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The course has been inspiring and integral to my career

Diego Tello is a student on the International Business Law and Management LLM course. He is part of the University of Gloucestershire volleyball team.

Being part of the LLM course has not only been inspiring but has been integral to growth in my career. The experience of negotiating has mentally prepared us to obtain beneficial skills in this rigorous environment of law and we couldn’t be more thankful to our professors for helping us grow.

Through my experience of living in Gloucester, I have seen the humanity and humbleness of strangers who have helped me in times of need, and the friendships I have made from University of Gloucestershire will last a lifetime.

Being part of the volleyball team has helped me find my home away from home, which was fundamental to my mental health. After graduation, I plan to fly back to California and continue my studies at a law school concentrating in human rights law and immigrational law.

Law student Diego jumps to hit the ball with his hand during a game of volleyball.