Rewilding to increase biodiversity between Oxstalls and Plock Court
The University of Gloucestershire has started a landscaping project to increase biodiversity near Oxstalls campus, part funded by the EU European Regional Development Fund.
Works are underway to re-wild parts of the land that follows the line of Wotton Brook between the southern Oxstalls campus boundary and the northern Plock Court Wetland Reserve, linking these two areas of University of Gloucestershire property with a natural verge and meadow.
The project will improve wildlife habitats and strengthen ecological links throughout the site. It is due to be completed by the end of the month.
The focus is on improving the biodiversity of four specific areas on site by replanting hedgerows, establishing a linear wildflower meadow and widening banks to create a varied waterside habitat.
Dr Nigel Wichall, Director of Estates at the University of Gloucestershire, said:
“Being the number one sustainable university in the UK we are very passionate about our environment and the importance of giving land back to nature. We are increasingly surrounded by concrete towns and cities and hope this project will bring back important biodiversity to the area – the results will be very exciting. We’d like to thank the European Regional Development Fund as we couldn’t have done this project without them.”