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The Gloucestershire Strategy: What will our county look like in 25 years?

Date / Time

25 September 2024, 6pm - 7:30pm


Park Campus, Cheltenham


GL50 2RH



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We are delighted to present the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire Lecture 2024, in partnership with University of Gloucestershire.

David Owen, Chief Executive at GFirst LEP and Director of Economy & Environment at Gloucestershire County Council, presents an overview of the Gloucestershire Strategy.

Where will we live? Where could we work? And how will we get around? This lecture explores how the county’s strategy will shape our future. Infrastructure, housing, business – a joined up plan to create a sustainable future.

Presented in partnership with the Honourable Company of Gloucestershire, the lecture will be introduced by Michael Jones from the Honourable Company, and Nicola de Iongh, Chair of University Council.

This lecture takes place at our Park campus in room TC007, and starts at 6pm.

Tickets are free, but must be registered in advance via Eventbrite. Please make your way to Elwes Reception on arrival, and we look forward to welcoming you.