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MSc Data Science at UoG was the right choice

Denisa Golkiewiczova decided to study MSc Data Science after completing an undergraduate in BSc Criminology and Psychology and some uncertainty around the career path she wanted to follow.

“I quickly realised taking this course was the right decision to make, as for the first time I was studying something I felt confident in. Not only this, I wanted to bolster my career prospects, and data science is currently a sought after area of expertise, applicable to an endless range of fields. Therefore, the opportunities available to me have greatly expanded, and have allowed me to prepare for my desired role of becoming a software engineer.

“I started the MSc Data Science course in September 2023. At first, it was difficult to adapt to the environment. The area of tech was completely foreign to me. Simultaneously, I was studying for my citizenship test as I was born in the Czech Republic and moved to the UK early on in my life. I was also searching for appropriate career opportunities and trying to balance my home/work life. However, by reminding myself of what I wanted to achieve, I established a momentum and now I’m confidently planning my dissertation on using machine learning and neural networks to predict maritime piracy. The course is fast paced, but highly rewarding, and most importantly the peers and lecturers I’ve gotten to know are respectful, friendly, supportive and knowledgeable.

“During my Undergraduate degree I always refrained from applying for the course representative position as I was worried that I lacked the required communication and problem-solving skills. However, the Data Science course was a perfect opportunity to do something new and test my abilities. I’m glad I took this opportunity as I think I have been able to come out of my shell and create a start to long lasting change on the course.

“Don’t be scared to start something new. I always worried that it was too late for me to delve into other areas which interested me, however, with the quantity of resources online, supervised learning at UoG and the supportive staff, you can make a lot of things possible.”