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Postgraduate research degrees

We offer a variety of research degrees and excellent academic supervision ensuring you can progress your area of interest.

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Our postgraduate research students benefit from joining subject communities that support them to further their interest in a topic, with the support of a supervision team who provide subject and methodological expertise.

In addition to training in research methods to prepare you for furthering your research interests, we support wider professional development, including pursuing a teaching career in higher education.


At UoG we offer our funded studentships to postgraduate students on specific research projects. View the latest opportunities on our careers page.

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Discover all of our postgraduate research courses below, or browse by subject

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Can’t see your research area listed? Our research supervisors have a broad range of specialisms across a diverse range of subjects. Email [email protected] to find out how we can support your research interests.

Why choose University of Gloucestershire?

You will join a subject community that benefits from staff expertise and students with common interests and aspirations.

We are investing in research through six priority areas aligned with global challenges and our existing areas of research excellence.

In addition to developing subject expertise and access to subject networks, we provide a postgraduate environment with a range of wider development opportunities available in accordance with your needs.

We actively support you to identify your development needs, and connect you with the opportunities to address them through our wider Student Futures​ initiative.

Explore what’s important to you and be supported to reach your goals.

When can you start?

The majority of our research degrees have two intakes each year in October and February. UK and overseas students can study on either a full-time or part-time basis, or, where appropriate, away from the University. International students studying in the UK on a student visa are required to study on a full-time basis.

Student on History and Religious Studies course sitting in library at Francis Close Hall campus

Postgraduate taught degrees

Looking for postgraduate taught degrees? 

A taught degree will allow you to develop the vocational skills and knowledge you need to ​​​either enter a specialist field or to climb the career ladder.​