One module shaped my career
“I loved the fact the University of Gloucestershire is close and tight knit. I never had to wait around for lecturers to get back to me. If I ever wanted support or help it was there, I always knew where to go.”
Kieran studied BA (Hons) Photojournalism and is now a film producer and photographer for ShadowPlay working on high profile filming projects for global brands.
“During my photojournalism course I really enjoyed the film making module in the second year. I hadn’t done film making before but I loved the module and the projects that I worked on as part of it. It made me realise that this is what I really want to do.
I gained some really invaluable skills during the course particularly when making a documentary about a community housing project where I worked with and filmed a large number of residents. This gave me real world experience and people skills which is essential in the job I do now working on projects for a wide range of clients.”
Since graduating Kieran has made lots of industry contacts by working as a freelance photographer which led to him meeting the owner of ShadowPlay where he currently works.
“I’m now working with a team of people and constantly learning, working on different projects. Working overseas is a real highlight of the job. I recently did a filming project using drones for a large company in Spain, I’ve also been to Amsterdam where we did a shoot for Panasonic’s new line of products. Things progressed in my career really quickly, I went from being self employed working on one job a week to suddenly being a full time film producer shooting films overseas for really big companies, it’s been great.”