University of Gloucestershire Professional Services Limited
University of Gloucestershire Professional Services Limited (UoGPSL) is a wholly owned subsidiary company of the University of Gloucestershire (company registration number 13363828). It was incorporated on 28 April 2021.
UoGPSL provides staff to undertake professional services roles at the University of Gloucestershire.
UoGPSL staff work alongside staff from the University of Gloucestershire in an integrated manner and will be subject to the University of Gloucestershire’s financial regulations and policies.
Unless an existing member of University staff, or an external member of staff with continuous pensionable service in LGPS or USS, all new staff employed in a professional services role will be employed by UoGPSL.
While UoGPSL staff are subject to separate terms and conditions of employment, and staff policies and procedures, they largely mirror those for University of Gloucestershire staff. The same pay and grading structures apply to both UoGPSL and University of Gloucestershire.
Staff working for UoGPSL are eligible for the UoGPSL Pension Plan, a high quality defined contribution pension scheme. This scheme has been awarded Pension Quality Mark Plus accreditation.