First University of Gloucestershire inspired Growth Hub opens in Indonesia
The first Indonesian Growth Hub is opening at Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta, just one year after the official start of the project.
By 2020, the project consortium, led by the University of Gloucestershire, will have created seven Growth Hubs across Indonesia and a nationwide industry association that will provide networking and training opportunities for different stakeholder groups.
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan is one of the leading private universities in Indonesia and has been rated as one of the top fifty promising universities by the Indonesian Higher Education Directory. Since its establishment in 1960, the University has sustained a strong tradition of academic integrity and gained an excellent reputation for its educational programmes, research and community services.
As Southeast Asia’s largest economy and the world’s fourth most populated nation, Indonesia has a particular need for developing effective support services for existing and aspiring entrepreneurs.
“Growing Indonesia – a Triangular Approach” is a three-year Erasmus+ project that focuses on building entrepreneurial capacity across Indonesia by developing university-enterprise collaboration, embedding entrepreneurship education into university curricula and by developing support infrastructure for enterprise creation.
The original Growth Hub is located in the University of Gloucestershire’s new School of Business and Technology and has worked with over 2,000 businesses since opening in October 2014.