Initial design proposals for new Business School and Growth Hub building now on show at Oxstalls campus
Some initial design proposals for the new Business School and Growth Hub building are available for the public to view now at the University of Gloucestershire’s Oxstalls campus, in advance of a full public exhibition in September.
In order to provide sufficient opportunity for local residents to view and comment on the developing design proposals as they evolve, a selection of architects’ display boards are located in the glass corridor by the main entrance and reception at Oxstalls, and cover specific issues around site layout and building location, site access and pedestrian routes/rights of way, lighting, landscaping and visual impact.
Members of the public can pop in at any time, seven days a week and submit comments on feedback forms which will be collected daily and passed to the design project team as they finalise the development proposals.
The boards are also available to view on the university website with downloadable feedback forms which can either be posted in the feedback box at Oxstalls campus, emailed to [email protected] or sent by post to Communications team, University of Gloucestershire, Pittville Student Village, Laurie Lee Building, Albert Road, Cheltenham GL52 3JG.
The boards will remain in situ until 5 September when they will be removed to make way for a full public exhibition of the detailed development proposals on Tuesday 6 September between 4pm and 7pm. At this event, members of the design project team will be available to answer any further questions and feedback forms will also be available. The Reserved Matters planning application for the Business School and Growth Hub will then be submitted to Gloucester City Council at the end of September.