Student nurses to help NHS frontline during coronavirus pandemic
138 undergraduate students from the University of Gloucestershire have stepped forward to help hospitals and other NHS services in the county in the current Covid-19 outbreak.
The students, who are all studying towards their adult or mental health nursing degrees have answered the call for support and will begin working in a variety of settings such as hospitals, community health and primary care centres.
It comes as NHS services across the country face ongoing pressures from the outbreak, with thousands of people now needing treatment for the Covid-19 disease. The student nurses from the University of Gloucestershire will be taking on paid roles and will provide additional support for hardworking NHS staff.
According to NHS England up to 18,000 student nurses across the country have been asked to assist the NHS. The Nursing and Midwifery Council has been given the authority to put in place emergency measures that will enable students to start work to support the workforce during the current crisis.
Lorraine Dixon, Head of the School of Health and Social Care at the University of Gloucestershire said:
“We have been working closely with our local NHS partners and now 138 students have indicated to us that they are ready to play their part in supporting the NHS. We are so proud of them for stepping up to meet the challenge and help to protect patients at this difficult time. They will be putting into practice everything they have learnt and patient care and safety will be at the core of everything they do.
“The University and our team will support them in any way we can and help guide them through this experience and to complete their degrees when appropriate.”
Final year adult nursing student Kate Mccrum said:
“This is a chance to put into practice everything I have been studying, all the skills and the learning I’ve been working towards in the past three years. We have all been watching what is happening with the coronavirus pandemic and I am keen to do anything I can to help patients through what is a difficult time for everyone.”
A spokesperson from NHS England and NHS Improvement South West said:
“We are pleased to see student nurses from Gloucestershire helping to tackle the single biggest challenge facing the National Health Service.
“We are responding flexibly and pragmatically, and involving all parts of the health service, from hospitals to community health and primary care, as well as our partners in social care and other public services.”
The University of Gloucestershire would like to thank all NHS staff and key workers around the county and the UK who are doing amazing work in the face of an impossible challenge.