Introducing Problem Based Learning in Moldova: (PBLMD)
Problem Based Learning is one of a number of student-centred pedagogies which have been widely adopted by modern universities, and which are often contrasted with traditional, didactic approaches to curriculum delivery.
The project (561884-EPP-1-2015-1-DK-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP) is a classic three-year project co-financed via the Erasmus + programme of the European Union aimed at capacity building in the institutions of transitional economies.
As the UK partner in this project, the University of Gloucestershire is working alongside partners in Germany, Denmark and Sweden with the aim of modernising the delivery of the Law, Business Management and Computing curricula of several Moldovan universities.
by Dr David Dawson
Find out more about this research project on the Aalborg University website
This research forms part of the Applied Business and Technology research priority area.