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Placement agreement

Last updated: 17 July 2024

The practice education of Health and Social Care students is a partnership between students, university staff and placement areas. This agreement outlines the expectations and responsibilities of all those involved.

The underlying principles will be that all individuals will be treated with courtesy and respect and to be treated as valued members of the wider multi-disciplinary team. Any issues regarding an individual’s safety are raised and escalated as per policy.

Students have the right to expect

Student Responsibilities

Criteria to apply for a change of placement allocation

Placements are complex to allocate, and the process is completed considering a range of factors including past experience, declared conflict of interest, student location as well as the availability of suitable placements. We do all we can to ensure that every student has an appropriate breadth of placement experiences, but we recognise that on occasion a placement may need to be changed if it is deemed inappropriate. If you feel that your placement allocation needs to be reviewed, you can email [email protected] for one of the team to look at the allocation.

For your placement to be reviewed it must meet one or more of the following criteria:

Whilst we will look at moving students whose placements fall into one of the above categories, placement capacity is extremely limited, and we cannot make any promises or guarantees that placements will be able to be changed. Unfortunately, placements will not be swapped if they do not fall into one or more of the above categories.

Practice supervisors/assessors/educators have a right to expect

The University and academic staff have a right to expect

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