Adam Hart discusses Rhino horns with Radio Winchcombe
After completing an undergraduate at the University of Cambridge, studying Zoology, he completed his PhD at the University of Sheffield on the cooperative behaviour of social insects. Following a post-doc examining conflict in social systems, he transferred to the University of Gloucestershire in 2005, where he is currently the Professor of Science Communication.
Professor Hart has published scientific papers on a variety of topics, including entomology, ecology, disease, hygiene, nesting phenology, citizen science and climate change.
He has an active involvement with large-scale citizen science projects that include the “Flying Ant” survey, the “Spider in da House” survey and app and the “Starling Murmuration” survey with the Royal Society of Biology and is a frequent public speaker, lecturing on topics that include social insects, citizen science and trophy hunting to schools, public audiences and special-interest groups.
To listen to Adam on the radio, go to 00:51:19.