The Gloucestershire Strategy: What will our county look like in 25 years?
Time: 6:00 pm - 7:30 pmWe are delighted to present the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire Lecture 2024, in partnership…
Our Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Professor Jackie Labbe, will present her inaugural lecture on 15 June at 4.30pm.
In ‘Dead Victorian Children’, Professor Jackie Labbe draws on her research interests in nineteenth-century children’s literature to explore the ways in which children are unsafe and at risk in these stories. Although our modern notion of children as particularly deserving of care and protection was first developed in the late eighteenth century, and was fully fledged by the Victorian period, this went hand in hand with a suspicion that children could so easily go wrong, and were so often the instigators of depravity and corruption. This paradoxical understanding of the child found its outlet in stories aimed at both entertaining children through fantasy adventures, and instructing them in proper behaviour through endangerment.
The lecture will take place at Park Campus and is free to attend. We request those wishing to come book online via Eventbrite.