UOG Open Access Policy 2015
Archived UOG Open Access Policy 2015 (pdf document)
The University Executive Committee is responsible for all matters associated with the development and management of the university.
Last updated: 14 August 2024
1.1 – This policy applies to all published research outputs created by employees of the University of Gloucestershire (UoG) in the course of their employment from 1st December 2013 and by postgraduate research students in the course of their studies.
1.2 – The term “outputs” includes papers in peer-reviewed journals and conference proceedings with ISSN numbers.
1.3 – This policy does not affect the intellectual property rights of authors, sponsors or the University.
2.1 – An important development within the UK higher education sector has been the increased drive towards making research freely available online, known as Open Access (OA) publication, as part of a wider research impact agenda.
2.2 – We share the ambition of HEFCE, the Research Councils UK, the Wellcome Trust, European Commission and other external funders to allow access to research outputs to the widest possible community. This policy has been informed by publication policies for national and international research funders and other UK, US and European universities.
2.3 – Funded research has had OA as a requirement for some time, and the next Quality Related national exercise (i.e., post-REF2014) will require all outputs to have been available OA.
2.4 – The University of Gloucestershire has established an OA Research Repository, providing a facility for academic colleagues to make their outputs available. This is known as the ‘green’ route, with no cost to the researcher.
2.5 – The Research Repository will become the primary source of research output data for management information pertaining to research outputs, and the repository has been developed to allow reporting by Unit of Assessment, structural area (i.e., School) and Research Priority Area. In this regard, compliance with the requirements below is fundamental to the ongoing development of research at UoG.
3.1 – To meet the requirements of research funders to make research outputs freely available online.
3.2 – To manage information about UoG research outputs, for internal reporting and external assessment (specifically ensuring that publications are eligible for submission to the post-2014 REF or equivalent).
3.3 – To raise the profile of UoG’s research.
3.4 – To facilitate long term storage and preservation of research outputs.
3.5 – To facilitate the availability of bibliometric measures associated with research outputs such as citation counts and article impact factors.
3.6 – To make the knowledge generated by UoG research accessible to the widest possible audience.
4.1 – Recognises that research outputs are key assets and should be recorded, managed and disseminated by the University in a way that brings most benefit for its individual researchers and the University itself.
4.2 – Believes its authors should not be deterred from publishing their work in the place of their choice. The University values the right of authors and contributors to decide on the best avenue for the publication for their research findings while encouraging publication in an open and accessible way and ensuring funder requirements are met.
4.3 – Recommends and supports ‘Green’ OA (self-archiving in an institutional repository) as a sustainable and effective means of providing access to research outputs.
4.4 – Supports Gold OA costs (where a fee is charged to publish in an OA work) if funding for this has been made available by the research funder and secured by the researcher.
4.5 – Supports use of the most open form of licensing works to facilitate the work being read and re-used.
5.1 – Budget pressure on library subscriptions and increasing costs imposed by publishers risk reversing advances in access over recent years. The bigger picture of OA will be to breakdown the IP-based pay walls that frustrate so many researchers and are counter to the way they collaborate.
5.2 – Studies have shown that OA papers are more frequently cited than those solely available via subscription based journals. Outputs deposited in the institutional repository will be ‘exposed’ to search engines (e.g. Google), thus increasing visibility and an increase in citation counts.
5.3 – OA benefits the economy and society, as the outputs of publicly-funded research are available for all to use. This leads to an increased global profile for UK researchers and institutions.
5.4 – The deposit of research outputs in the institutional Research Repository will ensure their long term preservation and storage.
5.5 – The Government-initiated Finch Group noted that benefits from OA to research include:
6.1 – Where publisher’s open access and self-deposit policies allow, and there is no commercial constraint, the research outputs in the RR will be made OA.
6.2 – The timeframe for depositing outputs is governed by the REF open access policy guidance, currently this is outlined in the Policy for open access in the post-2014 Research Excellence Framework document.
6.3 – All outputs by those employed by UoG with a publishing date from 1st December 2013 must be made available in the Research Repository.
6.4 – Outputs by those with an association with UoG (e.g., Visiting Professors) may be made available in the Research Repository.
6.5 – In keeping with the University’s OA strategy, outputs prior to 1st December 2013 should also be made available in the Research Repository.
6.6 – Outputs accepted for publication from 1st April 2016 must be deposited in the Research Repository within 3 months of receiving notification of acceptance from the publisher to be eligible for REF 2020.
6.7 – The University of Gloucestershire requires that for the outputs described above:
6.7.1 – Authors record descriptive metadata of all research outputs in the University’s Research Repository
6.7.2 – Authors deposit full text copies of research outputs, i.e. final accepted peer reviewed, corrected and accepted draft (post-review; pre-print) in the Research Repository
6.7.3 – Authors provide full details of the date of acceptance, duration of publisher’s embargo and identify any funding body.
6.8 – In providing versions of full text publications, authors are required to comply with open access requirements of various rights holders and stakeholders, including REF, funders and publishers.
6.9 – Deposit of full text for monographs and contributions to books is encouraged where the publisher permits distribution via an institutional open access repository.
6.10 – Postgraduate research students will deposit the final, corrected version of their thesis to the Research Repository after the award of their degree and the thesis will be made publicly available unless the author has been granted an embargo on the basis of exceptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
7.1 – Libraries & Student Support (LSS) are committed to providing support, guidance and training to individuals in how to deposit research outputs in the institutional repository and how to comply with the specific requirements of publisher, HEFCE and/or funder policies.
7.2 – LSS also advises on compliance with copyright and embargo periods. The SHERPA RoMEO website provides a summary of permissions that are normally given as part of each publisher’s copyright transfer agreement.
7.3 Ongoing School and subject group awareness raising and training will be provided.
7.4 LSS will develop online guidance and tutorials on the Research Repository
7.5 Email [email protected] with any queries or questions, including requests for training.
7.6 Call Sue Turner (Repository Manager) on ext. 4718 or Anne Pengelly (Repository Administrator) on ext. 4617.