University’s volunteering campaign surpasses last year’s total of 12,000 hours
A campaign to log the thousands of volunteering hours students and staff at the University of Gloucestershire undertake within the local community has reached 12,000 hours – surpassing last year’s total for the whole academic year.
Bank It, a joint campaign by the university and its Students’ Union, broke through the 12,000 hours barrier in the last few days. The initiative aims to reach 18,000 hours by the end of the academic year in June.
One of the hundreds of University of Gloucestershire students who volunteers locally and logs hours for the campaign is 19 year-old Sports Coaching and Development student, Chris Brown. Chris, who hails from Bath, volunteers between 3 and 10 hours a week for the British Red Cross in Gloucestershire as an emergency responder.
Red Cross emergency response volunteers work alongside the emergency services to provide vital assistance to people in crisis, when they need it most. Whether reassuring someone after a house fire or organising food for a flooded community, the role is varied, challenging and exciting and a commitment of just a few hours each week can make a huge difference to someone in crisis.
Chris has been a volunteer since August 2014 and undertook a three-day training course that equipped him for the role. As well as the satisfaction of helping someone in crisis, Chris also enjoys the teamwork involved.
Chris Brown said: “I’m giving up some of my free time to help someone who desperately needs it whilst working in an amazing team of volunteers. Our team has plumbers, electricians, managing directors – everyone you can imagine. There’s no hierarchy. Everyone’s equal.”
“Giving time through volunteering is really worthwhile and I’m delighted to be part of the Bank It campaign. As a student living in the local area it is also a way of playing my part in the community in which I study. I’m actively involved in making a real difference to people in Gloucestershire.”