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Financial Statements 2024

Last updated: 31 October 2024

For the year ended 31 July 2024

Financial Statements


Members of Council and Major Council Committees

Honorary Posts, Officers and Advisers

Operating and Financial Review (incorporating the Strategic Report)

Independent Auditors’ Report to the Council of the University of Gloucestershire

Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 July 2024

Students sitting on the grass outside Francis Close Hall's chapel.

Members of Council and Major Council Committees

Members of Council for the period 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024

Membership of Major Council Committees as at 31 July 2024
Mr B Ajibola (appointed 1 July 2024)Audit and Risk Committee
Miss P Archer (appointed 3 July 2023 and resigned 30 June 2024)Mrs P Sissons *
Ms I BarkerMr J Cooper
Mr T Chambers (appointed 29 November 2023)Mr P Crichard
Mr J Cooper (appointed 29 November 2023)Ms J Walkling
Mr P CrichardMr P Tinson (co-opted member)
Ms N de Iongh (Chair)
Mrs R Dooley (appointed 29 November 2023)
Mr C FungCouncil, Foundation, and Chaplaincy Committee
Mr S GardinerThe Rt Revd R Springett *
Miss V Garratt (appointed 1 July 2024)Dr M Andrews
Dr L LiveseyMs J Borgeaud
Dame C Marchant DBE (appointed 18 September 2023)Mr T Carrillo
Mr S Mawson (resigned 30 September 2023)Miss V Garratt
Mr S Maycock (resigned 30 October 2023)Dr A Long
Ms M Patrick (resigned 11 August 2023)Mrs K Morgan
Dr A Shafi (resigned 6 December 2023)Ms J Parkin
Mrs P SissonsRevd Dr M Parsons
Ms E SorosMs R Reid
Mr D SoutterMs J Walkling
The Rt Revd R Springett (Vice-Chair)Revd S Witcombe
Mr J Sucksmith
Ms J Walkling
Dr P Warry
Miss I Williams (appointed 3 July 2023 and resigned 30 June 2024) Finance and General Purposes Committee
Mr D Soutter *
Board Apprentices Mrs R Dooley
Ms E Hill (appointed 1 September 2024)Mr S Gardiner
Dame C Marchant DBE
 Ms J Meekings Davis (co-opted member)
Mr D Oakhill (co-opted member)
 Governance and Nominations Committee
Ms N de Iongh *
 Ms I Barker
Dame C Marchant DBE
 Ms E Soros
Ms J Walkling
Dr P Warry (Senior Independent Governor in attendance)
 Remuneration and Human Resources Committee
The Rt Revd R Springett *
 Mr B Ajibola
Ms N de Iongh
 Mr C Fung
Mrs P Sissons
 Ms E Soros
Mr D Soutter

* denotes Chair

View of the exterior of the Business School with people walking in.

Honorary Posts, Officers and Advisers

Honorary PostsRegistered Office

Lord Michael Bichard

Pro Chancellors

Rt Revd R Treweek

Fullwood House
Park Campus
The Park
GL50 2RH

The University is an exempt charity, a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales: Registration Number 06023243
Executive Managers

Dame C Marchant DBE (from 18 September 2023)

Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Prof J Labbe

Chief Financial Officer
Mrs C Stallard

Chief Marketing Officer
Ms K Clough (from 17 June 2024)

Chief Operating Officer
Dr M Andrews

Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Enhancement and Research)
Professor S Jones (resigned 30 April 2024)

Company Secretary
Dr M Andrews​
Mills and Reeve
78-84 Colmore Road
B3 2AB

Harrison Clark Rickerbys Solicitors
Ellenborough House
Wellington Street
GL50 1YD

Registered External Auditors
Grant Thornton UK LLP
30 Finsbury Square

Registered Internal Auditors
RSM UK Risk Assurance Services LLP
St Philips Point
Temple Row
West Midlands
B2 5AF

62 George White Street
Cabot Circus

Students attending the Get Uni Ready Open Day listen to a student ambassador speaking in the atrium at Pittville.

Operating and financial review

Executive summary

This report reviews the University’s activities in the year 2023-24 in the context of the challenges and risks within which the University operates, and comprises the following sections: 

Section 1: Delivering our Strategic Priorities 

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Student Recruitment

1.3 Outstanding education

1.4 Student Experience

1.5 Innovation and Partnerships

1.6 Our People

1.7 Future Plans and Challenges

Section 2: Public benefit statement  

Section 3: Financial Performance  

3.1 Key financial highlights  

3.2 Review of the year  

3.3 Financial sustainability and key performance indicators  

3.4 Payment of creditors  

3.5 Value for money  

3.6 Accounting systems  

3.7 Post balance sheet events

Section 4: Annual Report of the Remuneration & Human Resources Committee on Senior Staff Remunerations

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Remuneration and Human Resources Committee

4.3 Approach to senior staff remuneration

4.4 Remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor (Head of Institution)

4.5 Pay ratios

4.6 Remuneration of the Executive Group

4.7 External appointments

4.8 Expenses

Section 5:  Corporate Governance  

5.1 Introduction  

5.2 University Council 

5.3 Academic Board 

5.4 Audit & Risk Committee 

5.5 Other Committees of Council

5.6 Financial responsibilities of the University’s Council

5.7 Disclosure of information to Auditor

5.8 Statement of Internal Control 

Computing suite at FuturePark showing desks in a semi-circle and two large flat screens at the front.

Section 1: Delivering our Strategic Priorities


1.1 In September 2023 we welcomed our new Vice Chancellor, Clare Marchant, to the University. The University, along  with the wider UK Higher Education sector, continues to face serious challenges, and Clare made leading a review of the University’s identity and strategic plan a priority for her first six months. The new ‘strategy on a page’ was developed in collaboration with staff, students and partners, and focuses on transforming the University to establish an affordable cost base, growing income and improving outcomes, and further improving the student experience. 

Presentation slide showing 'Our Strategy' showing how UoG is a Connected University.

The University has made good progress in delivering the revised strategy and the transformation programme, having redesigned the structures of our academic schools, introduced a new student support model, and revitalized under used parts of our estate.  

1.2 Student Recruitment 

The University regularly reviews and revises its’ academic portfolio to ensure it continues to meet student demand and serve the skills needs of employers locally and nationally. In 2023/24 we commenced the activity to align our portfolio with our strategic aims, whilst maintaining our focus on professional training and applied learning. The University saw a small increase in new enrolments in 2023/24 against prior year, driven largely by an increase in our apprenticeship offer. Government rhetoric on immigration impacted on our overseas student numbers, but despite this total enrolments to the University was 9,347 students, representing a small increase on 2022/23. 

Bar chart showing student numbers in 2021/22; 2022/23 and 2023/24

In Summer 2024 our student recruitment and marketing department initiated activity to refresh our branding, engaging with staff and students on how our identity as the ‘Connected University’ can be brought to life. 

In addition to registered students, during 2023/24 the University enrolled 2,877 students on franchised programmes delivered by overseas partners (circa 20% increase on prior year), and a further 1,117 students were registered with partners on programmes validated by the University. The University now works with twelve UK and twelve overseas academic partners. 

1.3 Outstanding Education 

The Office for Students confirmed the University’s Silver TEF rating in September 2023. The award reflects both the progress we have made as an institution in enhancing our education offer and improving outcomes for our graduates, and the continuing need to ensure consistency across all of our courses. To that end we have now launched our Curriculum Transformation Programme, this is a multi-year initiative to review and revise our course structures and delivery models, and to define the core curriculum frameworks that will characterise University of Gloucestershire education and our graduate attributes. 

The University is comfortably above benchmark standards for the Office for Students B3 metrics: continuation, completion and progression. Action plans have been implemented for the handful of courses that are below benchmark.  

The University continued to score above sector and benchmarks for Assessment and Feedback in the 2024 National Student Survey, and 25 courses achieved over 90% satisfaction rate for Teaching Quality. Our programmes in Business and Management, Photography, Journalism, Geography, Graphic Design, and Sports Coaching performed particularly well across the NSS metrics. 

Inf0graphic showing UoG's key achievements of 2023/24.

1.4 Student Experience 

Supporting our students to thrive and achieve their full potential is a core goal of our strategic plan. In 2023/24 we undertook a major review of our student support model, and we launched the new service in summer 2024. The new service is based on our six principles:  

Infographic showing ways that students can access support.

As maintenance loans have not increased in line with inflation and students continue to face difficulties in meeting their living costs, supporting students facing financial hardship remains an imperative for the University. We maintained our promise in 2023/24 of accommodation in University managed halls for all first year students, including international students, and we work closely with our Students’ Union to provide financial support.   In 2023 we launched our Unitemps student employment agency aimed at helping students find part time jobs. 95% of our graduates progressed into employment or further study, ranking us 26th out of 134 HEIs in the survey, and top (non-specialist) in the South West region. The proportion of our students progressing to highly skilled employment or further study rose again in 2023/24 to 73%, above sector average. 

1.5 Innovation and Partnerships 

The University’s Growth Hub at Oxstalls provides a range of support services for business through the Help to Grow programme for SMEs. In 2023/24 we supported more than 150 Gloucester city businesses through a range of one to one advice and guidance, skills workshops and signposting activities, and welcomed 1,946 visitors to our free co-working space. 

We have gained CyberFirst accreditation from the NCSC, designed to identify and nurture talented young people into cyber security careers, and we are co-developing programmes in partnership with GCHQ. Our new FuturePark digital hub and cyber centre, funded by the Office for Students, has been developed in collaboration with CyNam and will contribute actively to the growth of this key sector of the economy in Cheltenham and Gloucestershire, including the Golden Valley Cyber Park. 

1.6 Our People 

As a teaching-focused institution we expect our staff to continue to develop their pedagogical practice and over 80% of our academic staff hold a recognised teaching qualification.  

The University is committed to equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI). The University has reduced the gender pay gap for the fourth consecutive year and our EDI committee continues to meet quarterly. In 2024 we won the Circle 2 Success Culture and Diversity Award.  

In summer 2023 the University implemented a new structure of four academic schools and at the start of the 2023/24 academic year we redesigned the University leadership model, introducing new roles of Chief Operating Officer and Chief Marketing Officer, as part of our transformation programme. All professional services departments have also been restructured so as to ensure an efficient and future-facing operating model at an affordable cost base.  

Our Director of People joined the Executive Group in the autumn, reflecting the emphasis the University places on developing and supporting our staff. To assure the success of our new operating model we have launched our new People Plan alongside regular pulse surveys to gauge staff engagement and satisfaction.  

People Plan

In 2023/24 the University has seen a significant decline in the number of working days lost to sickness absence (down 10% on prior year), and voluntary turnover of academic staff has also decreased from 9.5% to 6.9% in 2023/24. The University rejoined West Midlands Coaching and Mentoring pool in 2023, and the University promotes the ILM coaching and mentoring qualification.  

1.7 Future Plans and Challenges 

The University’s operating environment remains very challenging, as it does for many Universities. During the year there has been much sector and media commentary that the current financial system for higher education is not sustainable for the long term. For many universities like UOG, whose primary source of income is the fees paid by home undergraduate students, the Government’s continuing freeze on the regulated fee is creating significant financial pressure. The regulated fee was set at £9,000 in 2012 and, except for one increase to £9,250 in 2017, has been frozen at that level ever since. At the same time, Universities have faced annual increases in their costs, including the recent impacts of inflation over 10% and pay and pensions increases. 

Student recruitment remains a key driver of sustainable financial performance, and the continued cap on regulated home tuition fees has eroded the real terms value of the fee over the decade by nearly 30%. Concurrently operating costs, driven by inflation and rising pay and pensions costs, continue to increase. Our key risk relates to this frozen unit of income and the need to grow our student numbers, diversify our income and control our costs. The rising 18-year-old population, which is expected to peak in 2030, provides an opportunity for the university to grow although undergraduate applications are not increasing at a comparative rate nationally, largely due to concerns around cost of living and the previous government’s positioning on higher education. Overseas recruitment has also been impacted in recent years by the political focus on cutting migration, although the new Labour government has started to speak more favourably with regards to international students and the role of Universities in delivering growth and opportunity.  

In 2023/24 academic year, in addition to restructuring professional services the University also carried out a roots and branches review of non-pay spend. In 2024/25 our transformation programme will be focusing on improving and enhancing our academic performance through curriculum transformation, and delivery of our estate plan which has been designed to ensure we optimize the use of our spaces and create vibrant and sustainable spaces. The new City Campus in Gloucester will become operational during the academic year, concurrently we will be progressing the disposal of two sites in Cheltenham. 

Five students walking together at the Cheltenham Literature Festival

Section 2: Public Benefit Statement

The objectives of the University are the advancement of education in the United Kingdom for public benefit including the provision of teaching and the undertaking of research activities.  

The University of Gloucestershire is incorporated as a private company limited by guarantee and is an exempt charity under the terms of the Charities Act 2011. As an exempt charity it is not required to be registered with the Charity Commission, but is however subject to the Charity Commission’s regulatory powers which are monitored by the Office for Students. The University Council have due regard to the Charity Commission’s public benefit guidance. The Council have taken into account the Charity Commission’s guidance on public benefit and are satisfied that the activities of the University as described in these financial statements fully meet the public benefit requirements. 

The prime beneficiaries are the students of the University of Gloucestershire who are engaged in learning, personal development and research activities. Other beneficiaries include employers, businesses, school children and the general public. Staff and students also engage in voluntary action in the local community and overseas.  

We pride ourselves on being an academic community that is student-centred, learning-led and research-informed. Of particular relevance to public benefit is our commitment to widening participation and ensuring that diverse groups are supported across the whole student lifecycle and to providing equal opportunities to all students. Of the 9,347 students registered at the University in 2023/24, 32% identified themselves as having a disability, 27% identified themselves as black, asian and minority ethnic (BAME), and 24% students came from the lowest two areas of multiple deprivation. The University is committed to extending the diversity of its student body and runs a programme of outreach and financial support to ensure that there is fair and equal access for all. Over 10% of students enrolled at the University in 2023/24 came from the lowest areas of deprivation.    

The University works predominantly with schools and colleges, including institutions in its partnership network in Gloucestershire and neighbouring counties. It has strong strategic partnerships with further education colleges in the area, including South Gloucestershire and Stroud College and Yeovil College, and the new Institute of Technology in Swindon. Interventions are in place to work with a wide range of students to ensure our intake reflects all areas of society. Such projects include residential summer schools, opportunities to access subject taster sessions and application support. The University is supporting the Cheltenham Education Partnership of state and independent secondary schools in Cheltenham. 

2.1 Bursaries and Scholarships 

In 2023/24 the University provided around £3.5m in financial support to students through fee discounts, fee waivers and bursary awards. The University supports students from under-represented groups by offering financial support and a large financial assistance fund for students facing financial hardship. Scholarships and bursaries are available to those who progress onto a course at the University having previously studied at a partner school or college, whilst fee discounts are provided to alumni who wish to progress to postgraduate study. Examples include the Care Leavers Bursary for undergraduate students of £4,000 spread over three years of study, the Sport Excellence Bursary for elite sport students from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds, and our Sanctuary Scholarship aimed at students whose immigration status means they do not qualify for student finance. 

2.2 Carbon Emissions Reporting 

The University is committed to improving energy efficiency, reducing energy use and corresponding CO2 emissions and achieved First Class status in the 2023/24 People and Planet University League.  

Graphic showing UoG's 1st award class in the People and Planet University League 2023-24.

As required by relevant law and regulations, the University reports annually against the Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) protocol. The data collected and analysed using the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Protocol – Corporate Standard methodology, are detailed below: 

  2023/24 2022/23 
Natural Gas consumption for on site operations (heating, catering, etc) – Scope 1 KWh 4,641,1144,902,249
Fuel used for site vehicle activity – Scope 1 KWh 10,56221,226
Total CO2 emissions for Scope 1 activities (fuels used on site for organisational activity) Tonnes 815888
Electricity supplied from off site generation for consumption by on site operations (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, lighting, computers, etc) – Scope 2 KWh 4,352,1914,583,524
Electricity generated and used on site (Photo voltaic cells) KWh 00
Total CO2 emissions for Scope 2 activities (energy generated off site and used on site for organisational activity) Tonnes 901949
Total Scope 1 & 2 CO2 emissions Tonnes (for ESG target) 17161837
New ESG Carbon emissions target set by business April 2022 – 36% reduction in combined Scope 1 &  2 CO2 emissions from existing footprint by 2027 compared to 2018/19 emissions. 20% reduction (Note: target for year was 29% reduction. Target missed. Scope 1 gas consumption and emissions better than target however scope 2 electricity consumption and emissions significantly worse than target. This is partly due to UK emissions factors for electricity being worse than predicted but also projects to reduce electricity consumption have been delayed or yielded lower than expected reductions) 15% reduction (Note: target for year was 22% reduction.) 
Emissions from business travel in rental cars or employee -owned vehicles where company is responsible for purchasing the fuel (Scope 3) Tonnes 2530
Total CO2 emissions attributed to activity of business (Scope 1, 2 & 3) Tonnes 17411867
Carbon emissions target set by business – 33% reduction in Scope 1 & 32% reduction in Scope 2 CO2 emissions by 2030 compared to 2018/19 emissions (note; new target set Sept 2021) Scope 1 = 20% reduction
Scope 2 = 20% reduction
Scope 1 = 13% reduction
Scope 2 = 15% reduction
Intensity Ratio – Tonnes CO2 emitted per 1000m2 Gross Internal Area 19.5 20.9 
Methodology:   Data was collected and analysed using a method based on the Green House Gas Reporting Protocol – Corporate Standard/ 

Renewable energy supply:  

All of our electricity is procured on a renewable energy tariff. In 2019 the University entered a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) ensuring 20% of electricity is supplied from windfarms. The University seeks to generate electricity on site, however our PV cells at Oxstalls campus did not generate electricity in 2023/24 due to a fault. The University is investigating whether repair of these is cost effective. 

Actions taken to reduce consumption in past 12 months:  

Weather forecasts and external temperatures were carefully monitored in October/November and March/April to ensure that our winter season heating schedules were as short as possible. Set points for heating systems were also monitored to minimise consumption. 

In summer 2023 LED lamps were installed throughout our Oxstalls Halls of Residences and these helped reduce electricity consumption at that campus throughout 23/24. 

During 2023/24 a number of other relamping projects were carried out, mostly during the summer of 24. LED lamps were installed in Challinor Halls of Residence and Dunholme Villa at Park Campus, 2/3rd of the Library at Oxstalls Campus and most of the Library at Francis Close Hall Campus. The impact of these projects on electricity consumption will be seen during 2024/25. 

In March 2024 the University succeeded in obtaining a Salix PSDS3c grant for £690K to replace the gas boilers at Oxstalls Sports Science Building with Air Source Heat Pumps. This project will be undertaken in 24/25 and will reduce gas consumption and associated CO2 emissions. 

A gymnast mid-air while jumping on the trampoline.

Section 3: Financial Performance

Financial performance is key to ensuring that the University continues to be a successful and sustainable organisation, cash generation being a primary focus.

The University has prepared its financial statements in accordance with FRS 102 and the financial highlights are set out below.

3.1  Key financial highlights 

3.2  Review of the year 

Operating performance 

The University reports a consolidated operating surplus for the year of £2.1m (2023: deficit of £2.0m). The reported surplus is after accounting for the FRS102 LGPS & USS (non-cash) pension charges of £0.7m (2022: £1.4m). The result is an improvement on prior year reflecting the controlled operational environment being managed as we navigate our way through a challenging and turbulent external market environment.

Despite the continued challenging market conditions the University is reporting an increase in its cash generation from operating activities ratio reporting 13.4% (2023: 10%) an increase of 3.4%. Cash generation, liquidity and covenant compliance continues to be our primary focus with cash generation exceeding our Finance Strategy targets.

The last five years has seen significant asset investment, delivering a stable net asset position of £96.8m before pension liability (2023: £97.0m, 2022: £97.9, 2021: £97.9m, 2020: £92.0m),

Despite the continued and increasingly challenging external operating environment for the University and the higher education sector generally regarding capped tuition fees and cost of living crisis, the income position for the University has remained relatively stable year on year with tuition fees and grants reporting a modest increase of c£2m.

Bar chart showing UoG's income from 2020-21 to 2023-24

Capital investment and divestment

Capital investment of £32.5m was delivered during the year, with £29.1m relating to the City Campus development. The City Campus development has been supported by several successful capital grant bids awarded in previous financial years. Capital expenditure in the year has also continued to deliver additional and upgraded space and facilities supporting the university with its estates rationalisation and development of its portfolio. 

IT investment continues to support the business maintaining the core systems and infrastructure in addition to delivering significant projects to support and improve the student experience, including the development of Nova, our new digital student assistant.

Bar chart showing capital investment in 2020/21; 2021/22; 2022/23 and 2023/24

Long term debt (secured loans)

During 2023/24 the remaining £5m of the Barclays Loan was drawn to continue funding the City Campus development.

In July 2024, the University entered a new secured facility agreement with Barclays for £42.9 million, consisting of three tranches: the original  term loan of £27.9m and two Revolving Credit Facilities (RCF) –£8m and £7m respectively.

As at 31st July 2024, £27.9 million of the new facility had therefore been fully drawn. The £8m RCF facility is available to help support the university minimum liquidity requirements whilst the £7m RCF facility is specifically linked to fixed asset disposals.

Our long-term borrowings (secured loans) at year end is £32.1m (2023: £30.0m).  

The gearing ratio (including Service Concession) has therefore increased to 41.5% (2023: 38.6%) and continues to sit below the target of 45% set out in the Finance Strategy. 

All bank covenants are reported as compliant.  

Liquidity and treasury management

Cash deposits are invested in accordance with the University’s Treasury Management Policy. The prime requirement of the policy is for capital sums to be distributed between approved financial institutions to ensure minimal risk exposure. 

Deposits held with any one bank should not exceed £7m.  At the balance sheet date £16.0m was placed on deposit with a number of banks; average monthly balances held by deposit takers over the year were £27.6m (2023: £29.0m). 

The year-end liquidity position has decreased during the year and is below the target of 100 days set out in the Finance Strategy, and at the year-end liquidity levels stood at 83 days (2023: 138 days). 

Pensions and pension liability

Retirement benefits for employees of the University are provided by a number of defined benefit schemes.  The financial results continue to include the accounting impact of FRS 102. 

Under the Gloucestershire County Council Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) the net pension liability as at 31 July 2024 continues to be reported as £0.0m (2023: £0.0m; 2022: £8.38m), despite the scheme continuing to be fully funded and reporting a surplus of £29m an increase of £10m from prior year. 

The Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) and Church of England Funded Pension Scheme (CEFPS) are multi-employer schemes for which it is not possible to identify the assets and liabilities to the University for members and are therefore accounted for as defined contribution retirement benefit schemes.  The net pension liabilities for any contractual commitment to fund past deficits have been identified within provisions: USS: £0k (2023: £659k), CEFPS: £0k (2023: £0k). 

The Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS) is a multi-employer unfunded scheme and the University’s share of assets and liabilities cannot be separately identified.  This scheme is therefore accounted for as a defined contribution retirement benefit scheme. 

Employer contributions to pension schemes were as follows: 

Pension scheme Current Contribution rate 2023/24
LGPS 22.10% plus £159k pa 3,4023,629 
USS 21.10% 165199 
TPS 28.68% 5,3344,931 
Defined Contribution Scheme 10.0% 277207 
Others including Church of England Scheme 39.9% (CEFPS) 710 
Total  9,1868,976 

From September 2021 all new professional services staff, except for those with continuous pensionable LGPS service are recruited through the newly incorporated subsidiary company, University of Gloucestershire Professional Services Limited (UOGPSL) and were eligible to join the new Defined Contribution Pension Scheme with Legal & General, the scheme has been awarded the Pension Quality Mark (PQM) Plus accreditation. 

3.3 Financial sustainability and key performance indicators

Management continue to closely monitor the financial position of the University, taking appropriate action where needed to ensure it maintains a stable platform to enable it to face the current and future challenges in the HE sector. 

The Finance Strategy 2022-2026 was approved by Council in May 2022. The Strategy ‘Sustainable Growth’ has been designed to ensure the long-term financial sustainability of the university, delivering an integrated approach linking academic, financial and business planning issues, enabling investment and development and underpinning the delivery of an excellent student experience.   

We measure success through the Key Financial Indicators agreed within the Strategy, which are actively monitored to support delivery of the University’s financial goals.  Regular business review planning meetings are also held through the year to monitor progress against School and Department key performance indicators supporting the University’s operational and business plans. 

The primary financial goals of the 2022-26 Finance Strategy are to: 

Performance against the targets included in the Finance Strategy is set out below: 

Key financial indicator   Performance 
Finance strategy target 
2022 to 2026 
Cash generation from operating activities 13.4%10% of turnover 
Operating surplus (before FRS102 pension charge)   2.2% of turnover4.5% of turnover 
Year-end liquidity ratio (cash & investments / expenses less depreciation)83 daysTo exceed 100 days 
*Interest cover ratio to exceed 1:1.12.21:1.1 
Gearing – External borrowings (all borrowings and service concessions) 41.5% of turnovernot to exceed 45% of turnover 
EBITDA (before FRS102) as a % of total turnover 6.3% of turnoverTo exceed 10% of turnover 
Investment in capital and maintenance 
– capital (estates, equipment and IT)   
– recurrent maintenance 


Investment as a % of turnover: 


*As defined by bank loan contracts

3.4 Payment of creditors 

It is the University’s policy to obtain the best terms for all its business activities and therefore terms are negotiated with individual suppliers.  The University aims to pay creditors in line with its terms and conditions set out on individual purchase orders; these terms may vary by agreement or contract, or by statutory or regulatory conditions.  The University paid 96.3% (2023: 94.1%) of the 7,776 invoices received within 30 days of them being determined as valid and undisputed. The average (median) payment time for invoices was 19.0 days (2023: 19.0 days).  The University did not receive or make any payments in respect of the late payment of invoices.  

3.5 Value for Money

The Office for Students requires institutions to provide regular publication of clear information about arrangements for securing value for money including provision of a value for money statement along with data about the sources of its income and the way that its income is used. The University monitors and reports on Value for Money for Students across three gauges:

An annual report on Value for Money is presented to Audit and Risk Committee to provide assurance that the University is delivering value for money from public funds. The University is committed to make the best use of the resources that it has available, to deliver intended services and maximise the benefit achieved from those services, and to provide excellent value for money to students. We are committed to continued close working with the Students Union to understand what drives student perceptions of value for money, and how the University can best work over time to improve those perceptions.

3.6 Accounting systems

The University continues with the development of the Agresso accounting software and related systems by undertaking regular system upgrades. The University is looking to migrate to a cloud-based solution for Finance, HR and payroll systems, though no contracts have yet been entered into for such a development.

3.7 Post balance sheet events

There have not been any post balance sheet events.

Students sitting on the grass in the sunshine at Francis Close Hall campus.


4.1 Introduction    

The University is committed to transparency in senior staff remuneration, and the publication of this report as part of our annual financial statement is an important part of that commitment. This section is the annual report from the Remuneration and Human Resources Committee (RHRC) to Council, as required by the CUC Code.     

Throughout this report ‘senior staff’ is understood to mean the University Executive Group, as defined in section 4.6. The Executive Group includes the Vice-Chancellor but as described below, the approach to setting remuneration for the Vice-Chancellor differs from that adopted for other members of the Executive group.    

The Council has adopted the Committee of University Chairs (CUC) ‘Higher Education Senior Staff Remuneration Code’ (November 2021), including the supporting documents referred to by this Code, in its approach to senior staff remuneration. In June 2021, the Remuneration and Human Resources Committee also considered the ‘Independent review of the HE Senior Staff Remuneration Code’ produced by Advance HE. During 2021/22, Council, through its Remuneration and Human Resources Committee (RHRC), considered the latest version of this Code and undertook a self-assessment of its practices and agreed several enhancements.   

Council also has regard to the ‘Good Pay Guide for Charities and Social Enterprises’ (December 2013) issued by the Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations and has agreed to adopt the CUC ‘Guidance on Decisions Taken about Severance Payments in HEIs’ (June 2018) for all staff in the Executive Group including the Vice-Chancellor.  Council, through its Audit & Risk and Finance & General Purposes Committees, also ensures it follows the stipulations regarding senior staff remuneration contained in the latest publications issued by the Office for Students, including the Accounts Direction.  

4.2 Remuneration and Human Resources Committee    

Council has established a Remuneration and Human Resources Committee (RHRC). This committee is responsible for the development of remuneration and reward policies for all senior staff together with terms and conditions of employment for such staff, and for discussion of the University’s people strategy and pay framework for all staff.    

Council believes there are benefits from a single committee having a holistic view of all staff policy and pay matters, including senior staff.  The Vice-Chancellor themself is not a member of RHRC and plays no role whatsoever in establishing their own remuneration but attends for relevant agenda items including discussions concerning the performance of other members of the Executive group as well as discussions concerning the University’s overall approach to pay, conditions and HR strategy for all staff.  With a view to ensuring transparency a Student Member of Council is included in the membership of RHRC.    

RHRC also has responsibility to Council for the oversight of pay gaps based on gender, ethnicity and other protected characteristics, as well as equal pay and other human resources matters.  During 2023/34, the Committee met three times in the year. For 2024/25 onwards this has been reduced to twice a year (normally September and June) with additional meetings as required.    

RHRC is independent, being made up exclusively of External Members of Council plus one Student Member.  The membership of RHRC includes the Chair of Council. The competence of its membership is reviewed annually by Council through its Governance and Nominations Committee. This includes consideration of an individual’s expertise on appointment to RHRC as well as through the annual effectiveness review process led by the Chair of Council.  The Chair of RHRC is ex officio the Vice-Chair of Council. Membership in 2023/24 was as follows:   

The full Terms of Reference and Membership for RHRC (as with all Council sub-committees) may be found online: 

4.3 Approach to Senior Staff Remuneration    

The University takes very seriously the need to set pay levels for all staff that are proportionate, that reflect the level of responsibility of the role, and enable us to attract and retain staff of the highest calibre. We are also conscious of the balance to be struck between recruiting, retaining and rewarding the best staff possible, in order to deliver the best outcomes for students, society and the economy, while demonstrating effective use of resources and value for money for students in the use of the University’s overall resources.    

To ensure its approach to senior staff remuneration remains appropriate, RHRC periodically receives senior remuneration benchmarking reports from UCEA and other external sources which benchmarks the pay of Executive Group staff against sector norms. The last such report was presented to RHRC in February 2024 This provided HE sector wide and external benchmarking information and commentary on the remuneration for Vice- Chancellors and other Executive roles. During the year, there were some changes to Executive portfolios which resulted in the creation of new roles, namely Chief Operating Officer and Chief Marketing Officer. New salaries for these positions were informed by the benchmarking information.  

Members of the Executive Group are appointed on fixed basic salaries as determined by job evaluation review and relevant benchmarking, which, subject to satisfactory performance, normally increase each year in accordance with the nationally determined pay award.  Each member of the Executive Group has annual performance objectives and an annual performance review with their line manager (this is the Chair of Council for the Vice-Chancellor, and the Vice-Chancellor for other members of the Executive Group). RHRC also receives a report on the performance of the Executive Group from the Vice-Chancellor. In addition to these reference points, RHRC also considers the broader institutional context of the University when determining Executive pay and the pay awards for all staff. Exceptionally, due to prevailing financial circumstances, RHRC agreed not to award the 2023/24 pay award to members of the Executive.  

Each member of the Executive group has annual performance objectives and an annual performance review with their line manager (this is the Chair of Council for the Vice-Chancellor, and the Vice-Chancellor for other members of UEC). RHRC also receives a report on the performance of the Executive group from the Vice-Chancellor. In addition to these reference points, RHRC also considers the broader institutional context of the University when determining Executive pay and the pay awards for all staff.  

During the year, the policy for a salary supplement in lieu of pension contributions for staff who exceed the Lifetime Allowance was removed due to changes in taxation making the policy redundant. 

4.4 Remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor (Head of Institution)    

In the light of continuing debate about the pay of senior staff in universities, and particularly Vice-Chancellors, the Council and RHRC have kept the issue under close review.  RHRC is also acutely aware of the Vice-Chancellor’s critical role in achieving the University’s strategic objectives in an increasingly competitive environment.    

Clare Marchant commenced in role as Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive on 18th September 2023 and following a benchmarking exercise the salary for the incoming postholder was set at £200,000. In 2023/24 the Vice-Chancellor, received total remuneration of £203,166). This included salary of £173,889 and pension contributions of £29,277.  The previous year, the Vice-Chancellor, Stephen Marston received total remuneration of £195,510, comprising salary of £174,563 and payment in lieu of pension of £20,947. He received no employer contributions towards pension, having opted to terminate his active membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme. CUC have published that the average basic salary of a substantive Vice Chancellor on 1st January 2023 was £267,969. 

Jackie Labbe, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost was appointed as Acting Vice-Chancellor from 1 August 2023 until Clare Marchant commences her tenure on 18 September 2023. There is no additional remuneration for acting up during this period. 

The Council’s normal approach is that each year the Vice-Chancellor agrees with the Chair of Council a set of performance objectives and targets for the year.  With a view to transparency, those objectives are made available to all Council members. At the end of each year, the Vice-Chancellor’s performance is assessed against those objectives and targets and their performance is reviewed by the Chair of Council.  The Chair provides a summary of that review to RHRC for discussion in the absence of the Vice-Chancellor.  A recommendation on remuneration is then made to Council for approval, reflecting judgements by the Chair and the Committee of the Vice-Chancellor’s performance against the objectives and targets, and taking account of the University’s wider operating environment, the consequent level of challenge in the role, and the University’s position in the higher education sector.  On this basis, the University’s Council can be confident that the Vice-Chancellor’s remuneration package was appropriate.       

The Vice-Chancellor is not provided by the University with any accommodation or a car.  The emoluments of the Vice-Chancellor are provided in Note 8 of the financial statements.   

4.5 Pay Ratios    

The University calculates pay ratios according to the guidance issued by the Universities and Colleges Employers Association (UCEA).  The methodology is informed by pay multiple reporting requirements in the public sector which were implemented following the Hutton Review of Fair Pay in the Public Sector (2011).     

The pay ratio in 2023/24 between the total annualised pay of the Vice-Chancellor (£233,673) and the median full-time equivalent earnings of the whole University workforce (£43,868) was 5.33 which is well below the UK average of 7.0.  In 2022/23 the ratio was 4.72.   

The pay ratio in 2023/24 between the total annualised pay of the Vice-Chancellor and the median full-time equivalent of the University Group workforce (£48,740) was 4.79. In 2022/23 the ratio was 4.36.    

4.6 Remuneration of the Executive Group  

RHRC has delegated authority from Council to approve the remuneration, terms and conditions of employment and all other benefits of all members of the Executive Group (with the exception of the Vice-Chancellor).  The members of the University Executive Group during 2023/24 (excluding the Vice-Chancellor) were as follows:    

As explained above, there is a robust and consistent process for setting objectives and assessing each member of the Executive group’s contribution to the performance of the University and the achievement of its strategic objectives. No individual, including the Vice-Chancellor, is involved in deciding their own remuneration, including any discretionary performance-related element if applicable.    

The table in Note 7 of the financial statements provides information concerning the number of staff with a basic salary of over £100,000 per annum, broken down into bands of £5,000.    

4.7 External appointments     

The University’s standard contract of employment confirms that all staff on full-time contracts (including members of the Executive group) are required to devote their full time, attention and abilities to their duties during their working hours and to act in the best interests of the University at all times.  Accordingly, all staff must not, without the written consent of the University, undertake any employment or engagement that might interfere with the performance of their duties or conflict with the interests of the University.    

Every staff member is therefore required to notify their manager of any employment or engagement which they intend to undertake whilst in the employment of the University.  The manager (including the Chair of Council in the case of the Vice-Chancellor) will then confirm whether the employment or engagement is permissible.    

The University’s position on these matters for senior staff, including on the retention of income derived from external activities, is described in the policy for senior staff on external activities, available at: 

4.8 Expenses    

The University has a single published scheme for expenses that applies to all staff: University Staff Expenses Policy. RHRC receives an annual assurance that the scheme is operating effectively. 

A group of four students take a selfie in front of The Neptune Fountain in Cheltenham.

Section 5: Governance

5.1 Introduction   

The University is incorporated as a private company limited by guarantee, and is an exempt charity under the terms of the Charities Act 2011. Its objects, powers and framework of governance are set out in the Articles of Association, as approved by the University Council on 11 May 2021. The Articles set out the requirements, and define the responsibilities of Council and Academic Board, alongside the responsibilities of the Vice-Chancellor and Senior Staff. 

The University conducts its business in accordance with the seven principles identified by the Committee on Standards in Public Life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership). The University’s Council has adopted the Committee of University Chairs’ (CUC) Higher Education Code of Governance (2020). The University, and its Council, is committed to best practice in all aspects of corporate governance and operates in line with the public interest governance principles as articulated by the Office for Students (OfS) in the ‘Regulatory framework for higher education in England’. 

5.2 University Council  

Council is the governing body of the University, responsible for setting the general strategic direction of the institution, for ensuring proper accountability, and for the strategic oversight of its finances, property and investments and the general business of the University. Council has a membership of 20: a majority of whom are non-executive and independent, together with student and staff representatives (both academic and non-academic) and the Vice-Chancellor. Members of Council (as well as members of the University Executive) are only appointed after demonstration that they satisfy the definition of ‘fit and proper persons’ as articulated by the OfS in the ‘Regulatory framework for higher education in England’. 

The roles of Chair and Vice-Chair of Council are separated from the role of the University’s Chief Executive, the Vice- Chancellor. The responsibilities specifically reserved to the Council are set out in the Articles of Association of the University, and further elaborated in the Statement of Primary Responsibilities and Scheme of Delegation. 

In the conduct of its formal business, in addition to an annual strategic away day, the Council meets five times a year. The Council recognises that, in accordance with best practice recommended in the CUC Higher Education Code of Governance, regular reviews of the effectiveness of the Governing Body should be undertaken, and in June 2024 initiated its latest external review of governance arrangements, which is due to report back findings and recommendations in November 2024. The last review, carried out by Advance HE in 2020, concluded that governance at the University is effective: ‘It is enabled by robust practices, policies and processes and realised through a Council and wider governance structure that is fit for purpose and clearly committed to the institution’s long term success’. Council and external stakeholders should be assured that the University is compliant with the regulatory requirements and that in all its essentials the University is well governed and effectively led.  

The formally constituted committees of Council are Audit and Risk Committee, Finance and General Purposes Committee, Governance and Nominations Committee, Remuneration and Human Resources Committee, and the Council, Foundation, and Chaplaincy Committee. The Scheme of Delegations further details the specific delegated powers of these committees. All these documents may be found on the University’s website:  

5.3 Academic Board 

The Academic Board is the academic authority of the University and draws its membership from the staff and students of the University. Its principal role is to direct and regulate the teaching and learning and research work of the University and to advise Council accordingly. The Academic Board and Council hold an annual joint meeting. In 2023/24 the University revised the terms of reference of Academic Board to include all Heads of Schools and to reflect appointment of staff members through a process of application and selection. The Vice-Chancellor is Chair of the Academic Board. A member of Council is appointed from amongst the members of Academic Board, and the Member of Academic Staff elected to Council is also ex officio a member of Academic Board.  

5.4 Audit and Risk Committee 

Audit and Risk Committee has responsibility for monitoring the effectiveness of the University’s risk management, control and governance arrangements, along with the arrangements to promote economy, efficiency and effectiveness throughout the institution, and advises the Council accordingly. The Committee exercises oversight over internal audit arrangements, including recommending the appointment of internal auditors. It considers internal audit reports and recommendations for the improvement of the University’s systems of internal control, together with management’s responses and implementation plans. The Committee also exercises oversight over external audit arrangements, such as the nature, scope and effectiveness of the process, and considers the audit aspects of the institution’s financial statements. It also advises the Council on the appointment of external auditors. In accordance with recommended practice, the Committee, which met four times during the year, provides the opportunity at each meeting for members to meet with the internal and/or external auditors without officers of the University present. 

The Strategic Risks as identified and managed closely by the University Leadership Group, with oversight from the Audit and Risk Committee, are focused on: 

The University’s approach to risk management is further described in the Statement of Internal Control in Section 5.8. 

5.5 Other Committees of Council  

Finance and General Purposes Committee is responsible for monitoring and advising Council on the financial health of the University, including the financial strategy, budget setting, annual accounts, investment activity, and consideration of capital expenditure and estates development. The Committee also has responsibility for monitoring institutional level Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in order to measure and monitor University performance against agreed strategies and targets. 

Governance and Nominations Committee is responsible for a range of governance related issues including recommendations to Council on the appointment of new independent members and the spread of skills and experience of all Council Members. The Committee monitors and reviews the development and implementation of good governance practice, including oversight of the test to determine that Council Members are ‘fit and proper persons’ within the meaning defined by the Office for Students. 

Remuneration and Human Resources Committee is responsible for the development of remuneration and reward policies for senior staff together with terms and conditions of employment for such staff, and for discussion of Human Resources Strategy for all staff. Further details are included in Section 4.2. 

Council, Foundation, and Chaplaincy Committee oversees those aspects of the University’s mission and objects relating to its Anglican identity, to support the work of the University’s Senior Chaplain and the Chaplaincy Team, to encourage its relationship with the Cathedrals Group, and its partnerships with the Foundation Fellows and the Diocese of Gloucester. 

5.6 Financial responsibilities of the University’s Council 

In accordance with the University’s Articles of Association, the Council is responsible for the oversight of the University’s affairs and is required to present audited financial statements for each financial year, which include a statement on corporate governance and internal control. 

Working through its established sub-committees, the Council is responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the University and to enable it to ensure that the financial statements are prepared in accordance with the University’s Articles of Association, the 2019 Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP): Accounting for Further and Higher Education, other relevant accounting standards and the terms and conditions of the OfS ‘Regulatory Notice 9: Accounts Direction. Under those terms and conditions, the 

Council must not approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a true and fair view of the state of affairs and of the surplus or deficit of the University for that year. In preparing these financial statements, the Council has ensured that: 

The Council has taken all reasonable steps, through its senior officers and Audit & Risk Committee, to: 

5.7. Disclosure of information to Auditor 

At the date of making this report, the Council confirms the following: 

5.8.Statement of Internal Control 

As the governing body of the University of Gloucestershire, the Council recognises that it has responsibility for maintaining a sound system of internal control that supports the achievement of policies, aims and objectives, whilst safeguarding the public and other funds and assets for which it is responsible, in accordance with the responsibilities assigned to Council in the Articles of Association and the expectations of the Office for Students as provided in the ‘Regulatory framework for higher education in England’. 

The system of internal control is designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve policies, aims and objectives. It can therefore only provide reasonable and not absolute assurance of effectiveness. 

The system of internal control is based on an ongoing review process designed to identify the principal risks to the achievement of policies, aims and objectives, to evaluate the nature and extent of those risks, and to manage them efficiently, effectively and economically. This process has been in place for the year ended 31 July 2024 and up to the date of approval of the financial statements. 

The University keeps its Risk Management Policy and Procedures under review in order to better recognise and manage the risks it faces in the delivery of its strategic aims. The risk framework is aligned with the University’s Strategic Plan. It has been designed to cover all risks including governance, management, quality, reputational and financial, whilst focusing on the most important risks. The risk register provides an appraisal of the current and projected position for each risk, including a likelihood/impact matrix. A detailed reporting schedule is in place to ensure that the relevant information is reviewed and reported in a timely manner to appropriate audiences including the University Leadership Group, Audit and Risk Committee, and Council. The University’s approach to risk management was considered by the internal auditors in 2023/24 which concluded that the controls upon which the University relies to manage risk are suitably designed, consistently applied and effective. 

Risk management is fully incorporated into the corporate planning and decision-making processes of the institution and informs the work undertaken by Internal Audit. The University Leadership Group has a standing agenda item to review all key risks, to report on progress of action plans that introduce new mitigations, risk trajectories, and projected risk. While the identification of new and emerging risks may occur at any point during the year, an annual risk workshop is held at the start of the academic year to refresh the Risk Register. It has been embedded at school and department level by ensuring that the annual planning cycle includes a review of the risks facing each unit, together with clear mitigation plans, closely aligned with institutional level risks. Each School and Department has revised its own risk register to align with the institutional framework so that there is a clear link between the risks reported at an institutional level and at a school or departmental level. Detailed business continuity and disaster recovery plans, both at an institutional and a school or departmental level, are also in place. 

In addition to this, Council oversees the University’s performance in meeting its strategic objectives through the approval and monitoring of the annual Strategy Delivery Plan. Regular updates on performance are presented to Council during the year in the Vice-Chancellors report to Council, and a year-end report considered in October.  

The Council has responsibility for reviewing the effectiveness of the institution’s systems of internal control and, via the Audit and Risk Committee, conducts an annual review of these. Council considers the plans and strategic direction of the University and receives reports from the Chair of Audit and Risk Committee concerning internal control and has access to the minutes of Audit and Risk Committee meetings. The Audit and Risk Committee receives regular reports from the internal audit, which includes an independent opinion on the adequacy and effectiveness of the University’s system of internal control together with recommendations for improvement. The internal auditors’ annual opinion on the internal control environment is taken into account by Audit and Risk Committee in preparing its own opinion on internal control. The review of the effectiveness of the system of internal control is also informed by the work of the Executive Group within the University, who have responsibility for the development and maintenance of the internal control framework, and by comments made by the external auditors in their management letter and other reports. 

In September 2018, the University successfully achieved registration with the Office for Students, without any specific conditions being applied to its registration. This registration has been maintained consistently since. 

Council is of the view that the University has an appropriate framework for delivering assurance to the governing body on key aspects of governance, risk management and internal control, and that there is clarity in terms of the respective roles of the Audit and Risk Committee, Finance and General Purposes Committee and Council and how internal audit interfaces with these bodies. 

The Council Members of the university consider, both individually and together, that they have acted in the way they consider, in good faith, would be most likely to promote the success of the University (having regard to the stakeholders and matters set out in s172 (1) (a-f) of the Act) in the decisions taken during the year ended 31 July 2024. 

The success of the University is reliant on the support of all of our stakeholders. It is important to us that we build positive relationships with stakeholders that share our values, and working together towards shared goals assists us in delivering long-term sustainable success. 

Consequences of any decision in the long term 

The Council understands the importance of considering both the short-term and long-term goals as well as the risks that may be encountered to achieve these. 

To support these considerations, the University prepared a Finance Strategy for 2022-2025 and a Strategic Plan for 2022- 2027. Additional information on these, along with consideration of the specific risks the university is managing can be found within Section 1.7 of our Operating and Financial Review. 


Our people are key to our success and we want them to be successful individually and as a team. There are many ways we engage with and listen to our people including staff engagement surveys, regular updates from the Vice-Chancellor through termly all staff briefings and monthly newsletters. We have also set up a Women’s network and Black Asian and Minority Ethnic network in addition to the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee. It is important to us that our staff members feel fully supported and we provide them with access to an Employee Assistance Programme which offers confidential support for any issues they may encounter.  

Business relationships: Students 

Students are the key to everything we do. Our new strategic plan for the period 2022-2027 focuses several of its goals on students and the service/support that they need. In particular, three of the University’s strategic goals are to provide an outstanding quality of education, support for student wellbeing, and the promotion of career success. 


It is important for the university to obtain the best terms for all of its business activities and the Council recognises that relationships with suppliers are important to long-term success and as such we work to build strong relationships to develop mutually beneficial and lasting partnerships. 

Impact on communities and the environment 

As mentioned within our Operating and Financial Review, one of our key strategic priorities is to build partnerships which create opportunity, innovation and mutual benefit for the communities we serve. The University continues to engage with its very local communities through facilitating ‘Community Liaison Groups’ linked with each of its campus sites, as well as the Pittville Student Village. 

Our annual BSI ISO14001 external reassessment audit of our Environmental Management System took place in June 2023 and resulted in a successful outcome. The auditors recommended to the British Standards Institute that the University be re-certified for the period September 2023 to September 2026. 

Maintaining high standard of business conduct 

It is important for the University to comply with relevant laws and regulations, including the specific expectations of the Office for Students, the regulator for providers of higher education in England, as well as statutory matters including health and safety. The Council is updated regularly on legal and regulatory developments and takes these into account when considering future plans. 

The University conducts its business in accordance with the seven principles identified by the Committee on Standards in Public Life (selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership) and ensures all members of the Executive and Council meet the definition of the Office for Students of a ‘fit and proper’ person. Further details on this and the other ways in which the University ensures it maintains a high standard of business conduct can be found within Section 7 ‘Corporate Governance’ of our Operating and Financial Review. 

The Operating and Financial Review and the S172 Statement of Council Members set out on pages 4-27 was approved by the Council of the University of Gloucestershire on 26th November 2024, and was signed on its behalf by: 

Nicola de Iongh
Chair of Council

Clare Marchant 

Five students wearing their graduation gowns pose for a photograph.

Independent auditor’s report to the Council of University of Gloucestershire


We have audited the financial statements of University of Gloucestershire (the ‘parent University’) and its subsidiaries (the ‘group’) for the year ended 31 July 2023, which comprise Consolidated and university Statement of Comprehensive Income and Expenditure, Consolidated and University Statement of Changes in Reserves, Consolidated and University Balance Sheet, Consolidated and University Cash Flow and notes to the financial statements, including a summary of significant accounting policies. The financial reporting framework that has been applied in their preparation is applicable law and United Kingdom Accounting Standards, including Financial Reporting Standard 102 ‘The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland’ (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice).

In our opinion, the financial statements:

Basis for opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) (ISAs (UK)) and applicable law. Our responsibilities under those standards are further described in the ‘Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements’ section of our report. We are independent of the group and the parent University in accordance with the ethical requirements that are relevant to our audit of the financial statements in the UK, including the FRC’s Ethical Standard, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion.

Conclusions relating to going concern

We are responsible for concluding on the appropriateness of the Council’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the group’s and the parent University’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our report to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify the auditor’s opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our report. However, future events or conditions may cause the group or the parent University to cease to continue as a going concern.

In our evaluation of the Council’s conclusions, we considered the inherent risks associated with the group’s and the parent University’s business model including effects arising from macro-economic uncertainties such as the cost of living crisis and the impact of high inflation we assessed and challenged the reasonableness of estimates made by the Council and the related disclosures and analysed how those risks might affect the group’s and the parent University’s financial resources or ability to continue operations over the going concern period.  

In auditing the financial statements, we have concluded that the Council’s use of the going concern basis of accounting in the preparation of the financial statements is appropriate.

Based on the work we have performed, we have not identified any material uncertainties relating to events or conditions that, individually or collectively, may cast significant doubt on the group’s and the parent University’s ability to continue as a going concern for a period of at least twelve months from when the financial statements are authorised for issue.

Our responsibilities and the responsibilities of the Council with respect to going concern are described in the relevant sections of this report.

Other information

The other information comprises the information included in the annual report, other than the financial statements and our auditor’s report thereon. The Council is responsible for the other information contained within the annual report. Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and, except to the extent otherwise explicitly stated in our report, we do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

Our responsibility is to read the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If we identify such material inconsistencies or apparent material misstatements, we are required to determine whether there is a material misstatement in the financial statements themselves. If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report that fact.

We have nothing to report in this regard.

Opinions on other matters prescribed by the Companies Act 2006

In our opinion, based on the work undertaken in the course of the audit:

Matter on which we are required to report under the Companies Act 2006

In the light of the knowledge and understanding of the group and the parent University and their environment obtained in the course of the audit, we have not identified material misstatements in the strategic report or the directors’ report included in theannual report.

Opinion on other matters prescribed by the Office for Students (‘OfS’) Accounts direction (issued October 2019) (the ‘OfS Accounts direction’)

In our opinion, in all material respects:

Matters on which we are required to report by exception

We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters in relation to which the Companies Act 2006 requires us to report to you if, in our opinion:

We have nothing to report in respect of the following matters where the OfS Accounts direction requires us to report to you where:

Responsibilities of the Council

As explained more fully in the Statement of responsibilities of the Council, the Council (who are also the directors of the charitable company for the purposes of company law) are responsible for the preparation of the financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view, and for such internal control as the Council determine is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the Council are responsible for assessing the group’s and the parent University’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the Council either intends to liquidate the group or the parent University or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK) will always detect a material misstatement when it exists.

Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

Irregularities, including fraud, are instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations. The extent to which our procedures are capable of detecting irregularities, including fraud, is detailed below:

A further description of our responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements is located on the Financial Reporting Council’s website at: This description forms part of our auditor’s report.

Use of our report

This report is made solely to the University’s Council, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the University’s members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor’s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the University and the University’s members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.

Adam Terry BSc FCA
Senior Statutory Auditor
for and on behalf of Grant Thornton UK LLP
Statutory Auditor, Chartered Accountants
28 November 2023

An exhibition space with stands displaying students' artwork.

Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 July 2024

Statement of Principal Accounting Policies

1. Basis of preparation

These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable United Kingdom accounting standards, including Financial Reporting Standard 102 – ‘The Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland’ (FRS 102) and in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice – Accounting for Further and Higher Education issued in 2019 (2019 SORP). These financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis except for the modification to a fair value basis for certain financial instruments as specified in the accounting policies below.

The financial statements are presented in Sterling (£).

The group financial statements consolidate the financial statements of the University of Gloucestershire and all its subsidiary undertakings drawn up to 31 July each year.

2. Significant judgements and estimates

The preparation of the financial statements requires management to make judgements, estimates and assumptions that affect the application of accounting policies and reported amounts of assets, liabilities, income and expenses. Actual results may differ from these estimates.

Estimates and underlying assumptions are reviewed on an ongoing basis. Estimates are based on historical experience and other assumptions that are considered reasonable in the circumstances. The actual amount or values may vary in certain instances from the assumptions and estimates made.  Changes will be recorded, with corresponding effect in profit or loss, when, and if, better information is obtained.

Information about assumptions and estimation uncertainties that have a significant risk of resulting in material adjustment within the next financial year are included below.

Critical judgements that management has made in the process of applying accounting policies disclosed herein and that have a significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial statements relate to the following:

Finance Lease

The University has entered into an agreement with Cityheart (Gloucester) Limited who operate student residences in Gloucester.  The residences are being funded by Aviva Investors.  Under the terms of the contractual arrangements, if Cityheart (Gloucester) Limited default on their lease with Aviva Investors, the University will inherit a liability.  Having considered all the contractual arrangements and obligations, management consider that this arrangement falls within the definition of a finance lease as set out in FRS 102.  In the judgement of management, as the University is only guaranteeing the overriding contract and not the individual rentals, there are no guaranteed amounts and therefore no value can be attributed to an asset or liability on the balance sheet.  Management will continue to monitor progress on the contract and assess the need to recognise any ongoing liabilities, should they arise.  A contingent liability for any future financial obligation will be recognised when the possibility of an outflow of future resources is no longer considered to be remote.

Operating Lease

The University has entered into an agreement with Gloucester County Council to lease space at the City Campus (formerly Debenhams) to accommodate the City Library for a period of 25 years. Having considered all the contractual arrangements and obligations, management consider that this arrangement falls within the definition of an operating lease as set out in FRS102.


In recognising provisions, the company evaluates the extent to which it is probable that it has incurred a legal or constructive obligation in respect of past events and the probability that there will be an outflow of benefits as a result. The judgements used to recognise provisions are based on currently known factors which may vary over time, resulting in changes in the measurement of recorded amounts as compared to initial estimates.

Impairment of assets

At each reporting date fixed assets are reviewed to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss as a result of any indications. If there is an indication of impairment, the recoverability amount of any affected asset is estimated and compared with its carrying amount. If the estimated recoverable amount is lower, the carrying amount is reduced to its estimated recoverable amount and an impairment loss is recognised immediately in the period it arises. The recoverable amount is the higher of the assets fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. If an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but not in excess of the amount that would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognised for the asset in the prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognised immediately in the period it arises.

Recoverability of debtors

The provision for bad debts is based on our estimate of the expected recoverability of those debts. Assumptions are made based on the level of debtors which have defaulted historically, coupled with current economic knowledge. The provision is based on the current situation of the customer, the age profile of the det and the nature of the amount due.

3. Going concern

Financial Sustainability is an overarching aim of the University. The Finance Strategy 2022-26 maintains this priority, with growth in turnover being at the heart of our ability to ensure sufficient surpluses and cash resources are generated to enable the University to invest in its people and infrastructure and provide an excellent student experience.

The University has adopted a rigorous self-assessment framework to assist the Council in determining whether it is appropriate to adopt the going concern basis for preparing financial statements, and, in making balanced, proportionate and clear disclosures. The assessment involved a review of forecasts and budgets, including reverse stress testing and identifying potential scenarios and sensitivities. The focus has been on borrowing requirements, compliance with loan agreements and covenant compliance, timing of cash flows and headroom, contingent liabilities, supply chain risks, insurance, risk management and financial adaptability. A Continued Viability Statement has also been developed by management and considered by Council. While the University remains focussed on our mission and goals to provide an excellent experience of teaching and learning for our students, and to enable our students to achieve their full potential, we fully recognise that our ability to achieve those goals is dependent on remaining financially sustainable.

At its June 2024 meeting, Council approved a budget for the year to 31 July 2025, which also included consideration of the financial outlook up to July 2027   Further to this, in October 2024, a review of student recruitment performance in September 2024 against target was acknowledged to report an under achievement, albeit in common with much of the rest of the sector. In year international recruitment is expected to show an improvement on the previous year, as a bounce back is expected through January enrolments. The October 2024 review noted that cash generation and cash balances are under pressure, although new Revolving Credit Facilities are available to manage these pressure points. The university remains focussed on driving income generation and creating an agile cost base to ensure we remain financially sustainable.

The activities which present greatest financial risk to the university are student recruitment and retention as tuition fees represent three quarters of our income. Cost inflation is another less material risk, and not likely to create any threat to financial sustainability in itself. Further stress testing has identified some remote but possible adverse movements, none of which are material and represent a manageable level of revenue at risk. Mitigating actions have been identified and could be called upon should an adverse situation arise.

Financial modelling of best, worst and probable scenarios has indicated that the University could withstand adverse movements in the key areas of uncertainty. Mitigating actions would be initiated to offset any such adverse impact, and the availability of the Revolving Credit Facilities gives comfort that all liabilities will be met as they fall due, thus giving comfort over cash solvency for the year and into 2025/26.

4. Basis of consolidation

The results of the University’s subsidiary undertakings, and undertakings in which it has a controlling interest, have been consolidated in the financial statements and details of these are provided in note 16 to the accounts.

The consolidated financial statements do not include the results of the University of Gloucestershire Students’ Union as it is a separate company limited by guarantee in which the University has no financial interest, control or significant influence over policy decisions.

5. Grants

Government revenue grants including funding allocations from Office for Students and research grants are recognised in income over the periods in which the University recognises the related costs for which the grant is intended to compensate.  Where part of a Government grant is deferred it is recognised as deferred income within creditors and allocated between creditors due within one year and due after more than one year as appropriate.

Grants (including research grants) from non-government sources are recognised in income when the University is entitled to the income and performance related conditions have been met.  Income received in advance of performance related conditions being met is recognised as deferred income within creditors on the balance sheet and released to income as conditions are met.

Government capital equipment grants are capitalised and released to the income and expenditure account over the expected useful lives of the assets in line with the depreciation policy.

Government capital building grants are capitalised and released as follows:

Deferred income, in respect of capital grants from the Office for Students, which are attributable to subsequent financial years, is included in creditors as a deferred credit.

Other capital grants are recognised in income when the University is entitled to the funds subject to any performance related conditions being met.

6. Recognition of income

Income from the sale of goods or services is credited to the Consolidated and University statement of comprehensive income and expenditure when the goods or services are supplied to the external customers or the terms of the contract have been satisfied.

Fee income is stated gross of any expenditure which is not a discount or fee waiver and credited to the Consolidated and University statement of comprehensive income and expenditure over the period in which students are studying.  Where the amount of the tuition fee is reduced, by a discount for prompt payment, income receivable is shown net of the discount. 

Bursaries and Scholarships are accounted for gross as expenditure and not deducted from income.

Investment income is credited to the Consolidated and University statement of income and expenditure on a receivable basis.

Funds the University receives and disburses as paying agent on behalf of a funding body are excluded from the income and expenditure of the University where the University is exposed to minimal risk or enjoys minimal economic benefit related to the transaction.

7. Donations and endowments

Non exchange transactions where we receive value from a donor without providing equal value in return are donations or endowments.

Donations and endowments with donor imposed restrictions are recognised in income when the University is entitled to the funds.  Income is retained within the restricted reserve until such time that it is utilised in line with such restrictions at which point the income is released to general reserves through a reserve transfer.

Donations with no restrictions are recognised in income when the University is entitled to the funds.

Endowment income and appreciation of endowments is recorded in income in the year in which it arises and as either restricted or unrestricted income according to the terms of the restriction applied to the individual endowment fund.

There are four main types of donations and endowments identified within reserves:

  1. Restricted donations – the donor has specified that the donation must be used for a particular objective.
  2. Unrestricted permanent endowments – the donor has specified that the fund is to be permanently invested to generate an income stream for the general benefit of the University.
  3. Restricted expendable endowments – the donor has specified a particular objective other than the purchase or construction of tangible fixed assets, and the University has the power to use the capital.
  4. Restricted permanent endowments – the donor has specified that the fund is to be permanently invested to generate an income stream to be applied to a particular objective.

8. Tangible fixed assets

Fixed Assets are stated at cost or deemed cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.

Freehold Land and Buildings

Certain freehold land and buildings that had been revalued to fair value on or prior to the date of transition to the 2015 HE SORP, are measured on the basis of deemed cost, being the revalued amount at the date of that revaluation.

Leasehold Land and Buildings

Leasehold land and buildings are included at cost.

Additions to freehold and leasehold land and buildings are capitalised at cost.

Plant and Equipment

Expenditure on all plant and equipment is capitalised where the individual cost of items exceeds £5,000, or if an item is a component of a larger asset or programme.

9. Depreciation

Depreciation is calculated so as to write off the cost or valuation of tangible fixed assets less their estimated residual values on a straight-line basis over the expected useful economic lives of the assets concerned.

In calculating depreciation, buildings acquired before 1 August 2006 are considered to have a residual value of 50% of cost to reflect an ongoing maintenance and repair programme.

New buildings commissioned post 1 August 2006 are considered to have a nil residual value with the full cost written off in accordance with the component life cycle methodology for depreciation. The lives used for this purpose are:

  Pre July 2006 acquisitionsPost July 2006 acquisitions
Freehold and Leasehold Land and Buildings:   
 Freehold land NILNIL
 Buildings Listed100 years100 years
 BuildingsOther and unlisted50 yearsComponent life 10-50 years
BuildingsMajor adaptations10-25 yearsComponent life 5-40 years
PlantUp to 1994-199510 years 
PlantFrom 1994-199520 yearsComponent life 10-30 years
Apparatus and equipment 5 years5 years
Computer equipment 3 yearsComponent life 3-10 years
Motor vehicles 5 years5 years
Furniture, fixtures and fitting 10 yearsComponent life 10-15 years

A review for potential indicators of impairment is carried out at each reporting date. If events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the property, plant and equipment may not be recoverable, a calculation of the impact is completed and arising impairment values charged against the asset and to the SOCIE.

10. Impairments of assets and assets held for disposal

Impairments of assets are calculated as the difference between the carrying value of the asset and its recoverable amount, if lower.

Recoverable amount is defined as the higher of fair value less costs to sell and the estimated value in use at the date the impairment review is undertaken.

Assets classified as held for sale are measured at the lower of carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell, as defined above.  Assets are classified as held for sale if their carrying amount will be recovered or settled principally through a sale

transaction rather than through continuing use.  This condition is regarded as being met only when the sale is highly probable and the assets are available for immediate sale in their present condition.  Management must be committed to the sale, which should be expected to qualify for recognition as a completed sale within one year.

No depreciation is charged on assets classified as held for sale.

11. Stocks

Stocks are stated at the lower of cost and estimated selling price less costs to complete and sell.

12. Cash and cash equivalents

Cash includes cash in hand, deposits repayable on demand and overdrafts. Deposits are repayable on demand if they are in practice available within 24 hours without penalty.

Cash equivalents are short term (maturity being less than three months from the placement date), highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash with insignificant risk of change in value.

13. Taxation

Effective from 1 August 2007, the University became a Company Limited by Guarantee and an exempt charity within the meaning of Schedule 3 of the Charities Act 2011.  It is therefore a charity within the meaning of Paragraph 1 of Schedule 6 to the Finance Act 2010 and accordingly, the University is therefore potentially exempt from taxation in respect of income

and capital gains received within categories covered by section 478-488 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 or section 256 of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992, to the extent that such income or gains are applied to exclusively charitable purposes.

Value Added Tax on purchases exceeds Value Added Tax on sales.  However, because of the VAT status of education, the University’s principal supply, the difference is generally not reclaimable and is, therefore, a cost of the University.

Fullwood Park Limited and University of Gloucestershire Professional Services Limited are liable for UK corporation tax.  The companies have agreed to pay the lower of their accounting and tax profits to the University of Gloucestershire, which is an exemptcharity, under corporate gift aid regulations introduced in April 2000.

Fullwood Park Limited is registered for VAT.

Both the University and University of Gloucestershire Professional Services Limited are part of the same VAT group.

14. Financial instruments

Financial assets and liabilities are recognised when the Institution becomes party to the contractual provision of the instrument and they are classified according to the substance of the contractual arrangements entered into.

A financial asset and a financial liability are offset only when there is a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts and an intention either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

Financial assets

Basic financial assets include trade and other debtors, cash and cash equivalents, intercompany debtors and investments in commercial paper (i.e. deposits and bonds). These assets are initially recognised at transaction price unless the arrangement constitutes a financing transaction, where the transaction is measured at the present value of the future receipts discounted at a market rate of interest. Such assets are subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method. Financial assets are assessed for indicators of impairment at each reporting date. If there is objective evidence of impairment, an impairment loss is recognised in the statement of comprehensive income.

For financial assets carried at amortised cost the impairment loss is the difference between the carrying amount of the asset and the present value of the estimated future cash flows, discounted at the asset’s original effective interest rate.

Other financial assets, including investments in equity instruments which are not subsidiaries, associates, or joint ventures are initially measured at fair value, which is typically the transaction price. These assets are subsequently carried at fair value and changes in fair value at the reporting date are recognised in the statement of comprehensive income. Where the investment in equity instruments are not publicly traded and where the fair value cannot be reliably measured the assets are measured at cost less impairment.

Financial assets are de‑recognised when the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire or are settled or substantially all of the risks and rewards of the ownership of the asset are transferred to another party.

Financial liabilities

Basic financial liabilities include trade and other creditors and bank loans. These liabilities are initially recognised at transaction price unless the arrangement constitutes a financing transaction, where the debt instrument is measured at the present value of the future payments discounted at a market rate of interest. Debt instruments are subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.

Fees paid on the establishment of loan facilities are recognised as transaction costs of the loan to the extent that it is probable that some or all of the facility will be drawn down.

Trade creditors are obligations to pay for goods and services that have been acquired in the ordinary course of business from suppliers. Trade creditors are classified as current liabilities if payment is due within one year or less. If not, they are

presented as non‑current liabilities. Trade creditors are recognised initially at transaction price and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.

Financial liabilities are de‑recognised when the liability is discharged, cancelled, or expires.

15. Investments

Fixed and endowment asset investments are included in the balance sheet at market value.  Where no market value for an investment asset can be readily ascertained, the investment is stated at cost except where a permanent diminution of value has taken place.

Investments in jointly controlled entities, associates and subsidiaries are carried at cost less impairment in the University’s accounts.

Current asset investments are held at fair value with movements recognised in the surplus or deficit.

16. Finance and operating leases

Costs or income received in respect of operating leases are charged on a straight-line basis over the lease term.  Any lease premiums or incentives are spread over the minimum lease term.

Leasing agreements, which transfer to the University substantially all the benefits and risks of ownership of an asset, are treated as if the asset had been purchased outright, and classified as finance leases.

Leased assets acquired by way of finance lease and the corresponding lease liabilities are initially recognised at an amount equal to the lower of their fair value and the present value of the minimum lease payments at the inception of the lease.

Minimum lease payments are apportioned between the finance charge and the reduction of the outstanding liability.  The finance charge is allocated to each period during the lease term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the outstanding balance of the lease.

17. Interest payable and financial instruments

The University uses derivative financial instruments such as interest rate swaps to reduce exposure to interest rate movements on its loans.  Such derivative financial instruments are not held for speculative purposes and relate to actual liabilities, changing the nature of the interest rate by converting a variable rate to a fixed rate.  Interest differentials under these swaps are recognised by adjusting net interest payable over the periods of the contracts.

Any derivative financial instruments are held on the balance sheet at fair value with movements in fair value recorded in the Surplus or Deficit.

18. Pension scheme arrangements

Retirement benefits to employees of the University are provided by Defined Benefit Schemes, which are funded by contributions from the University and employees.  Payments are made to the Teachers’ Pension Scheme, the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) for academic staff, The Church of England Funded Pensions Scheme (CEFPS) for Clerical staff and to the Gloucestershire Local Government Pension Scheme for non-academic staff. These are independently administered schemes.

Contributions to the Schemes are recognised as an expense in the year to spread the cost of the pensions over the employees’ working lives with the University.

Changes to the funding of the Schemes arising from changes in legislation or from fund performance, or from changes in membership or other composition of the Schemes, are recognised at each Scheme actuarial valuation.  Adjustments to Scheme funding, if any, and employers’ contributions to the Schemes which follow actuarial valuations, will address any shortfall or surplus arising from that valuation.

The University has adopted in full the requirements of FRS 102 for the Local Government Pension Scheme.

The USS and CEFPS are multi-employer schemes for which it is not possible to identify the assets and liabilities to the University for members due to the mutual nature of the schemes and therefore these are accounted for as defined contribution retirement benefit schemes.  A liability is recorded within provisions for any contractual commitment to fund past deficits in accordance with the latest agreed deficit funding plan.

The TPS is a multi-employer unfunded scheme for which it is not possible to identify the assets and liabilities to the University for members due to the mutual nature of the scheme and therefore this is also accounted for as a defined contribution retirement benefit scheme.  Employers have recently been advised of increases from Sept 2019 onwards.

Retirement benefits to employees of the University subsidiary company UOGPSL are provided by a Defined Contribution Scheme, Legal & General (L&G) which are funded by contributions from the University and employees.

The L&G scheme is a defined contribution plan, a post-employment benefit plan under which UoGPSL pays fixed contributions into a separate entity and has no legal or constructive obligation to pay further amounts.  Obligations for contributions to defined contribution pension plans are recognised as an expense in the profit and loss account in the year during which services are rendered by employees.

19. Employment benefits

Short term employment benefits such as salaries and compensated absences are recognised as an expense in the year in which the employees render service to the University.  Any unused benefits are accrued and measured as the additional amount the University expects to pay as a result of the unused entitlement.

20. Repairs and maintenance costs

Expenditure on routine corrective maintenance is charged to the income and expenditure account as it is incurred.

21. Foreign currencies

Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded at the rate of exchange ruling at the dates of the transactions.  Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at year-end rates.  The resulting exchange differences are dealt with in the determinations of income and expenditure for the financial year.

22. Provisions

Provisions are recognised when the University has a present legal or constructive obligation as a result of a past event and it is probable that a transfer of economic benefit will be required to settle the obligation and that a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.

A contingent liability arises from a past event that gives the University a possible obligation whose existence will only be confirmed by the occurrence or otherwise of uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the University.  Contingent liabilities also arise in circumstances where a provision would otherwise be made but either it is not probable that an outflow of resources will be required or the amount of the obligation cannot be measured reliably.

A contingent asset arises where an event has taken place that gives the institution a possible asset whose existence will only be confirmed by the occurrence or otherwise of uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the University.

Contingent assets and liabilities are not recognised in the Statement of Financial Position but are disclosed in the notes.

23. Capitalisation of finance costs and interest

Interest and finance charges for capitalised projects are written off to the income and expenditure account during the period of construction and thereafter.

24. Bad and doubtful debts

The University regularly considers its debt book for recoverability of debtors by means of review of internal data and from information provided by its collecting agent.  Arising from this review, the University makes provision for bad and doubtful debts based on both specific cases and a formula basis related to the age of outstanding debt including the related assets on the balance sheet and estimated recoverable amount.

25. Service concession arrangements

Fixed assets held under service concession arrangements are recognised on the balance sheet at the present value of the minimum lease payments when the assets are brought into use with a corresponding financial liability.

Payments under the service concession arrangement are allocated between service costs, finance charges and financial liability repayments to reduce the financial liability to nil over the life of the arrangement.

26. Reserves

Reserves are classified as restricted or unrestricted. Restricted endowment reserves include balances which, through endowment to the University, are held as a permanently restricted fund which the University must hold in perpetuity.  Other restricted reserves include balances where the donor has designated a specific purpose and therefore the University is restricted in the use of these funds.

Consolidated and University Statement of Comprehensive Income and Expenditure

Year ended 31 July 2024

Income £000£000£000£000
Funding body grants17,5706,8937,5706,893
Tuition fees and education contracts267,29866,21467,29866,214
Research grants and contracts32,5132,4112,5132,411
Other income49,00011,6579,01711,549
Investment income51,4911,0471,4451,031
Donations and endowments611121723
Total income 87,88388,23487,86088,121
Staff costs853,38355,33849,93852,747
Restructuring costs82,0187092,108709
Depreciation of tangible fixed assets146,2126,9816,2126,981
Other operating expenses923,35324,52126,81727,074
Interest and other finance costs101,0121,5051,0131,505
Total expenditure1185,97889,05485,99889,016
Surplus before other gains/(losses) 1,905(820)1,862(895)
Gain/(losses) on investments 160(3)13716
Loss on disposal of fixed assets 4(1,145)4(1,145)
Deficit before tax 2,069(1,968)2,002(2,024)
Gain/(Deficit) for the year 2,069(1,968)2,002(2,024)
Other comprehensive (losses)/income     
Actuarial gain in respect of pension schemes35(1,545)9,750(1,545)9,750
Currency translation differences (8)44(8)44
Total comprehensive gain for the year 5167,8264497,770
Represented by:     
Endowment comprehensive loss for the year (60)(60)124           (36)
Restricted comprehensive gain for the year 33(5)                3
Unrestricted comprehensive gain for the year 5737,883330        7,803
Gain/(Deficit) for the year attributable to the University 2,069(1,968)2,002(2,024)

Consolidated and University Statement of Changes in Reserves

Year ended 31 July 2024

 Income and expenditure accountRevaluationTotal
Balance at 1 August 20223,136  25  84,57987,740
(Deficit)/Surplus from the statement of comprehensive income(60)  3  (1,910)(1,967)
Other comprehensive gain9,7949,794
Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the year(60)37,8857,827
Balance at 1 August 20233,0762892,46495,567
(Deficit)/Surplus from the statement of comprehensive income178  (5)  1,8962,069
Other comprehensive gain(1,547)(1,547)
Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the year178(5)348521
Balance at 31 July 20243,2542392,81196,088

Consolidated and University Statement of Changes in Reserves

Year ended 31 July 2024

 Income and expenditure accountRevaluationTotal
Balance at 1 August 20232,492  25  84,66887,185
Surplus/(deficit) from the statement of comprehensive income(36)3(1,991)(2,024)
Other comprehensive gain9,7949,794
Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the year(36)37,8037,770
Balance at 1 August 20232,4562892,47194,955
Surplus/(deficit) from the statement of comprehensive income121(5)1,8862,002
Other comprehensive gain  (1,547)(1,547)
Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the year121(5)338455
Balance at 31 July 20242,5782392,80995,411

Consolidated and University Balance Sheet

As at 31 July 2024

Non-current assets     
Fixed assets14162,209136,008162,209136,008
Current assets     
Stocks 86608660
Cash and cash equivalents302,0902,5991,5952,317
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year19(48,654)(46,654)(48.453)(46,548)
Net current assets (8,033)12,482(8,114)12,428
Total assets less current liabilities 156,992151,179156,314150,569
Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one year20(60,034)(53,894)(60,034)(53,894)
Pension provisions (664)(1,441)(664)(1,441)
Other provisions (206)(279)(206)(279)
Total net assets 96,08895,56595,41094,955
Restricted reserves     
Income and expenditure reserve –     
endowment fund233,2533,0762,5782,456
Income and expenditure reserve –     
restricted reserve2423282328
Unrestricted reserves     
Income and expenditure reserve –     
Unrestricted 92,81292,46192,81092,471
Total reserves 96,08895,56595,41194,955

The Financial Statements were approved by the Council of the University of Gloucestershire on 26 November 2024, and were signed on its behalf by:

Nicola De Iongh
Chair of Council

Clare Marchant

Company Number: 06023243

Consolidated and University Cash Flow Statement

As at 31 July 2024

Cash flow from operating activities     
Deficit for the year before tax 2,069(1,968)2,002(2,024)
Adjustment for non-cash items     
Loss/(Gain) on investments (160)3(137)(16)
(Increase)/decrease in stock (26)38(26)38
Decrease/(Increase) in debtors185,527(7,508)5,462(7,364)
Increase in creditors201,85811,4001,73611,343
(Decrease)/Increase in pension provisions22(2,322)1,027(2,322)1,027
(Decrease)/increase in other provisions22(73)30(73)30
Balance sheet reclassification   
Adjustment for investing or financing     
Investment income (1,491)(1,171)(1,445)(1,155)
Interest payable101,9741,1631,9751,163
Endowment income (11)(12)(17)(23)
Loss on sale of fixed assets (4)1,145(4)1,145
Fixed asset impairment (232)232(232)232
Capital grant release to income21(1,502)(3,005)(1,502)(3,005)
Exchange (loss)/gain (8)44(8)44
Net cash inflow from operating activities 11,8118,39911,6218,416
Cash flows from investing activities     
Capital grant receipts216,0357,9186,0357,918
Investments 402620315530
Investment income 1,4121,0201,3941,005
Payments made to acquire fixed assets14(32,542)(22,551)(32,542)(22,551)
Payments made to acquire intangible fixed assets (71)(34)(51)(26)
Proceeds from sales of intangible assets 79275126
Proceeds from sale of fixed assets 404 
New non-current assets16(298)(520)(213)(405)
Movement in deposits 12,536(575)12,536(575)
Net cash outflow from investing activities (12,443)(14,095)(12,472)(14,078)
Cash flows from financing activities     
Interest paid (1,954)(1,163)(1,954)(1,163)
Endowment cash received 11121723
New secured loans 5,0009,0005,0009,000
Repayments of amounts borrowed (2,935)(1,847)(2,935)(1,847)
Net cash inflow from financing activities 1236,0021286,013
(Decrease)/Increase in cash and cash equivalents30(509)306(722)351
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year302,5992,2932,3171,966
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the year302,0902,5991,5952,317

Notes to the Financial Statements for the Year Ended 31 July 2024

1 Funding body grants ConsolidatedConsolidatedUniversityUniversity
Recurrent grant     
Office for Students 6,6145,8436,6145,843
Specific grants     
Office for Students     
redundancy compensation 23382338
Deferred capital grants     
2 Tuition fees and education contracts     
Full time Home and EU students 46,37548,23346,37548,233
Full time International students 14,75211,93814,75211,938
Part time students 1,4171,4581,4171,458
Other (short course) fees 4,7544,5854,7544,585
3 Research grants and contracts     
Research Councils 1,1485021,148502
UK based charities 126116126116
European Commission grants (302)246(302)246
Other grants and contracts 1,5411,5471,5411,547
4 Other income     
Residencies, catering and conferences 4,8074,4134,8074,413
Release from deferred capital grants 5691,9935691,993
Other services rendered 773883832914
Other income 2,8514,2442,8094,105
Movement in fair value of derivatives 124124
5 Investment income     
Investment income on endowments 1589211276
Other investment income 1,3339551,333955
6 Donations and endowments     
New endowments246767
Donations with restrictions255555
Unrestricted donations 64
7 Grant and fee income     
Grant income from the OfS 6,0804,5626,0804,562
Grant income from other bodies 4,5716,7374,5716,737
Fee income for taught awards 65,43563,98465,43563,984
Fee income for research awards 1,7992,1201,7992,120
Fee income from non-qualifying courses 6410964109
8 Staff     
Staff costs     
Wages and salaries 41,21341,31938,30439,110
Social security costs 4,2274,2843,9674,109
Pension costs 7,9439,7357,6679,528
Staff costs 53,38355,33849,93852,747
A further breakdown of pension costs has been included in note 36 Pension Schemes.
Fundamental restructuring costs       2,0187092,018709
Staff numbers by department 436457433457
Academic departments 470503390438
Central administrative 7868
Other including manual 912968829903
Total staff numbers     
The staff numbers above relate to full time equivalents (including senior post holders).  
Total remuneration of the Vice-Chancellor     
Salary 174175174175
Payment in lieu of pensions   29212921
Compensation for loss of office incl PILON 116116
The tenure of the Vice-Chancellor, Stephen Marston, ended on 31 July 2023. The Vice-Chancellor received £65,250 as Payment in Lieu of Notice and £50,750 as compensation for loss of employment.
Median pay ratio – All staff basic pay 4.794.394.794.39
Median pay ratio – All staff total pay 4.794.365.334.72
Please refer to pages 16-19 of the Senior Staff Remuneration section for further details on the University’s approach to setting pay of the vice chancellor and senior staff.
Emoluments of members of Executive (including the Vice-Chancellor)
The remuneration paid to members of the University Executive Group who served during the year including salary, non-consolidated performance pay, pension contributions, pay in lieu of notice and compensation for loss of office:  
Salary 648635  
Pension contributions 130105648105
Payment in lieu of pensions 2113021
Compensation for loss of office incl PILON 2911629116
Members of Executive whose emoluments are included above 6  
4.88 FTE
4.79 FTE
4.88 FTE
4.79 FTE
The above numbers include all members who were employed during the year. There were 5 members of the Executive team at the year end.
The number of staff with a basic salary of over £100,000 per annum who were paid for the whole year has been included below:  
£100,000 – £104,999   1
£105,000 – £109,999   1
£110,000 – £114,999   1
£120,000 – £124,999   1                     1
£145,000 – £149,999   11
£165,000 – £169,999 £170,000 – £174,999   

Compensation for loss of office payments 759709759709
Number of staff whose compensation is included above 66236623

All severance payments including compensation for loss of office in respect of higher paid staff are approved by RHRC Committee. Amounts for compensation for loss of office and redundancy for all other staff are approved by Executive in accordance with delegated authority.

Key management personnel

Key management personnel are those persons having authority and responsibility for planning, directing and controlling the activities of the University. Staff costs include compensation paid to key management personnel defined as those members of the senior management team who form the University Executive Committee.

The university’s key management personnel consist of the following people:

Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, Chief Operating Officer (PVC Student Experience), Chief Marketing Officer (PVC External Engagement), Chief Financial Officer.

The Chair and non-executive members of Council receive no emoluments except for the staff appointed as council members.

The above summaries should be read in conjunction with the Council statement on corporate governance.

9 Other operating expensesConsolidated
Consumable and non-capital items2,7993,1382,7993,143
Academic administration1,0941,0411,0941,042
Books and periodicals682689682689
Rents and premises1,5811,6371,5701,631
Heat, light, water and power2,1071,7292,1071,729
Repairs and general maintenance1,7401,6821,7401,682
Staff development and training231237231237
Staff travel and subsistence8671,0414,3853,626
Student travel and subsistence7011,2167011,216
Student bursaries1,1821,7371,1811,736
Marketing and agent commission4,2933,5414,2933,541
Postage, telephone, printing and reprographics403484403484
Insurance and finance625787625786
Professional fees and contractors2,7912,4222,7792,410
Course franchising and partnerships1,1651,2771,1651,277
Purchases for resale764905752900
Equipment operating lease rentals120160120154
Students’ Union grant580555580555
Fixed asset impairment(232)232(232)232
Other expenses(140)11(158)4
9 Other operating expenses (continued)Consolidated
Included within professional fees    
External auditor’s remuneration – External audit77717771
External auditor’s remuneration – audit of subsidiaries1010
External auditor’s remuneration – non-audit    
Audit related assurance services3333
Other assurance services
Pension scheme audit2222
Rental operating lease payments  536  457  536  457
10 Interest and other finance costsConsolidated
Loan interest1,9541,1631,9541,163
Net charge on pension schemes(962)342342342
Movement in fair value of derivatives2121
11 Analysis of total expenditure by activityConsolidated
Academic departments42,41740,88341,62040,267
Academic services10,35411,6289,82611,174
Research grants and contracts3,6982,6443,6842,598
Residences, catering and conferences4,3603,9534,3193,922
Other expenses2062,4032062,389
12 Access and Participation costs   2024
Access investment  1,3761,637
Financial support  713950
Disability support (excluding expenditure included in the two categories above)  559536
Research and Evaluation  7279

i) £1,859k (2023: £2,095k) of these costs are already included in the overall staff costs figures included in the financial statements (see note 8).

ii) Access and Participation plan published link:

Recognised in the statement of comprehensive income    
Corporation tax expense

Factors affecting the tax charge

The tax assessed for the year is the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK. The difference is explained below:

Factors affecting the tax charge    
UK corporation tax at 19% (2023: 19%)393(374)380(385)
Effect of:    
Surplus/deficit falling within charitable exemption(393)374(380)385
Total tax expense

14 Tangible fixed assetsFreehold land and buildingsLeasehold land and buildingsEquipmentAssets under constructionTotal
a)         Consolidated     
At beginning of year153,0053,24734,73428,100219,086
Additions at cost79859231,15232,542
Transfers at cost31468(511)(12)
At year end153,8343,24733,83358,741249,655
At beginning of year55,1322,37825,56883,078
Charge for the year3,867762,3996,342
At year end58,9992,45425,99387,446
Net book value     
At year end94,8357937,84058,741162,209
At beginning of year97,8738699,16628,100136,008
b)         University     
At beginning of year153,0053,24734,73428,100219,086
Additions at cost79859231,15232,542
Transfers at cost31468(511)(12)
At year end153,8343,24733,83358,741249,655
At beginning of year55,1322,37825,56883,078
Charge for the year3,867762,3996,342
At year end58,9992,45425,99387,446
Net book value     
At year end94,8357937,84058,741162,209
At beginning of year97,8738699,16628,100136,008

c) Revaluation of land and buildings

Land and buildings were revalued at 31 July 1997 by Bayley Donaldsons, Independent Chartered Surveyors. Certain properties, included in freehold land and building costs and earmarked for disposal under the building programme, were valued on an estimated open market value basis. The remaining land and buildings to be retained for use and occupation by the University have principally been valued at depreciated replacement cost in existing use. The likely replacement cost of buildings, which are listed as being of special architectural and historic interest has been calculated on the basis of reinstating the buildings, as originally designed and constructed. Those buildings, which due to their special nature, are rarely, if ever, sold on the open market, have been valued at depreciated replacement cost. This basis is considered appropriate as it reflects the fact that listed buildings and buildings of this specialised nature cannot be replaced with simpler and less expensive buildings.

In the opinion of the valuers at the time of the valuation, depreciated replacement cost valuations for buildings on the above described basis are higher than an open market value for alternative use rather than existing use.

Under the terms of the financial memorandum with the Office for Students, the proportion of the proceeds on sale of assets attributed to the publicly funded assets is retained by the University only with the approval of the Office for Students. All proceeds of sale retained by the University are required under Charities law to be re-invested in full in new capital assets.

Freehold land at Oxstalls, The Folley and Hardwick was revalued as at 1 August 2014 by Bruton Knowles, Independent Chartered Surveyors.

If both freehold and leasehold land and buildings had not been revalued before being deemed as cost on transition, and on the assumption that the assets transferred from the Gloucestershire County Council were at nil cost, they would have been included at the following historical cost amounts:

 Consolidated and University
 Land and buildings
Aggregate depreciation based on cost45,79943,350

15 Service concession arrangements

The University has one service concession arrangement where service delivery has commenced.  On 21 January 2016 the University entered a 46-year contract with a third-party provider for the creation of a student village at Pittville to include the refurbishment of existing student accommodation to house 215 students and the construction of new accommodation for an additional 577 students.  The construction of the new accommodation was completed for the start of the 2017-18 Academic Year.

The University nominates rooms in the student village on an annual basis, during the year ended 31 July 2024 the University nominated 75% of the accommodation available for the 2024-25 Academic Year.

Movement in service concession arrangement assets:

The asset value of the service concession included in debtors as at 31 July 2024 is £4,389k (2023: £4,353k).

Movement in service concession arrangement liabilities:

The total liability relating to the service concession included in creditors: amounts falling due within one year as at 31 July 2024 was £4,389k (2023: £4,353k).

16 Non-current investmentsEndowment asset investments
Other fixed asset investments
At beginning of year2,68452,689
Additions at cost298298
At year end2,81052,815
At beginning of year2,12852,133
Additions at cost213213
At year end2,21352,218

The non-current investments have been valued at market value.

a) Investment in subsidiary companies

Details of the companies, all registered in England and Wales, in which the University holds an interest, are as follows:

Name of companyPercentage holding of ordinary sharesShareholdingPrincipal business activity 
Fullwood Park Limited100%100 Ordinary £1 sharesProvision of conference and catering services 
University of Gloucestershire Professional Services Limited  100%  1 Ordinary £1 share  Provision and management of professional services staff   

The registered office for Fullwood Park Limited and University of Gloucestershire Professional Services Limited is The Park, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 2RH.

b) The Janet Trotter Trust

The activities of The Janet Trotter Trust, a registered charity, are consolidated within endowment reserves on the grounds that the University has a controlling influence over its activities.  The accounts of The Janet Trotter Trust for the year to 31 July 2024 show total net assets of £675,411 (2023: £620,698) and net expenditure and movement in funds for the year of £30,895 (2023: net income – £5,561).

c) Other fixed asset investments

Other fixed asset investments include the share capital held by the University in Uliving@Gloucestershire Holdco Limited.  The University holds 5,030 £1 ordinary shares in the company, which comprises 10% of the issued share capital.  The company was set up to manage the contract for the construction and running of the Pittville student village (see note 15).

17 DebtorsConsolidated
Trade debtors12,97013,24112,95713,226
Other debtors1,1681,1891,1681,176
Service concession arrangements (note 15)4,3904,3534,3904,353
Amounts owed by subsidiary companies231155
Prepayments and accrued income3,9179,1563,9119,151

Included within other debtors is £1,033,000 in respect of an interest bearing loan due from Uliving@Gloucestershire Finco Limited. The loan to Uliving@Gloucestershire Finco Limited was used by the company as part of the overall financing of the Pittville student village project (see note 15).  The loan is for a period of 46 years with capital repayments to be made over the last 11 years.

Amounts due from group undertakings are unsecured, interest free, have no fixed date of repayment and are repayable on demand.

18 Current investmentsConsolidated
Short term deposits16,00228,53816,00228,538
19 Creditors: amounts falling due within one yearConsolidated
Secured loans3,6472,9353,6472,935
Service concession arrangements (note 15)4,3904,3534,3904,353
Payment received on account11,47811,40111,47811,401
Trade creditors2,5419832,474893
Amounts owed to subsidiary companies3169
Social security and other taxation payable9841,2149841,214
Deferred capital grants1,5552,0931,5552,093
Accruals and deferred income23,04522,70222,89922,617

Amounts due to group undertakings are unsecured, interest free, have no fixed date of repayment and are repayable on demand.

20 Creditors: amounts falling due after more than one yearConsolidated
Secured loans28,42127,06828,42127,068
Deferred capital grants31,16226,82631,61226,826
Analysis of secured and unsecured loans    
Due within one year3,6472,9353,6472,935
Due between one and two years27,9602,93527,9602,935
Due between two and five years46224,13346224,133

In 2016, the University re-financed all of its existing interest bearing loans and finance leases into a new loan for £15.7 million with the Royal Bank of Scotland. This loan runs to October 2026 and is managed using a series of short term interest contracts at LIBOR + 1.45%.  This loan is secured on University property.

In July 2024, the University entered a secured facility agreement with Barclays for £42.9 million, consisting of three tranches: a term loan of £27.9m and two Revolving Credit Facilities (RCF) – one of £8m and a further RCF of £7m. As at 31st July 2024, £27.9 million had been drawn to refinance the former Barclays secured loan. The £8m RCF facility is available to help support the university minimum liquidity requirements whilst the £7m RCF facility is specifically linked to fixed asset disposals. The term loan runs to May 2026 and the RCF’s run to July 2025 and December 2025, with all three tranches having options to extend.

To reduce uncertainty, a swap contract with the Royal Bank of Scotland was put in place in 2005 to fix a proportion of the loan interest at 4.56%.  This swap contract runs until 2025. This has been included in the balance sheet at the year-end valuation.

21 Deferred capital grantsConsolidated & UniversityConsolidated & UniversityConsolidated & University
 Funding Councils
Other grants & benefactions
At beginning of year   
Cash received   
Released to income and expenditure   
At end of year   

22 ProvisionsLGPS Defined benefit obligationsObligation to fund deficit on USS and CEFPSPensioners        Other        Total
At beginning of year6597822791,720
Utilised during the year1,545(268)1,277
Transfer from Income and Expenditure(1,545)(659)149(72)(2,127)
At end of year663207870
 LGPS Defined benefit obligationsObligation to fund deficit on USS and CEFPSPensionersOtherTotal
At beginning of year6597822791,720
Utilised during the year1,545(268)1,277
Transfer from Income and Expenditure(1,545)(659)149(72)(2,127)
At end of year663207870

23 Endowment reserves  Restricted permanent endowments
Expendable endowments

At beginning of year    
Accumulated income(210)(643)(853)(759)
New Endowments668
Investment income565811462
Increase in market value of investments1762920525
At end of year2,2341,0203,2543,076
Analysis by type of purpose    
Fellowships and scholarship prizes998
Prize funds14829691
Other funds2,2229293,1512,977
Analysis by asset    
Current and non-current asset investments  2,8012,683
Cash and cash equivalents  455393
At beginning of year    
Accumulated income(210)(665)(875)(787)
New Endowments668
Investment income56126846
Increase in market value of investments176518145
At end of year2,2363452,5812,456
Analysis by type of purpose    
Fellowships and scholarship prizes998
Prize funds14829691
Other funds2,2222542,4762,357
Analysis by asset    
Current and non-current asset investments  2,2042,128
Cash and cash equivalents  377328

24 Restricted ReserveConsolidated
At beginning of year28252825
New endowments and donations5555
At end of year23282328
Analysis by type of purpose    
Scholarships and bursaries12101210
Other funds11181118

25 Revaluation ReserveConsolidated
At beginning of year27,81527,81527,81527,815
At end of year27,81527,81527,81527,815
Contributions to depreciation    
At beginning of year(27,815)(27,815)(27,815)(27,815)
At end of year(27,815)(27,815)(27,815)(27,815)
Revaluation reserve    
At end of year
At beginning of year

26 Lease obligationsConsolidated
Future minimum lease payments under    
non-cancellable operating leases are as follows:    
Within 1 year535439535439
Between 2 and 5 years1,8931,5601,8931,560
Over 5 years934734934734
Land and buildings3,2712,5853,2712,585
Other operating leases9114891148

27 Capital commitmentsConsolidated
Authorised but not contracted    
At end of year5,1221,9925,1221,992
Authorised and contracted    
At end of year20,06432,02920,06432,029

28 Contingent liabilities

The University has previously received a grant of £250,000 from the Church of England Central Board of Finance. This becomes payable in the event of the University withdrawing teacher training facilities.

29 Events after the reporting period

There has been no post balance sheet events.

30 Cash and cash equivalents

 At beginning of year  Cash flowsAt end of year
Cash at bank and in hand2,599(509)2,090
Short term deposits28,538(12,536)16,002
Cash at bank and in hand2,317(722)1,595
Short term deposits28,538(12,536)16,002

31 Consolidated reconciliation of net debt

Net debt 1 August 31,757
Movement in cash and cash equivalents 509
Movement in secured loans 2,065
Other non-cash changes 37
Net debt 31 July 34,368
Change in net debt 2,611
Analysis of net debt:Consolidated
Cash and cash equivalents2,0902,599
Borrowings: amounts falling due within one year  
Secured loans3,6472,935
Service concession arrangements4,3904,353
Borrowings: amounts falling due after more than one year  
Secured loans28,42127,068
Net debt34,36831,757

32 Financial instrumentsConsolidated
Financial assets    
Financial assets at fair value through statement of comprehensive income    
– Listed investments2,8102,6842,2132,128
Financial assets that are equity instruments measured at cost less impairment    
– Other investments5555    
Financial assets that are debt instruments measured at amortised cost    
– Cash and cash equivalents2,0902,5991,5952,317
– Current investments16,00228,53816,00228,538
– Trade debtors12,97013,24112,95713,226
– Other debtors1,1721,1891,1721,176
– Amounts owed by subsidiary companies231155
– Accrued income1,5461,4431,5461,443

Financial liabilities    
Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost    
– Secured loans32,06830,00332,06830,003
– Service concession arrangement4,3904,3534,3904,353
– Trade creditors2,5419832,474893
– Accruals13,07612,71212,98812,647

33 Related party transactions

To capture information on related party transactions, the University has written to members of Council.  Due to the nature of the University’s operations and the composition of Council, being drawn from commerce, industry and the public sector, it is inevitable that transactions will take place with organisations in which a member of Council has a connection.  All such connections are declared annually in the Register of Council Members Interests.  All such transactions are conducted at arm’s length and in accordance with the University’s Financial Regulations with regards to procurement.

Relevant significant relationships held by members of Council who served in the year are:

  1. Ms Ingrid Barker is Chair of Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
  2. Paul Crichard is Chief Information Security Officer for SERCO UK & Europe
  3. Nicola de Iongh is a Board member of the Gloucestershire Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust
  4. Louise Livesey is a Trustee of Gloucestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
  5. Steve Mawson is a Board member of the Gloucestershire LEP and Director of Finance at Gloucestershire County Council
  6. Miss E Hill is a Senior Manager of the Gloucestershire Students’ Union
  7. Mr B Ajibola is a Senior Manager of the Gloucestershire Students’ Union
  8. Miss P Archer is a Trustee of the Gloucestershires Students Union
  9. Miss I Williams is a Trustee of the Gloucestershire Students Union
  10. Pam Sissons is a Director of Winchcombe School

For the year ended 31 July 2024 expenses totalling £2,485 (2023: £804) were claimed by seven Directors and Trustees in respect of their responsibilities as a Director and Trustee. The University does not remunerate its external Directors and Trustees.  The salaries of members of staff who serve on Council do not include any element specific to this role.

The University of Gloucestershire Students’ Union, is a separately constituted entity which is governed by its own Board of Directors, of which Mr B Ajibola is a senior officer. The University has no financial interest, control or significant influence over policy decisions. The University helps to support the core activities with a block grant on an annual basis which include Student Representation; Student Opportunities; support for Student Volunteering; Student Events & Entertainments; and Student Sport & Societies. During the year sales of £2,042 (2023: £13,220) and purchases of £641,200 (2023: £614,879) relating to core activities were transacted with the Student Union. At the year-end a balance of £9,250 (2023: £517) was due to The University of Gloucestershire Students’ Union and a year-end balance of £0 (2023: £290) was owed to The University.

34 The Teaching Regulation Agency

The University, acting as agent for the Teaching Regulation Agency, disbursed £514,000 (2023: £156,000) training bursaries to students undergoing Initial Teacher Training for the year ended 31 July 2024.  The training bursaries have not been included in the income and expenditure of the University.

35 Pension schemes

(a) Teachers’ Pension Scheme

 The Teachers’ Pension Scheme (TPS or scheme) is a statutory, unfunded, defined benefit occupational scheme, governed by the Teachers’ Pensions Regulations 2010 (as amended), and the Teachers’ Pension Scheme Regulations 2014 (as amended). These regulations apply to teachers in schools and other educational establishments in England and Wales that are maintained by local authorities, and in academies. In addition, teachers in many independent schools, and teachers and lecturers in some establishments of further and higher education may be eligible for membership.

Membership is automatic for full-time teachers and lecturers and, from 1 January 2007, automatic too for teachers and lecturers in part-time employment following appointment or a change of contract. Teachers and lecturers are able to opt out of the TPS.

The Teachers Pension Budgeting and Valuation Account

Although members may be employed by various bodies, their retirement and other pension benefits are set out in the abovementioned regulations, made under the Superannuation Act (1972) and Public Service Pensions Act (2013), and are paid by public funds provided by Parliament. The TPS is an unfunded scheme and members contribute on a ’pay as you go ‘basis – contributions from members, along with those made by employers, are credited to the Exchequer under arrangements governed by the above Acts.

The Teachers’ Pensions Regulations 2010 require an annual account – the Teachers’ Pension Budgeting and Valuation Account – to be kept of receipts and expenditure (including the cost of pension increases). From 1 April 2001, the Account has been credited with a real rate of return, which is equivalent to assuming that the balance in the Account is invested in notional investments that produce that real rate of return.

Valuation of the Teachers’ Pension Scheme

As a result of the latest scheme valuation, employer contributions were increased in April 2024 from a rate of 23.6% to 28.6%. Employers also pay a charge equivalent to 0.08% of pensionable salary costs to cover administration expenses.

A copy of the latest valuation report can be found by following this link to Valuation result | 10 | 2023 (

The next valuation is expected to take effect in 2027.

Scheme Changes

In line with the requirements of the Public Service Pensions and Judicial Offices Act 2022, the Department for Education laid regulations which came into force on 1 April 2022, closing the legacy scheme to any further accrual which prevented any further discrimination.

The regulatory changes, along with the ongoing Transitional Protection remedy, are being implemented in response to the McCloud-Sargeant discrimination ruling. The retrospective remedy offers members in scope a deferred choice of benefits, legacy or reformed, in respect of pensionable service during the remedy period (1 April 2015 to 31 March 2022).

The total consolidated pension costs under the Teachers’ Pension Scheme for the University were:

Contributions to Teachers’ Pensions5,3364,931

b) Universities Superannuation Scheme

The institution participates in Universities Superannuation Scheme. The assets of the scheme are held in a separate trustee-administered fund. Because of the mutual nature of the scheme, the assets are not attributed to individual institutions and a scheme-wide contribution rate is set. The institution is therefore exposed to actuarial risks associated with other institutions’ employees and is unable to identify its share of the

underlying assets and liabilities of the scheme on a consistent and reasonable basis. As required by Section 28 of FRS 102 “Employee benefits”, the institution therefore accounts for the scheme as if it were a defined contribution scheme. As a result, the amount charged to the profit and loss account represents the contributions payable to the scheme. Since the institution has entered into an agreement (the Recovery

Plan) that determines how each employer within the scheme will fund the overall deficit, the institution recognises a liability for the contributions payable that arise from the agreement (to the extent that they relate to the deficit) with related expenses being recognised through the profit and loss account.

 FRS 102 makes the distinction between a group plan and a multi-employer scheme. A group plan consists of a collection of entities under common control typically with a sponsoring employer. A multi-employer scheme is a scheme for entities not under common control and represents (typically) an industry-wide scheme such as Universities Superannuation Scheme. The accounting for a multi-employer scheme where the employer has entered into an agreement with the scheme that determines how the employer will fund a deficit results in the recognition of a liability for the contributions payable that arise from the agreement (to the extent that they relate to the deficit) and the resulting expense in profit or loss in accordance with section 28 of FRS 102. The directors are satisfied that Universities Superannuation Scheme meets the definition of a multi-employer scheme and has therefore recognised the discounted fair value of the contractual contributions under the recovery plan in existence at the date of approving these financial statements.

The total cost charged to the statement of comprehensive income and expenditure is £164,930 (2023: £179,398).

Deficit recovery contributions due within one year for the institution are £0 (2023: £51,494).

A deficit recovery plan was put in place as part of the 2020 valuation, which required payment of 6.2% of salaries over the period 1 April 2022 until 31 March 2024, at which point the rate would increase to 6.3%. As set out in Note –, no deficit recovery plan was required under the 2023 valuation because the scheme was in surplus on a technical provisions basis. The institution was no longer required to make deficit recovery contributions from 1 January 2024 and accordingly released the outstanding provision to the profit and loss account.

The latest available complete actuarial valuation of the Retirement Income Builder is as at 31 March 2023 (the valuation date), which was carried out using the projected unit method.

Since the institution cannot identify its share of USS Retirement Income Builder (defined benefit) assets and liabilities, the following disclosures reflect those relevant for those assets and liabilities as a whole.

The 2023 valuation was the seventh valuation for the scheme under the scheme-specific funding regime introduced by the Pensions Act 2004, which requires schemes to have sufficient and appropriate assets to cover their technical provisions (the statutory funding objective). At the valuation date, the value of the assets of the scheme was £73.1 billion and the value of the scheme’s technical provisions was £65.7 billion indicating a surplus of £7.4 billion and a funding ratio of 111%.

The key financial assumptions used in the 2023 valuation are described below. More detail is set out in the Statement of Funding Principles.

  CPI AssumptionTerm dependent rates in line with the difference between the Fixed Interest and Index Linked yield curves, less:
1.1% p.a to 2030, reducing linearly by 0.1%p.a from 2030.
  Pension increases (subject to a floor of 0%)                    Benefits with no cap

CPI assumption plus 3bps

Benefits subject to a “soft cap” of 5% providing inflationary increases up to 5%, and half of any excess inflation over 5% up to a maximum of 10%  

CPI assumption less 3bps    
Discount rate (forward rates)Fixed interest gilt yield curve plus  
Pre-retirement: 2.5% p.a. and Post retirement: 0.9% p.a.

The main demographic assumptions used relate to the mortality assumptions. These assumptions are based on analysis of the scheme’s experience carried out as part of the 2023 actuarial valuation. The mortality assumptions used in these figures are as follows:

 2023 valuation
Mortality base table101% of S2PMA “light” for males and 95% of S3PFA for females
Future improvements to mortalityCMI_2021 with a smoothing parameter of 7.5 and an initial of 0.4% p.a. 10% w2020 and w2021 parameters, and a long-term improvement rate of 1.8% pa for males and 1.6% pa for females.

The current life expectancies on retirement at age 65 are:

Males currently aged 65 (years)23.724.0
Females currently aged 65 (years)25.625.6
Males currently aged 45 (years)25.426.0
Females currently aged 45 (years)27.227.4

At 31 July 2023, the institution’s balance sheet included a liability of £659,267 for future contributions payable under the deficit recovery agreement which was concluded on 30 September 2021, following the 2020 valuation when the scheme was in deficit. No deficit recovery plan was required from the 2023 valuation, because the scheme was in surplus. Changes to contribution rates were implemented from 1 January 2024 and from that date the institution was no longer required to make deficit recovery contributions. The liability was released to the income and expenditure account.

c) Gloucestershire County Council Superannuation Scheme

Non-academic staff belong to the Gloucestershire County Council Superannuation Scheme. The scheme is a defined benefits scheme in the UK and is externally funded.   The total contributions made for the year ended 31 July 2024 were £4,898m, of which employer’s contributions totalled £3,920m and employees’ contributions totalled £978m. The agreed contribution rates for future years are 22.1% for employers and range from 5.5% to 12.5% for employees, depending on salary.

The following information is based on the last full actuarial valuation carried out at 31 March 2022 updated to 31 July 2022 by a qualified independent actuary, Hymans Robertson.

Latest actuarial valuations31 March 2022
Investment returns per annum4.20%
Salary scale increases per annum3.20%
Pension increases per annum2.70%
Price Inflation       2.70%

The estimate of contributions expected to be paid in the next year (year ending 31 July 2025) are £3,423m at a contribution rate of 22.1% until the next actuarial valuation change in April 2026.

The major assumptions used by the Actuary were:

 31 July 202431 July 202331 July 2022
Pension increase rate2.753.0010.1
Salary increase rate3.253.503.00
Expected return on assets5.05.053.50
Discount rate5.05.053.50
Inflation assumption2.753.503.50

The mortality assumptions assume that the current rate of improvements have peaked and will converge to a long term rate of 1.5%.  Based on these assumptions, the average life expectancies at age 65 are:

Current Pensioners31 July 202431 July 202331 July 2023
Future Pensioners (at age 45)   

The amounts recognised in the Consolidated and University statement of income and expenditure, in accordance with the requirements of FRS 102 are:

Amounts included in staff costs  
Current service cost2,7744,693
Amounts included in interest and other finance costs  
Interest income on plan assets(6,809)(4,600)
Interest on pension scheme liabilities5,8324,912
Net charge to other finance costs977312
Amount recognised in other comprehensive income  
Return on pension plan assets7,016(3,231)
Changes in demographic assumptions2414,045
Changes in financial assumptions(5,118)17,857
Experience (gains)/losses arising on defined benefit obligations(3,684)(8,921)

An analysis of the amount shown in the balance sheets at 31 July 2024 and 31 July 2023 is:

 31 July 202431 July 2023
Total market value of assets149,568133,923
Actuarial value of scheme liabilities(149,568)(133,923)
Balance of the scheme – Net pension liability recorded within pension provisions

The movements in the net liability are as follows:

Movement in net defined (liability) during the year  
Net defined liability in scheme at 1 August(8,377)
Current service cost(2,774)(4,693)
Employer contributions3,9203,632
Past Service cost(578)
Net interest on the defined (liability)977(312)
Actuarial gain/(loss)(1,545)9,750
Net defined balance in scheme at 31 July
Movement in present value of the pension scheme during the year  
Present value at 1 August133,923138,903
Current service cost (net of member contributions)2,7744,693
Net interest5,8324,912
Plan participants’ contributions9781,061
Actuarial (gain) / loss8,561(12,981)
Past Service cost578
Actual benefit payments(3,078)(2,665)
Present value at 31 July149,568133,923

 31 July 202431 July 2023
Movement in the fair value of scheme assets£000£000
Fair value at 1 August133,923130,526
Expected return on assets7,016(3,231)
Interest income on plan assets6,8094,600
Actual contributions paid by University3,9203,632
Plan participants’ contributions9781,061
Actual benefit payments(3,078)(2,665)
Fair value at 31 July149,568133,923

History of experience gains and losses:

 Year to July 2024Year to July 2023Year to July 2022Year to July 2021Year to July 2020
Difference between the expected and actual return on assets     
Amount (£’000)7,016(3,231)(2,749)20,047  (3,815)  
Percentage of assets at year end4.69%(2.41)%(2.11)%15.58%3.64%
Experience gains/(losses) on liabilities     
Amount (£’000)8,561(12,981)(71,765)21,50015,103
Percentage of liabilities at year end5.72%(9.69)%(51.67)%10.82%8.98%

The University is aware of the Virgin Media Ltd v NTL Pension Trustees II Ltd (and others) case. There is a potential for the outcome of the case to have an impact on the UK pension scheme. The case affects defined benefit schemes that provided contracted-out benefits before 6 April 2016 based on meeting the reference scheme test. Where scheme rules were amended, potentially impacting benefits accrued from 6 April 1997 to 5 April 2016, schemes needed the actuary to confirm that the reference scheme test was still being met by providing written confirmation under Section 37 of the Pension Scheme Act 1993. In the Virgun Media case the judge ruled that alterations to the scheme rules were voided and ineffective because of the absence of written actuarial confirmation required under Section 37 of the Pension Schemes Act 1993. The case was taken to The Court of Appeal in June 2024 and the original ruling upheld.

As a result, there may be a further liability the the LGPS for benefits that were reduced by previous amendments, if those amendments prove invalid (ie: were made without obtaining s37 confirmation). The situation is under review it is therefore currently not possible at present to estimate the potential impact, if any, on the scheme and consequently the defined benefit obligation in the financial statements.

d) Church of England Funded Pensions Scheme

The University of Gloucestershire participates in the Church of England Funded Pensions Scheme for stipendiary clergy, a defined benefit pension scheme. This scheme is administered by the Church of England Pensions Board, which holds the assets of the schemes separately from those of the Responsible Bodies.

Each participating Responsible Body in the Church of England Funded Pensions Scheme pays contributions at a common contribution rate applied to pensionable stipends.

The scheme is considered to be a multi-employer scheme as described in Section 28 of FRS 102.  This means it is not possible to attribute the scheme’s assets and liabilities to specific Responsible Body, and this means contributions are accounted for as if the scheme were a defined contribution scheme.  The pensions costs charged to the Consolidated and University statement of comprehensive income and expenditure in the year are contributions payable towards benefits and expenses accrued in that year (2023: £7k, 2022: £10k), plus any figures arising from contributions in respect of the Scheme’s deficit (see below). The 2021 valuation showed the Scheme to be fully funded and as such in 2023, following the valuation results being agreed, the deficit contributions paid were £0 (2022: £1k).

A valuation of the Scheme is carried out once every three years.  The most recent Scheme valuation completed was carried out at as 31 December 2021.  The 2021 valuation revealed a surplus of £560m, based on assets of £2,720m and a funding target of £2,160m, assessed using the following assumptions:

Following the 31 December 2018 valuation, a deficit recovery plan was put in place until 31 December 2022 and the deficit recovery contributions (as a percentage of pensionable stipends) were as set out in the table below.  An interim reduction to deficit contributions to 3.2% of pensionable stipends was made with effect from 1 April 2022.  Following finalisation of the 31 December 2021 valuation, deficit contributions ceased with effect from 1 January 2023, since the Scheme was fully funded.

The deficit recovery contributions under the recovery plan in force at each 31 December were as follows:

% of pensionable stipends
31 December 20217.1% payable from January 2021 to December 2022
31 December 2022Nil
31 December 2023Nil

An interim reduction to deficit contributions to 3.2% of pensionable stipends was made with effect from April 2022, and remained in place until December 2022.

For senior office holders, pensionable stipends are adjusted in the calculations by a multiple, as set out in the Scheme’s rules.

Section 28.11A of FRS 102 requires agreed deficit recovery payments to be recognised as a liability.  However, as there are no agreed deficit recovery payments from 1 January 2023 onwards, the balance sheet liability as at 31 December 2022 is nil.  The movement in the balance sheet liability over 2021 and over 2022 is set out in the table below.

Balance sheet liability at 1 January   2,000
Deficit contribution paid-1,000
Interest cost (recognised in SoFA)
Remaining change to the balance sheet liability*  (recognised in SoFA)-1,000
Balance sheet liability at 31 December   –

* Comprises change in agreed deficit recovery plan and change in discount rate and inflation assumptions between year-ends.

This liability represents the present value of the deficit contributions agreed as at the accounting date and has been valued using the following assumptions.  No assumptions are needed for December 2022 as there are no agreed deficit recovery payments going forward.  No price inflation assumption was needed for December 2021 since pensionable stipends for the remainder of the recovery plan were already known.

December 2023December 2022December 2021
Discount raten/an/a0.0% pa
Price inflationn/an/an/a
Increase to total pensionable payrolln/an/a-1.5% pa

The legal structure of the scheme is such that if another Responsible Body fails, University of Gloucestershire could become responsible for paying a share of that failed Responsible Body’s pension liabilities.

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