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Academic regulations

Academic Regulations for Research Degree Provision 2015/16

Last updated: 23 May 2023


  1. Principles
  2. The Registration Period
  3. Registration
  4. Research Methods
  5. Creative Works
  6. Published Work
  7. Supervision
  8. Assessment Offences
  9. The Examination
  10. The Candidate’s Responsibilities in the Examination Process
  11. Examiners
  12. Examination
  13. Thesis
  14. Right of Appeal

Appendix One
Appendix Two

1. Principles

1.1. The University may award the degrees of Master of Arts by Research (MA by Research), Master of Science by Research (MSc by Research), Master of Research (MRes), Master of Philosophy (MPhil), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Doctor of Philosophy by Publication (PhD by Publication), Professional Doctorate and European Doctorate to registered candidates who successfully complete approved programmes of supervised research. Students enrolled for any of these programmes shall be considered research students. 

1.2. Programmes of research may be proposed in any field of study within the competence of the University, provided that the proposed programme is capable of leading to scholarly work and to its presentation for assessment by appropriate examiners. The written thesis may be appropriately supplemented by material in other than written form. All proposed research programmes will be considered for research degree registration on their academic merits and without reference to the concerns or interests of any associated funding body. 

1.3. The MSc by Research or MA by Research may be awarded to a candidate who has successfully completed an approved programme requiring completion of taught elements and whose thesis represents an independent contribution to knowledge. The thesis should demonstrate the investigation and evaluation or critical examination of an approved topic over a period normally of not less than 12 months of full-time study, or equivalent period of part-time study. The candidate must present a thesis for assessment and be prepared to defend it by viva voce examination, or other approved alternative examination, to the satisfaction of the examiners. If both examiners produce individual reports to indicate that the thesis is of sufficient strength not to warrant a viva voce examination, the oral (or other approved alternative) examination may be dispensed with. 

1.4. The MRes may be awarded to a candidate who has successfully completed an approved programme requiring completion of taught elements and whose thesis both reflects on research methods and represents an independent contribution to knowledge. The thesis should demonstrate the investigation and evaluation or critical examination of an approved topic. The candidate must present a thesis for assessment and normally be prepared to defend it by viva voce examination, or other approved alternative examination, to the satisfaction of the examiners. 

1.5. The MPhil may be awarded to a candidate who has successfully completed an approved programme requiring completion of taught elements and whose thesis represents and independent, significant contribution to knowledge. The thesis should demonstrate the investigation and evaluation or critical examination of an approved topic, together with an understanding of research methods appropriate to the chosen field. The candidate must present a thesis and defend it by viva voce examination, or approved alternative examination, to the satisfaction of the examiners. 

1.6. The PhD may be awarded to a candidate who has successfully completed a programme of scholarly research and whose thesis represents an independent, significant and original contribution to knowledge, or who has completed an integrated programme of study 

comprising advanced instructions as well as scholarly research demonstrated by thesis. The thesis should demonstrate the investigation and evaluation or critical evaluation of an approved topic, together with an understanding of research methods appropriate to the chosen field. The candidate must present a thesis and defend it by viva voce examination, or approved alternative examination, to the satisfaction of the examiners. The work, or elements of it should be worthy of publication, or may include a proportion of published work. 

1.7. The University will accept enrolments from suitable applicants for registration to complete a doctoral degree by previously published research. The PhD by Publication may be awarded to a candidate where the submission consists of previously published research of doctoral standard and the accompanying critical reflection and commentary on the submitted publications demonstrates their independent, significant and original contribution to knowledge and scholarly research. 

1.8. An appropriately titled Professional Doctorate may be awarded to a candidate who has successfully completed an approved programme requiring completion of taught elements at advanced level and supervised, independent research of clear value, relevance and application to a defined area of professional practice, concluded by the submission of a thesis to be examined by viva voce examination, or approved alternative examination, at Doctoral level. 

1.9. The European Doctorate may be awarded to a candidate who has successfully completed a programme of scholarly research and whose thesis represents an independent, significant and original contribution to knowledge, or who has completed an integrated programme of study comprising advanced instruction as well as scholarly research demonstrated by thesis. The thesis should demonstrate the investigation and evaluation or critical examination of an approved topic, together with an understanding of research methods appropriate to the chosen field. The candidate must always present a thesis written in English for this award. The thesis, however, should have been prepared as a result of a research period in another European country (normally 4 months) and the thesis must have been reviewed by 2 academics from 2 different European countries. The candidate must defend the thesis by viva voce examination, or approved alternative examination, to the satisfaction of the examiners. The work, or elements of it should be worthy of publication, or may include a proportion of published work. 

1.10. Each award title incorporating taught elements has regulations for the taught components that comply with the University’s Academic Regulations for Taught Provision and further information of their operation can be found here. 

1.11. Co-operation with industrial, commercial, professional or research establishments may be undertaken for the purposes of research leading to research degree awards. Co-operation may be formalised with one or more bodies external to the University; such bodies are referred to as collaborating establishments. Formal collaboration will normally involve the candidate’s use of facilities, data or other resources, including advice and supervision, which are provided jointly by the University and the collaborating establishments. 

2. The Registration Period

2.1. The minimum and maximum periods of registration should normally be as follows: 

Degree Minima Maxima 
MSc or MA by Research 
full-time 12 months 24 months 
part-time 18 months 36 months 
full-time 12 months 24 months 
part-time 18 months 36 months 
full-time 18 months 36 months 
part-time 30 months 60 months 
full-time 36 months 48 months 
part-time 48 months 84 months 
Professional Doctorate 
Full-time 36 months 48 months 
Part-time 48 months 84 month 

2.2. A candidate must pay such fees for their programme of study as shall be determined by the University. Further information on the University Fees Policy can be found here 

2.3. A candidate must submit the thesis to the Research Administration Office before the expiry of the maximum period of registration. 

2.4. Where a candidate is prevented, by ill-health or other good cause, from making progress with the research, s/he may apply to de-register for a specific period, normally for not less than 3 months and not more than one year at a time. 

2.5. Candidates may apply for an extension in exceptional circumstances to extend the period of registration beyond the maximum period, normally for no more than one year. 

2.6. Candidates successfully upgrading to a new award will have the period spent on studying for the initial award incorporated into the minimum and maximum submission dates for the new award. 

2.7. Where a candidate applies to change from full-time to part-time study or vice versa, the minimum and maximum registration periods should be calculated on a pro rata basis (one month full-time study will be counted as 1.5 months of part-time study). Please note that a change cannot be made if it means that the maximum period of registration for that mode or study is exceeded. 

2.8. Where the submission consists of pre-published material accompanied by a critical reflection and commentary on the submitted publications and their contribution to knowledge and research methods appropriate to the discipline, the period of registration may be shortened. The registration period must not be less than 12 months full-time and 24 months part-time study. 

3. Registration

3.1. The University Research Committee (URC) delegates its powers to the University Research Degrees Committee (URDC) to note and approve examination arrangements, examination reports, and awards of research students in the University. 

3.2. URDC delegates its powers to Faculty Research Degrees Committees (FRDC) to approve research degree projects, upgrade of registration, supervision and change of supervision and change in mode or programme of study of research students in the University. 

3.3. An application should not be approved unless: 

a) The candidate is suitably qualified; 

b) The candidate is embarking upon a feasible research programme; 

c) Supervisory expertise and capacity is available and likely to be sustained; and 

d) The University is able to provide appropriate facilities and research environment for the conduct of scholarly research in the area of the research programme. 3.4. An applicant for registration for a research Master’s degree should normally hold a first class or upper second class Honours degree or a qualification that is regarded by the University as equivalent to such an Honours degree. 

3.5. An applicant for direct registration for Doctor of Philosophy should normally hold a Master’s degree in a discipline relevant to the proposed research. 

3.6. An applicant for a Professional Doctorate should normally hold a Master’s degree in a cognate area, or a Bachelor’s degree in a cognate area plus at least two years’ professional practice, or be capable of otherwise demonstrating professional competence of high standing in the area of the research. 

3.7. The candidate must demonstrate sufficient command of the English language to complete the programme of work satisfactorily and to prepare and defend a thesis in English. The candidate should have achieved IELTS 6.5 overall with no less than 6.0 in writing and 5.5 in any other band. 

3.8. Candidates may register on a full-time or part-time basis. 

3.9. On occasion applications may be approved from a person proposing to work largely outside the UK, provided that the following criteria are met: 

a) There is satisfactory evidence of the adequacy of the support and facilities available for the research both in the University and abroad, for example through the designation of an appropriate collaborating institution outside the UK. 

b) The supervisory arrangements enable frequent and substantial contact between the candidate and the first and second supervisor; 

c) Personal contact between the student and first supervisor must be sufficiently frequent for the first supervisor to have continuing confidence in the candidate’s progress.

3.10. A candidate may apply to FRDC to upgrade their award in the following ways: 

a) Master of Science by Research or Master of Arts by Research to Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy; 

b) Master of Philosophy to Doctor of Philosophy; 

3.11. A candidate may apply to upgrade when all mandatory research modules (or agreed equivalent programme) have been satisfactorily completed and the supervisory team has deemed that s/he has made sufficient progress on the research to provide evidence of its potential development towards the intended award. 

3.12. A candidate who is registered for any higher award and who is unable to complete the approved programme of work may, at any time prior to submission of the thesis for examination, apply to URDC to convert the registration to an appropriate lower award, provided that the registration period for the lower award has not been exceeded. 

3.13. Where there is a requirement for the thesis to remain confidential for a period of time after completion of the work, application for approval should normally be made at the time of RD1 approval. The period approved should normally not exceed two years from the date of the viva voce examination. 

3.14. FRDC shall not consider for approval an RD1 Approval of Research Degree Project more than 3 times. 

4. Research Methods

4.1. Those candidates who do not already possess a Master’s degree that includes relevant research methods training at an advanced level are required to satisfactorily complete a programme of research methods training. Normally this will consists of the two research degree modules MR401 (Philosophy and Approaches of Research) and MR402 (Methodologies and Methods) or suitable alternative approved by a Faculty Research Degrees Lead (FRDL). The research methods programme should offer the candidate both generic and specific skills and knowledge necessary for the pursuit of the proposed research. 

5. Creative Works

5.1. Candidates may undertake a programme of research in which the candidate’s own creative work forms, as point of origin or reference, a significant part of the intellectual enquiry. Such creative work must have been undertaken as part of the registered research programme. In such cases, the presentation and submission may be partly in other than written form. 

5.2. The creative work must be clearly presented in relation to the argument of a written thesis and set within its relevant theoretical, historical, critical or design context. The thesis must itself conform to the usual scholarly requirements and be of the appropriate length (see Section 13). 

5.3. The final submission must be accompanied by some permanent record (for example DVD, video, photographic record) of the creative work, which should, where practicable, be bound with the thesis or included in a digital submission. 

6. Published Work

6.1. Candidates may undertake a programme of research in which the candidate’s own published work forms, as a point of origin or reference, a significant part of the intellectual enquiry. 

6.2. Any joint publications that are included in the thesis must include a statement of contribution agreed with and signed by co-authors in the appendices to the thesis. 

6.3. The published work must be clearly presented in relation to the argument of a written commentary and set within its relevant context. The commentary must itself conform to the usual scholarly requirements and be of the appropriate length. 

7. Supervision

7.1. For each research degree candidate, the Faculty within which the research will be based will approve the appointment of a supervisory team. One supervisor, who must be a member of the University staff, should be designated the first supervisor and the other(s) the second supervisor(s). A second supervisor may be external to the University. 

7.2. The first supervisor has responsibility for supervising the candidate on a regular and frequent basis. There must be sufficient frequent personal contact between the student and the first supervisor to enable the first supervisor to assess and confirm the candidate’s progress. The first supervisor is also responsible for the recording of student monitoring data for Tier 4 visa students. 

7.3. Individual supervisors will normally not supervise more than 8 research students at any one time unless they are highly experienced and have sufficient time allocated to them to do so. 

7.4. Ultimate responsibility for progress on the research degree programme resides with the candidate who must ensure that satisfactory progress is made at all times against targets set in supervision. 

8. Assessment Offences

8.1. A student’s work submitted for assessment is expected to be their own. Practices that compromise this principle are defined here 

8.2. If assessment offences are suspected for work completed for taught elements of research degrees then the procedures relating to these are covered by the University’s Academic Regulations for Taught Provision, which can be found here 

8.3. If the supervisory team suspects that formative work (produced during the preparation of the thesis but not prepared for assessment on a taught module) includes practices that compromise the principle that the student’s work is expected to be their own (as per the definitions linked to in paragraph 8.1), this must be reported to the relevant FRDL. The FRDL shall nominate an interview panel to meet with the student and the supervisory team to determine whether the work shall be deemed not to be their own. If the student’s work is not deemed to be their own, the work will be considered within the category of “errors of attribution” or “assessment offences”. 

8.4. The panel will normally be chaired by the Chair of FRDC. Where the Chair of FRDC is also the supervisor of the candidate concerned, another member of FRDC should be nominated to act as Chair. No member of the interview panel should be involved in the consideration of a case in which s/he has an interest. 

8.5. Where “errors of attribution” are found by the nominated panel, a temporal plan should be agreed to rectify the errors and progress towards this must be reviewed at the next Joint Annual Progress Board. The student will be called to a formal Annual Progression Board if any elements of the plan have not been met. 

8.6. Where “assessment offences” are found by the nominated panel, the finding should be reported to URDC acting as the Assessment Offences Board of Examiners. If the recommendation that the student has committed an “assessment offence” is upheld there, this finding must be placed on the student’s record as a first offence and must be taken into consideration in subsequent Joint Annual Progress Reports and progression decisions. If, subsequently, a second offence is found, the student will be required to attend a formal interview at a special meeting of the Annual Progression Board and will be required to withdraw from their programme of study and the University. 

9. The Examination

9.1. The examination may not take place until the examiners and the final title of the thesis have been approved by URDC (RD8 approval). The viva voce examination should normally be completed within 3 months of the formal submission of the thesis for examination, unless there are exceptional circumstances. 

9.2. The examination for a research degree should have two stages: first, the candidate’s submission of the thesis and the examiners’ independent preliminary assessment of it; and second, the defence of the thesis by viva voce or approved alternative examination. In the case of the MA/MSc by Research and the MRes, where the Examiners’ independent 

preliminary assessments agree that the thesis reaches the required standard for the intended award, they may recommend that the viva voce is dispensed with. 

9.3. A candidate should normally be examined orally on the programme of work and on the field of study in which the programme lies. 

9.4. Where valid reasons are presented that the candidate would be seriously disadvantaged if required to undergo a viva voce examination, an alternative form of examination may be approved by URDC. Such approval will not be given on the grounds that the candidate’s knowledge of English is inadequate. 

9.5. All candidates must attend their viva voce examination or approved alternative. 

9.6. The viva voce examination should normally be held in the University and must be attended by all examiners. In special circumstances URDC may give approval for the examination and/or resubmission to take place elsewhere. 

9.7. In order to assist the use of the most appropriate external examiner, URDC may approve examination arrangements utilising a communication medium such as Skype. In such cases the candidate should be present at the University along with the Chair and internal examiner (or other examiner as approved by URDC). At least one examiner must be present in the University. 

9.8. If it is proposed that the examination is held away from the University, the application for examination arrangements must specify the location. 

9.9. The candidate’s supervisor(s) may, with the permission of the student, be present at the viva voce examination in a non-speaking capacity. Others may, with the permission of the candidate and agreement of the examiners, be present at the viva voce in a non-speaking capacity. 

9.10. URDC should make a decision based on the reports and recommendation(s) of the examiners in respect of the candidate. The formal power to confer the degree rests with URDC. 

9.11. Where evidence of the use of unfair means, such as plagiarism , in the preparation of the thesis comes to light during examination this must be discussed in detail in the joint examination report to assist URDC in its consideration of the matter, if necessary in consultation with the examiners URDC will undertake an investigation and if the use of unfair means is upheld by the investigation panel, they will take appropriate action, which includes failing the thesis with no possibility of re-examination. 

9.12. URDC should ensure that all examinations are conducted, and the recommendations of the examiners are presented, wholly in accordance with these regulations. In any instance where URDC is made aware of a failure to comply with all the procedures of the examination process, it may declare the examination null and void, and appoint new examiners. 

9.13. The degree of MSc/MA by Research, MRes, MPhil, PhD, PhD by Publication, Professional Doctorate or European Doctorate may be awarded posthumously on the basis of a thesis completed by a candidate, which is ready for submission for examination. In such cases URDC should seek evidence that the candidate would have been likely to have been successful, had a viva voce examination taken place. 

10. The Candidate’s Responsibilities in the Examination Process

10.1. The candidate should submit one digital copy and a hard copy for each of the approved examiners of the thesis to the Research Administration Office before the expiry of the registration period. The candidate should submit one loose copy of the following forms with the thesis: 

a) author’s declaration; and 

b) candidature form (Form RD15).

10.2. The submission of the thesis for examination should be at the sole discretion of the candidate. Although a candidate would normally be unwise to submit the thesis for examination against the advice of the supervisor(s), it is her/his right to do so. The supervisor(s) should record in writing that the thesis has been submitted against advice and submit a copy of this record to both the FRDL and Research Administration Office. The supervisor’s agreement to the submission of a thesis does not guarantee the successful outcome of the examination. 

10.3. The candidate should satisfy any conditions of eligibility for examination required by the Committee including the successful completion of any mandatory taught modules, or Annual Progress Board requirements. 

10.4. The candidate should take no part in the arrangement of the examination and should have no contact with any of the examiners between the appointment of the examiners and the viva voce examination. 

10.5. The candidate should ensure that the thesis format is in accordance with the requirements of the regulations (see section 13 below). 

11. Examiners

11.1. A candidate should be examined initially by at least two and normally not more than three examiners, of whom at least one is an external examiner. The first supervisor is responsible for contacting and nominating the examiners, and should consult with the candidate concerning the suitability of the examiners. Should the candidate and supervisor(s) disagree on the proposed appointment of external examiners, the matter will be referred to the Head of Postgraduate Research, and failing resolution, to the University Research Degrees Committee for a final decision. 

11.2. Examiners should not be appointed unless experienced in research in the area of the candidate’s thesis. At least one examiner should also have experience of examining at least two candidates at the level of award being sought. 

11.3. An independent internal examiner shall be defined as an examiner who is: 

a) A member of staff of the University, but not a member of the supervisory team; or 

b) A member of staff of the candidate’s collaborating establishment, but not a member of the supervisory team.

11.4. Where the candidate is on the permanent staff of the institution no member of staff may serve as an examiner. 

11.5. The internal examiner should not: 

a) Have/have had any significant collaboration with the candidate nor have given any substantive advice to the candidate on his/her research (except in the case of a resubmitted thesis).

11.6. The external examiner should not: 

a) Have/have had any significant collaboration with the candidate nor have given any substantive advice to the candidate on his/her research (except in the case of a resubmitted thesis); 

b) Be either a current or former member of staff, governor or near relative of a member of staff of the University of Gloucestershire, unless at least 3 years have elapsed since s/he relinquished the post; 

c) Be a former higher degree student of the University of Gloucestershire or of any of the supervisors at another higher education institution, unless at least 3 years have elapsed since the degree was conferred; 

d) Normally be invited on a regular basis (more than once every 2 years) to examine research degrees at the University of Gloucestershire; 

e) Show evidence of reciprocal examining arrangements to an extent that could encourage unprofessional, biased assessment.

11.7. No candidate for a research degree should act as an examiner. 

11.8. The University shall determine and pay the fees and expenses of the external examiners. 

12. Examination

12.1. Each examiner must read and examine the thesis and submit an independent preliminary report on it to the Faculty. 

12.2. The preliminary reports will indicate whether the thesis is of a sufficient standard to go forward for viva voce or other approved alternative examination, or in the case of the MA/MSc by Research or MRes, whether the thesis is of a sufficient standard for the viva voce to be dispensed with. 

12.3. The preliminary reports should either indicate an agenda for discussion in the viva voce examination or form the basis for the compilation of a joint report by examiners in cases where the viva voce examination is to be dispensed with. 

12.4. In the case of the MPhil, PhD and the Professional Doctorates, the preliminary report should be sent to the relevant Faculty at least 7 working days before any viva voce examination is due to be held. 

12.5. In the case of the MA/MSc by Research and MRes, the preliminary report should be sent to the relevant Faculty at least 14 working days before the proposed viva voce. 

12.6. The examiners cannot recommend that a candidate fail outright without holding a viva voce examination or other approved alternative examination. However, where both preliminary reports are of the opinion that the thesis is so unsatisfactory that there would be no useful purpose in conducting a viva voce examination, they may recommend that the oral examination be postponed and return the thesis for further work. In such exceptional cases the examiners must provide the URDC with written guidance for the candidate concerning the deficiencies of the thesis. The student will be advised of the decision of URDC and the guidance of the examiners. The revised thesis must be submitted within 12 months of the meeting date of the committee. The revised submission will count as a first examination. 

12.7. Following the viva voce or other approved examination, the examiners should prepare a joint report that must be sufficiently detailed to enable URDC to make a well-founded decision about the award. A summary of the report may be made available to the student via the Research Administration Office upon request and only if the examiners have agreed upon an unequivocal recommendation. They should make it clear to the candidate at the end of the viva voce examination that their joint report is their recommendation, but that the final decision on the award rests with URDC. 

12.8. The report should make one of the following recommendations: that: 

a) The candidate be awarded the degree unconditionally; 

b) The candidate be awarded the degree subject to the correction of typographic and similar errors to the satisfaction of the first supervisor. Typographic errors or similar may be communicated via an annotated copy of the thesis or through a list in the examination report. Such corrections should be of a scale capable of completion by the candidate within one month of the viva voce; 

c) The candidate be awarded the degree subject to minor amendments, to the satisfaction of the internal examiner where present or a nominated external examiner if not. In this case the examiners should provide in writing for communication to the candidate by the viva chair a list of the minor corrections by the candidate within three months of the viva voce examination; 

d) The candidate be awarded the degree subject to major amendment to the thesis to the satisfaction of a nominated examiner. In this case the examiners should provide in writing for communication to the candidate by the viva chair a list of the amendments and corrections required. Corrections should be made within six months of the relevant meeting of URDC; 

e) The candidate not be awarded the degree, but be permitted to re-submit the thesis in revised form and be re-examined, with or without a viva voce examination. The examiners should recommend resubmission only if there is sufficient evidence of original work and if the amount of further work to be undertaken is not so substantial as to constitute a new thesis. A recommendation should be made concerning the maximum period of time for resubmission, which is normally between 6 and 12 months from the relevant meeting of the URDC; 

f) In the case of a PhD examination, the candidate not be awarded the degree of PhD, but be awarded the degree of MPhil subject to the presentation of the thesis amended as necessary to the satisfaction of the examiners. 

In the case of a Professional Doctorate, the candidate not be awarded the Doctorate but be awarded a lesser award consonant with the assessed work completed and /or thesis submitted. 

In the case of an MPhil examination, the examiners may recommend that the candidate not be awarded the degree of MPhil, but be awarded the degree of MSc or MA by Research subject to the presentation of the thesis amended to the satisfaction of the examiners; 

g) The candidate not be awarded any degree and not be permitted to re-submit the thesis. In this case the examiners should prepare an agreed general statement of the deficiencies of the thesis and the reason for their recommendation, which should be submitted to the Research Administration Office for transmission to URDC and subsequently to the candidate; 

h) No recommendation can be made for reasons outlined within the examiner’s report. Further investigation will be required to provide a decision based on categories a – g above.

12.9. One re-examination may be permitted by URDC, subject to the following requirements: 

a) A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners at the first examination (including at the viva voce or approved alternative examination, or any further examination required) may, on the recommendation of the examiners, and with the approval of URDC, be permitted to revise the thesis and be re-examined; 

b) The examiners must provide the candidate, through URDC, with written guidance on the deficiencies of the first submission; and 

c) The candidate should submit for re-examination normally within the period of one calendar year from the date of the relevant Committee meeting. Where the viva voce examination has been dispensed with, the re-examination should take place within 6 months of the resubmission of the thesis. URDC may, where there are good reasons, approve an extension of this period. 

d) Where the viva voce examination has not been dispensed with for the re-examination, the candidate must attend their viva voce. 

12.10. URDC may require that an additional external examiner be appointed for the re-examination. 

12.11. On completion of re-examination the examiners should make one of the following recommendations to URDC in accordance with paragraph 12.8. excepting that 12.8.g shall not apply to the re-examination. 

12.12. Where the examiners’ recommendations are not unanimous, URDC will normally appoint an additional external to give a ‘blind’ reading of the thesis. Following this appointment, a report should be submitted to URDC within one month and URDC will make a decision based on this report. 

12.13. If the degree is not awarded, the examiners should prepare an agreed statement of the deficiencies of the thesis and reason for their recommendation, which should be forwarded to URDC and to the candidate by the Research Administration Office. 

13. Thesis

13.1. The thesis should be presented in English unless being presented for an award where a language other than English has been approved by URDC. The intention to submit in a language other than English must be indicated in the initial Research Degree Application (RDA) and in the application for project approval (RD1). 

13.2. If the candidate proposes a change to the approved title of the thesis after the RD1, s/he must submit the final title for approval by URDC as part of the application for examination arrangements. 

13.3. An abstract of approximately 300 words must be bound into the thesis on the page following the title page. The abstract should provide a synopsis of the thesis, stating the nature and scope of the work undertaken and of the contribution made to the knowledge of the subject treated. 

13.4. The thesis should acknowledge published or other sources of material consulted and any assistance received. For more information about including copyrighted materials, please refer to Keeping Your Thesis Legal, a Library and Information Services booklet available here. 

13.5. Where a candidate’s research programme is part of a collaborative group project, the thesis should indicate clearly the candidate’s individual contribution and the extent of the collaboration. A signed declaration must be bound into the thesis stating how far the work contained in the thesis was the candidate’s own work, or how far it was undertaken in collaboration with, or with the assistance of, others. 

13.6. The candidate is free to publish material from the thesis in advance of its submission, but reference should be made in the thesis to any such output. 

13.7. The text of the thesis is 

for an MSc or MA by Research 30,000 words 

for an MRes 25,000 words 

for an MPhil 50,000 words 

for a Professional Doctorate 60,000 words 

for a PhD 80,000 words 

13.8. Please note that the final word count must be no more than 10% above the max indicated above and that ancillary data, bibliography, appendices, and footnotes or endnotes are not included in the word count. 

a) The University reserves the right to suspend the examination process if the thesis is found to be in breach of the word count (excluding appendices, tables, diagrams, bibliography and references). 

13.9. Where the thesis is accompanied by material in other than written form, or the research involves creative writing or the preparation of a scholarly edition, or the thesis is related to an integrated programme of taught study, or the thesis contains previously published material, the balance of the thesis should normally be within the range: 

for an MSc or MA by Research 10,000 – 12,000 words 

for an MPhil 15,000 – 20,000 words 

for a PhD 20,000 – 40,000 words 

for a PhD by Publication 10,000-25,000 words 

for a Professional Doctorate 40,000 words – 50,000 

13.10. The following requirements should be adhered to in the format of the submitted thesis. This applies to both digital copies and printed copies (which should be identical and word processed): 

a) The thesis should be formatted in A4 portrait format, and printed on good quality white paper. The printed copies should use both sides of the paper (not just one side). Paper of a larger size up to A3 may be used for maps, plans, diagrams or other illustrative material and must be bound securely into the printed copies of the thesis. 

b) Text should be present in 12point size, in a clear font such as Times New Roman or Arial. 

c) The margin at the binding edge of the page should not be less than 40mm; other margins should not be less than 15mm. 

d) Double or one-and-a-half spacing should be used in the typescript except for indented quotations or footnotes where single spacing may be used. 

e) Pages should be numbered consecutively through the main text including photographs and/or diagrams included as whole pages. Page numbers should be printed in the header or footer of each page. 

f) The title page should give the following information in the following order (see also specimen title page below): 

i. The full title of the thesis (including any sub-title), followed by the volume number if there is more than one; 

ii. The full name of the author; 

iii. ‘A thesis submitted to the University of Gloucestershire in accordance with the requirements of the degree of … in the Faculty of …’; 

iv. The name of the collaborating establishment(s) if any; 

v. The month and year of first submission; and 

vi. The word count (appendices, tables, diagrams, bibliography and references are excluded from the word count). 

g) Text placed within headers should be excluded from the title page; abstract page; author’s declaration; acknowledgements (if applicable); and table of contents. 

h) The candidate should include on the page following the abstract page a signed author’s declaration confirming that the material presented for examination is her/his own work or how far the work contained in the thesis was the candidate’s own work, or how far contained in the thesis was the candidate’s own work, or how far it was conducted in collaboration with, or with the assistance of others, and stating that the thesis is not being submitted for any other academic award. See example of wording below. The candidate should not be precluded from incorporating in the thesis, covering a wider field, work which has already been submitted for a degree or comparable award, provided that it is indicated which work has been so incorporated. In addition, a disclaimer that the views expressed in the dissertation are those of the author and not of the University should be included on this page. See Appendix Two for an example Author’s Declaration. 

i) Upon initial submission for examination, the hard copy thesis may be submitted either in a permanently bound form or in a temporarily bound form (such as spiral or perfect binding) which is sufficiently secure to ensure that pages cannot easily be added or removed. A thesis submitted in temporary binding should be in its final form in all respects except the binding. The digital copy should be identical to the hard bound copy and must be submitted as a single electronic file (in Portable Document Format [PDF], Microsoft Word or RTF format), on a DVD, CD, a portable USB memory stick or as email attachment (via [email protected]). In such cases the candidate should confirm that the contents of the permanently bound thesis are identical with the version submitted for examination, except where amendments have been made to meet the requirements of the examiners. 

j) Following successful completion, a ‘perfect’ digital copy of the final thesis should be submitted to the Research Administration Office for retention by the University within two weeks of corrections being approved or within two weeks of the examination if the candidate has no corrections to complete. Submission of the thesis in digital format is mandatory for all students who enrolled on or after the 1st February 2013 and is optional for students who enrolled before 1st February 2013. 

k) One hard bound copy should be submitted to the Research Administration office within six months of the corrections being approved or within six months of the examination if the candidate has no corrections to complete. Two loose copies of the abstract and two loose copies of the title page (to include the title of the thesis, the name of the author, the degree for which the thesis is submitted and the month and year of initial submission) should be submitted with the final thesis. No award can be made until the digital copy has been submitted. 

l) The approved type of binding for the final thesis shall be of a fixed type so that leaves cannot be removed or replaced (known as hard or hardback binding); the front and rear boards shall have sufficient rigidity to support the weight of the work when standing upright; and in at least 24pt type gold lettering the outside front board shall bear the title of the work, the name and initials of the candidate, the qualification, and the year of submission; the same information (excluding the title of the work) shall be shown on the spine of the work, reading downwards. 

m) The binding of the thesis shall be black for PhD and Professional Doctorate and dark blue for MSc/MA by Research, MRes and for MPhil. 

n) In the case of a doctoral thesis, the ETHOS electronic deposit form should be submitted with the final thesis. As well as being deposited into the British Library’s EThOS (national online thesis scheme site) the candidate’s thesis will also go into the University’s Research Repository. A digital copy must be submitted even if the candidate has been granted an embargo or temporary moratorium. In this case, the thesis will be will be placed in a dark-archive or kept securely by the Research Administration Office. For details, please refer to Keeping Your Thesis Legal, a Library and Information Services booklet available from University libraries here. 

o) The copyright in the thesis should normally be vested in the candidate, unless there are exceptional circumstances. 

14. Right of Appeal

14.1. Students have the right to appeal against a decision of a Board of Examiners and will not suffer any disadvantage or recrimination as a result of making an appeal in good faith. Students considering making an appeal should consult the University’s Academic Regulations for Taught Provision – section 8. Appeals, at: 

14.2. Procedures for submitting and hearing an academic appeal are documented in the assessment procedures section of the University’s Academic Regulations for Taught Provision and can be found here 

Appendix One – Specimen Thesis Title Page





A thesis submitted to 

The University of Gloucestershire 

in accordance with the requirements of the degree of 

Doctor of Philosophy 

in the Faculty of Media, Arts and Technology 

July 2015 

Word Count: _____ 

Appendix Two – Author’s Declaration Example

I declare that the work in this thesis was carried out in accordance with the regulations of the University of Gloucestershire and is original except where indicated by specific reference in the text. No part of the thesis has been submitted as part of any other academic award. The thesis has not been presented to any other education institution in the United Kingdom or overseas. 

Any views expressed in the thesis are those of the author and in no way represent those of the University. 
Signed …………………………………………….. Date ………………………………. 

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