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University of Gloucestershire Course Leader is selected to join UK Athletics Committee

Dr Emily Ryall, course leader for Sports Law, Ethics and Governance MA at the University of Gloucestershire, has been selected to join the new UK Athletics Standards, Ethics and Rules Committee. ​

The new UK Athletics Committee has a wide remit, including areas such as general conduct, anti-doping, safeguarding, anti-discrimination, anti-corruption and health and safety. It includes making sure that directives, codes and policies are in place, so everyone in the sport knows what is expected of them, and that disciplinary processes, licensing decisions and safeguarding cases are dealt with to the highest standards of regulatory best practice.

Dr Ryall said:
“It’s great to see that UK Athletics have committed to ensuring good sport (in its broadest sense). I’m pleased to be part of this new committee and amongst such an esteemed list of individuals. As a philosopher by training, I teach across a range of sports courses and on a range of issues, from sports ethics, to the philosophy of science, to critical thinking and the logic of arguments. I enjoy wrestling with the deep and difficult questions about sport. What is good sport? What do we want it to look like? How do we ensure it is fair and competitive? What part does it play in a good life?” 
You can follow Emily Ryall on Twitter.
Find out more about the work of the new Committee on the UK Athletics website
Find out about the MA Sports Law, Ethics and Governance​ course on the University of Gloucestershire’s website.​