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9 ways to get out of the revision slump

Author: Bethan Croft, second year Journalism student

Exam season is approaching, and we all know what that means – lecturers and parents on our backs telling us to revise.

Everyone has different revision methods, so, instead of telling you how and when to revise, here are my tips on how to work smarter not harder.

  1. Reward yourself

    It sounds simple, but having a focus or aim to work towards makes studying more bearable. If I treat myself to a nice coffee or piece of cake at the end of studying or even little snacks in between, it helps to motivate (and fuel) me.
  1. Plan what you’re going to do the day before

    By creating a to-do list or bullet points of what you want to cover each day, you stay organised and can mentally prepare yourself for each task. This also helps you keep on top of what you need to complete and your progress. 
  1. Don’t work in the same place that you sleep

    It sounds strange, especially because working from the comfort of your room is convenient, but trust me after a few days of revision you will begin to resent those 4 walls.

    Your room should be your safe space, so find a study area that is dedicated to just studying – maybe the library or a quiet café. This way the change of scenery helps to clear your mind. 
  1. Music choice

    This is different for everyone – some people can’t study listening to music at all, but I find if I listen to music I am familiar with, then I work faster. However, it usually must be music without words, to stop me from singing along.  
  1. Listen to podcasts relevant to the topic

    Podcasts are becoming more and more popular in daily life, and they are proving to be a very helpful study tool. By changing between written and audio revision, it becomes less boring and if relevant to your exam topic, then it keeps learning fun.   
  1. Making lists

    I love lists. I have a list for everything. I make shopping lists, to-do lists, reading lists and so it’s no surprise that I make study lists. But there is something visually appealing about making a list and getting to cross a line off once a task is complete. 
  1. Do it bit by bit

    You have probably heard this from your lecturers, and not to sound like a nag, but they’re right about this. Instead of leaving everything to the last minute (something in which I am very guilty of doing), by starting the assignment or the revision early you have more time and the opportunity to do it bit by bit.

    This allows you to have a social life closer to exams, instead of holing yourself up in your room because ‘Oh no, my exam is in two days, and I haven’t started revising yet.
  1. Words of encouragement 

    It sounds cringe, but this is something me and my flatmates started doing in our first year at uni, randomly slipping little post-its with messages on during revision season when we saw one of us getting a bit stressed. The random act of kindness makes you feel better about yourself too. 
  1. Make plans for after exams 

    Similar to rewarding yourself with sweet treats, it’s a great feeling to have plans you can look forward to celebrate the end of exams.