200 staff.
The university spends approximately £24million on works, goods and services each year.
Contracts for goods and services vary from one-off purchases to periodic contracts lasting a specific time, and, there is a capital investment programme covering building schemes, computers, communications and other equipment.
The university is a member of the Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC) and encourages competition from both new and established suppliers.
Procurement Strategy
The procurement strategy sets out the University’s mission statement, values and ethics relating to procurement and provides a number of strategic aims, objectives and actions.
This will support the procurement of the goods, services and works required in a professional, sustainable and ethical manner for delivery at the right place, time, quality and cost in order to support the key organisational objective of enhancing and maximising student experience.
Advertising of contracts
From June 2016 all open opportunities to competitively tender for opportunities will be published on the university’s e-tendering portal.
Additionally, where the estimated value of the contract is expected to exceed the financial thresholds of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, currently £189,330 for goods and certain services, and £4,733,252 for public works contracts, the requirement will be advertised in the GOV.UK Find a Tender service.
The university also advertises tenders for open and competitively tendered works, goods and services valued over £25,000 on the GOV.UK Contracts Finder.
Supplying to the university – information we will need from you
Suppliers are able to register their interest in opportunities on the university’s e-tendering portal. Suppliers will then receive e-mail notifications of opportunities in the categories they have expressed an interest in.
Once successful at winning an opportunity suppliers will be asked to complete a supplier questionnaire. This, along with information gathered if the opportunity was subject to a formal tender exercise or quote process, enables us to confirm an organisation’s suitability to deliver a particular service, supply or works.
The information requested in the questionnaire is used to:
- set-up the means of payment to the supplier,
- verify that the organisation can be identified as a legitimate discrete trading organisation i.e. registered and trading address, registration, VAT number and UTR number for self employed sole traders,
- and that appropriate levels of insurance are in place.
Tender process
As the cost of administering and evaluating tenders is significant, you may be required to complete a pre-qualification questionnaire to determine your company’s suitability to be invited to tender.
When a tender document is issued it will contain the following:
- form of tender
- instructions on how to submit the tender
- specification or scope of the requirements
- pricing schedule
- general terms and conditions of contract
- any special terms applicable to the contract.
Contract award
Tenders will be evaluated using pre-determined criteria which are set out in the tender document. These will include criteria such as commercial awareness and the ability to meet the contract requirements. All tenderers are notified as to whether they have been successful or unsuccessful.
Gifts, favour and hospitality
If you wish to offer a university employee any offer, gift, favour or hospitality, there are some guidelines.
In general, meals may be accepted by employees, provided they are working occasions and the cost of the hospitality is reasonable.
Employee attendance at social events and occasions is acceptable where the invitation is clearly made because of the connection with the university. However, lavish hospitality should not be offered.
Employees are advised not to accept hospitality from the same organisation too often or without reciprocity. For example, if there is a need for a follow up meeting or lunch, this should be provided by the university and not by the other party.
All gifts or hospitality in excess of £25 should be reported to the university’s procurement manager and recorded in the register of interest. Where it is not possible to refuse a gift without giving offence, the gift should be accepted on behalf of the university and either surrendered to the university itself, and not kept for personal use, or bought from the university at full value.
Gifts of a nominal value such as pens and stationery may be accepted.