Academic Regulations for Taught Provision (FHM/UoG)
University of Applied Sciences (FHM) – Fachochschule des Mittlestands, Germany and University of…
Last updated: 3 November 2023
Welcome to the University of Gloucestershire Approved Housing Scheme Landlord Guide.
The University’s Accommodation Department is based at Pittville Student Village, Albert Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL52 3JG. Tel: 01242 714544.
The Housing Support team is part of the Accommodation Department, we provide advice and support to students looking to find accommodation. We are here to meet the housing requirements and expectations of students, and introduce them to good quality local properties and run a University Approved Housing List to help them find the right housing for them.
If you decide to register your property with UoG, you will be in the enviable position where every single student who studies with us will have access to view your property online at No other local letting agency can boast a client base as extensive as this. We actively market our approved houses above any other private rentals.
UoG prides itself on offering good quality housing to its students. We aim to improve overall standards year on year. Security and comfort are key factors of a student’s accommodation requirements, it is essential that the student experience at University is a positive one.
This guide will inform you of how to register your property with the University Approved Housing Scheme and will also provide you with information on being a successful landlord.
There are dedicated Housing Support Advisers who are able to offer advice and guidance on all issues relating to private let housing in Cheltenham and Gloucester. The Housing Support Team are able to act as mediators between landlords and tenants should any problems occur and are more than happy to help with any housing and tenancy queries.
Studentpad is the online search engine for University Approved properties available to University of Gloucestershire students, Students looking for University approved shared houses can search for and locate properties on the website.
When you join the UoG scheme, your property will be advertised via this site. You will also be given details of how you can log in to the landlords view as well as view the search results as students will see them.
There is an online user manual available to landlords when you logon to view your property(s) to help navigate your way around the site. The user manual also gives valuable information on how to conduct a tenancy. Once you have registered a property you can log in to the site and make changes, such as when the number of rooms to let changes. When you make amendments to adverts an email will be sent through to the Housing Support Team who will vet the changes and then activate the advert. If you would prefer changes to be administered by the Housing Support Team we are more than happy to help, simply email the amendments through to [email protected].
To register for the first time with UoG please contact us on 01242 714544 or email [email protected].
Through our approved scheme UoG recognises and promotes student properties that are safe, secure, well maintained and managed. The scheme also looks to recognise and promote those landlords who offer a reliable service, who deal openly, honestly and respectfully with our students and who display a commitment to positive community relations through interacting with the scheme, the local community and students.
This Code of Standards sets out the standard of properties, and practices and management required for accreditation under the scheme. This code reflects statutory and regulatory requirements and it also draws on examples of good practice from across the private rental sector. The scheme also acts as a medium through which misunderstandings and disputes can be resolved, and provides students with a valuable means to address any grievances.
It is essential that you read the provisions of the code and understand, agree to and accept its provision before registering.
By submitting your details and information, you agree to UoG holding and processing your data for the purposes of the scheme, advertising your property and dealing with any complaints made under the Code. UoG works closely with the local authority, Fire and Rescue Service, local Police and other organisations in the student-housing sector. By submitting your details, you consent to the sharing of your data, where necessary, with these organisations.
It remains the landlords responsibility to ensure that they are familiar with, and abides by, all relevant regulations and legislation applicable to private rental properties. UoG accepts no liability for any loss resulting from information contained in, or omitted from this publication and the scheme. We hope that you experience the benefits of the scheme and trust that you will continue to work with UoG, the University and other partners to ensure that Gloucestershire remains an attractive place to study and live.
By registering your property with UoG you are agreeing to adhere to the following points in our landlord’s code of conduct.
1.1 Co-operation and Engagement:
Landlords and/or their agents will –
a) Co-operate with this Code;
b) Engage with all communications from UoG, which may include delivering key messages from structured UoG communications to students on UoG’s behalf;
c) Act in a professional and courteous fashion at all times, and especially when communicating with Students;
d) Co-operate and engage with all council enforcement activities, as detailed in this document;
e) Record information including the address and size of the property, the number of Students in residence and supply this information to UoG if requested.
f) Provide an initial response to any communication from UoG regarding accreditation or enforcement issues within 5 working days from receipt of the communication; and
g) Provide current and up to date contact details for a nominated person to respond to communications regarding accreditation and enforcement and details of an alternative person to be contacted at times of year when the nominated person is unavailable.
1.2 Positive Community Relations:
Landlords and/or their agent will –
a) Engage with any relevant training, volunteering opportunities (where possible) or general interests sessions arranged by UoG;
b) Engage with any communications from UoG regarding issues affecting the local community; and
c) Engage with any appropriate initiatives regarding the environment and sustainability of the local community.
1.3 Equal Opportunities:
Landlords and/or their agent will –
a) In the provision, advertising and letting of housing or associated services, and in the letting of contracts for services, no person or group of persons are discriminated against or are treated less favourably than any other person or group of persons because of their age, disability, race (including colour, nationality and ethnic or national origin), religion or belief (including lack of belief), sex or sexual orientation.
1.4 Viewings, Offers and Agreements:
Landlords and/or their agent will ensure that –
a) Landlord’s must use an Assured Shorthold Tenancy and we would recommend having it checked legally.
b) Any Student/s currently in residence is/are offered first refusal of the property before it is re-let, provided they have complied with the terms of their tenancy agreement;
c) A student who is interested in renting the property is given the opportunity to view the property, with due notice given to any existing Student/s or other tenant currently in residence;
d) Ensure written procedures are in place for dealing with an assignment of tenancy where the Student’s wishes to be released from the agreement pending a replacement tenant being found, such procedures must details any charges or costs associated with re-letting the property which the Student is liable for. Such procedures could be included within the tenancy agreement and/or must be provided to the Student and/or UoG on request.
e) The property advert provides potential tenants with sufficient information about costs to enable them to compare the full cost of renting one property against another.
f) All information about rents provided in the property advert and other promotional material are full, accurate, clear and not misleading.
g) A student who indicates that s/he wish to proceed with renting the property is provided with a tenancy agreement written in clear legible English. Such an agreement details all of the contractual terms under which the property is offered and does not include any clauses, which would amount to unfair contract terms (guidance on this matter is available from the Office of Fair Trading). Contractual terms include, but not limited to:
h) Any Student who indicates that they wish to proceed with renting the property is allowed at least 24 hours to consider the terms of the tenancy agreement, and to seek independent advice;
i) No demand for rent to be paid in cash and/or by post-dated cheque will be made unless this has been specifically requested by the Student/s and agreed by both parties in writing prior to signing the agreement. It is recommended the landlords should offer a range of payment options;
j) Details of the fixtures, fittings, furniture and any electrical and/or cleaning equipment supplied with the property are either outlined in the advert or provided in an inventory to the students before the tenancy is signed;
k) The contract is written in plain English, reflects any changes in legislation or case law and is reviewed every two years;
l) Where a bills inclusive contract is offered the total rental price on the advert includes the cost of the specific utilities being included with the rental price (‘Bills Inclusive’). A breakdown of the total rent and the utilities covered and the cost of such utilities is provided in the advert and in the tenancy agreement alongside any fair usage policy that may apply;
m) Any works or repairs are agreed with the Students in advance of the commencement of the tenancy and are put in writing and detailed in the tenancy agreement with an expected end date for completion that has been agreed by both parties and is before the agreed move-in date;
n) Where rent is paid in cash, a written receipt should always be issued. Where rent is paid by other means, a receipt should be provided upon request.
o)Where payments are made in advance of the start of the tenancy agreement, this should acknowledge in writing.
p) Where any student who wishes to rent a property is required to nominate a guarantor, we would recommend that the liability of each separate guarantor for outstanding rent payments is limited to the individual share of the student for whom the guarantor is acting. The total amount of liability for any guarantor will be specified in a guarantor agreement. If joint and several liability applies in respect of any damage or disrepair to common areas of the property this is made explicitly clear in any guarantor agreement.
1.5 Deposits:
Landlords and/or their Agents will ensure that:
a) All deposits are protected in a Tenancy Deposit Scheme, irrespective of the type of contract in place;
b) The prescribed information regarding the Tenancy Deposit Scheme is provided to the Student within 30 days of taking the deposit.
1.6 Start of Tenancy:
Landlords and/or their Agents will ensure that:
a) Access is provided to the property from the first day of the tenancy unless otherwise agreed with the student/s in writing. Where access on this day is not possible and this has been agreed with the Student/s in writing and this has been agreed with the Student/s in a writing, a pro-rata rent re-payment that reflects the number of days of the tenancy that the student/s has/have been denied access will be made to the student/s;
b) That keys are provided to the Student/s for any external and internal doors and windows;
c) A detailed inventory is carried out at check-in; where possible in the presence of the Student/s; the inventory states the condition of the property, the fixtures, furniture and fittings, and does not simply list of the them, where possible, photographic or video evidence is used; and
d) The inventory is signed and dated by the Student/s and the Landlord and/or Agent and a copy is provided to the Students.
1.7 State of Repair at the Start of the Tenancy:
Landlords and/or Agents will ensure that:
a) Any work to essential services or work that affects the safety or security of the property is fully completed prior to the agreed move-in date;
b) Any pre tenancy works or repairs agreed with the Student/s are completed before the tenancy commences;
c) All properties are clean and have working appliances and serviceable furniture that comply with full fire regulations; and
d) Any old furniture/appliances/carpets are removed from the property and disposed of correctly.
1.8 Planning Permission:
Landlords and/or Agents will ensure that:
a) Any planning permissions necessary for the property have been secured.
1.9 Ensuring Possession:
Landlords and/or their Agents will ensure that:
a) All statutory notices seeking possession are served at the appropriate time on the Student/s or tenants currently residing at the property to make sure that the property is available for occupation by the incoming Student/s.
1.10 Information provided to Student/s renting a property:
Landlords and/or their Agents will ensure that:
b) Welcome pack is provided, which includes, but is not limited to, the following
c) Student/s are provided with alternate contact details in case of an emergency where the Landlord and/or Agent will be unavailable for a period of more than 24 hours.
1.11 Tackling Anti-Social Behaviou:
Landlords and/or their Agents will ensure that:
a) In the event of any anti-social behaviour (ASB) by Students in relation to the property, that is, conduct that has caused or is likely cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person, which may include, but is not limited to, excessive noise levels, direct harassment or environmental issues. Landlords will use reasonable endeavours to intervene with a view to ending the ASB and ensure that the Students are treating the property and its occupants in a responsible tenant-like manner;
b) In cases where the intervention proves unsuccessful, they contact UoG for assistance. UoG may provide assistance by seeking further guidance from statutory and non-statutory agencies, which may intervene;
c) They advise Students against engaging in ASB and the possible consequences of engaging in any such action, including but not limited to, disciplinary action taken by the University, notices served by the local authority (including equipment seizures) and/ or eviction proceedings;
d) S/he takes reasonable action to prevent and/or reduce ASB by Students residing in his/her property;
e) All Students are aware of what to do should they experience ASB and how they should report such behaviour to the Landlord and/or Agent and UoG
f) S/he provides assistance in resolving the issue to any Student who complains of suffering ASB;
g) Advice is sought, in the first instance from UoG, as soon as concerns are raised about ASB being perpetrated by a Student living in his/her property, their cohabiters, or visitors to the rented property;
h) Any behaviour related to drug dealing, racial harassment, hate crimes, physical or sexual violence, or any other criminal behaviour is reported to the police and UoG;
i) Neighbouring Residents have the contact details of the Landlord and/or Agent and are aware that they may complain directly to UoG;
j) Where the neighbours of the property have been historically affected by ASB from previous tenants, preventative steps are taken, such as engagement with the Student/s, UoG and Council initiatives, to ensure that the prospective Student/s is/are aware of sensitivities arising from this. Evidence of these preventative steps are produced on request;
k) Guarantors or next of kin are not contacted about incidents of ASB unless an emergency arises or contact is required in relation to recovering costs arising from damage to the property and only where the next of kin is a guarantor and all attempts to reclaim the costs from the Student/s have failed. Next of kin should not be contacted about such costs unless they are acting as a guarantor to the tenancy; and
l) Any contact from UoG regarding the ASB of Student/s in their property is responded to in writing within 7 working days and outlines the steps that have been taken to manage this behaviour.
1.13 Repairs and Maintenance:
Landlords and/or their Agents will ensure that:
a) The following repairs completion performance standards are usually achieved:
b) Due notice is given to Student/s when any maintenance work or planned, cyclical works are carried out (such as gas appliance servicing, electrical inspections & related works, fire detection & equipment servicing, gutter & window cleaning, and exterior & interior painting);
c) Contractors and trade persons remove all redundant components/debris from the site on completion of any works, and that any damage to the decoration of the property is repaired following the works and
d) Where contractors or trade persons have been used, completed work is inspected to ensure that it has been carried out to a reasonable standard.
1.14 Management of Disputes:
Landlords and/or their Agents will ensure that:
a) Any queries, complaints or difficulties raised by a Student or his/her representative are responded to professionally and promptly;
b) Any settlements and/or agreements reached are honoured within four weeks of the settlement being made;
1.15 Legal Action:
Landlords and/or their Agents will ensure that:
If s/he is contemplating taking legal action against a Student and/or any guarantor, s/he will use all other means of settling the dispute, including, but not limited to, mediation and arbitration, prior to issuing proceedings against the Student and/or guarantor.
1.16 End of Tenancy:
Landlords and/or their Agents will ensure that:
a) A check-out inventory is undertaken, preferably in the presence of the Student/s and the Student/s is/are provided with a copy of that inventory. Damage or any charges for cleaning of the property and its environs are noted in writing;
b) All Student/s are issued with clear written guidelines relating to the vacation of the property, including, but not limited to, cleaning, payment of bills and the return of keys;
c) Other than where the Landlord or Agent has evidence that s/he has incurred costs levied by utility companies for unpaid utility charges at the property, for which the Student/s were liable, deposits will not be withheld;
d) All deposits (or balances on deposits) are returned to any Student that has resided in the property within 28 days of the end of the tenancy, or in accordance with the respective tenancy deposit scheme being used to protect the deposit(s);
e) a clear communication is sent to the Student/s to inform them of the return date of the deposit (or balance);
f) The Student/s is/are issued with a detailed breakdown of any deductions made from the deposit and evidence of any additional costs claimed; and
g) All rubbish is removed from the exterior of the property by the Student/s. Should the Student/s fail to remove such rubbish the Landlord and/or Agent will do so;
UoG requires all Landlords and Agents to be Fit and Proper Persons, as defined by the local councils and the National Landlords Association:
1.19 All Landlords and/or Agents declare themselves and their Agents (as appropriate) Fit and Proper Persons upon registration. If UoG feels that a Landlord or Agent is not a fit and proper person, their accreditation will be revoked.
1.20 Landlord and/or Agents must inform UoG immediately of any change to circumstances which may affect their accredited status.
a) Landlord’s must comply with this code as an essential aspect of the approved Housing Scheme.
b) Landlord’s who fail to comply with the code maybe suspended from the scheme pending review
a) UoG will inspect all Landlords and/or Agents properties periodically. Landlords and/or Agents previously found to have been non-compliant in any area are more likely to have their properties inspected more frequently.
b) New landlords and or Agents and new properties will always be inspected prior to accreditation;
c) Where a property is found to be non-compliant the Landlord and/or Agent will be informed and remedial action will need to be taken within a reasonable timeframe, which will be set following negotiations between UoG and the Landlord and/or Agent.
d) Accreditation and the advertisement of all properties belonging to a Landlord and/or Agent may be suspended until remedial action has been taken.
Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS)
From 6 April 2007, all deposits taken by landlords using an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST) in England and Wales must be covered by a government backed tenancy deposit protection scheme.
What are tenancy deposit schemes?
There are two types of tenancy deposit protection schemes available for landlords and letting agents (insurance based schemes and custodial schemes). Any landlord can use the custodial scheme but there are some restrictions on who can use the insurance based schemes. All schemes provide a free dispute resolution service.
Tenancy deposit schemes ensure that deposits paid to the landlord are kept safe and a tenant gets their deposit back at the end of the tenancy, as long as there has not been a breach of the tenancy. These breaches could be such things as unpaid rent, cleaning or damage to the property.
Custodial Scheme
The Deposit Protection Service (DPS) provides the only custodial TDP Scheme. Under this scheme the DPS holds the deposit money in the bank account. When the tenancy ends, it releases the deposit to the person who is entitled to it.
Insurance Based Schemes
The landlord or the landlord’s agent holds the tenant’s deposit and pays a fee to insure it. If the landlord doesn’t pay the tenant the amount they are owed at the end of tenancy, the insurer will pay the tenant and try to get the money back from the landlord. The only two insurance based providers at present are MyDeposits and the Tenancy Deposit Scheme (TDS).
There is no charge for landlords or letting agents to use the custodial DPS. The insurance based schemes charge a fee for membership and you will also have to pay insurances premiums.
The schemes allow tenants to get all or part of their deposit back when they are entitled to it and encourage tenants and landlords to make a clear agreement from the start on the condition of the property.
Further information can be found on the Government website.
House in Multiple Occupation (HMO)
Please ensure that you check with the council as to whether your property requires an HMO licence.
HMO generally refers to one of the following:
• A house split into bedsits
• A house or flat share where each tenant has their own tenancy agreement
• Students living in shared accommodation
There is new legislation in place for HMO Licencing. Previously, properties with five or more bedrooms and over three floors required a HMO Licence. Now the number of floors has been removed and therefore any property with five or more tenants let will require a licence.
If your property falls into this new band of licencing we will require one of the following –
We may carry out additional inspections on a selection of properties that currently fall into the revised HMO criteria.
If you have any questions regarding the new HMO Licencing please contact the Council directly with these and see information on the Government website.
What is the license?
The license will specify the maximum number of people who may live in the HMO. It will also include the following conditions, which apply to every license:
• A valid current gas safety certificate, which is renewed annually, must be provided
• Proof that all electrical appliances and furniture are kept in a safe condition
• Proof that all smoke alarms are correctly positioned and installed
• Each occupier must have a written statement of the terms on which they occupy the property, for example, a tenancy agreement
Councils may also apply the following conditions:
• Restrictions or prohibitions on the use of parts of the HMO by occupants.
• A requirement that the condition of the property, its content, such as furniture and all facilities, bathroom and toilets for example, are in good working order.
Please note that licensing only applies to HMOs where rents or other considerations are payable.
The information contained in this guide is intended to get you acquainted with the background to HMOs. As local councils have the authority to impose licensing as they see fit we strongly suggest you speak to your council for further clarification.
Please refer to the Government website.
Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)
It is mandatory for landlords to have a valid energy performance certificate (EPC) available for all new tenants, highlighting the property’s energy efficiency and its environmental impact, along with providing estimated running costs and recommendations for improving the home’s performance.
A certificate will be required for any property that is let on a shared basis regardless of whether it is a joint or sole tenancy agreement. Certificates will be valid for ten years and must have a minimum of an energy rating of E or higher.
EPCs must be produced by an accredited Energy Assessor. If you use an Independent Energy Assessor, make sure they are a current member of an accreditation scheme.
Further information is available on the Government website.
If you are letting out a room in your own home, i.e. lodgings, you may be exempt from this regulation.
CAPITA Landlord Gas Certificates
It is a legal requirement for all landlords to have a valid landlords Gas Safety Certificate; this inspection must be conducted annually or when there are changes to gas appliances in the property.
Full Electrical Report
A full electrical report in accordance with the BS7671 regulations needs to be provided per property. These certificates usually last five years when the property has a new full electrical installation. Thereafter, it is at the discretion of the electrician and the state of the installation, therefore it is important landlords are aware of the length of the certificate they are providing to UoG.
The process:
Your checklist:
Please send in all the relevant paperwork electronically to [email protected]. You can pay online here.
All properties must meet the compulsory criteria to become a member of UoG.
Compulsory items | Recommended items |
Bedrooms | Bedrooms |
single bed minimum | under bed storage |
mattress | mattress protector |
desk and chair | desk lamp |
wardrobe or hanging space | coat hooks |
chest of drawers | bedside table |
bookcase or shelving | light shade |
curtains or blinds | internet connection |
good quality flooring | |
fixed wall heater/radiator | |
Kitchen | Kitchen |
full sized cooker | ironing board |
fridge or freezer | washing machine |
good quality flooring | microwave |
worktops and cupboards | mop, bucket, dustpan, brush and broom |
waste bin | vacuum cleaner |
Living Room | Living Room |
sofas or easy chairs – sufficient for the number of tenants | table chairs and breakfast bar and stools |
fixed wall heater / radiator | television |
good quality flooring | aerial point |
Bathroom | Bathroom |
shower or shower attachment over bath | cupboard |
fixed wall heater / radiator | waste bin |
curtains or blinds | toilet brush/holder |
good quality flooring | extractor fan |
All furnishings, flooring and decorations should be in a good clean condition with no tears or rips.
Please be clear whether you provide internet access (student responsibility) or fully installed and operational internet/broadband.
It is recommended that the landlord/owner should maintain the garden. A suitable outdoor bin should be provided to dispose of household waste and avoid the attraction of vermin.
The Accommodation Department recommends that you advise your mortgage and insurance providers of the use of the property.
We would also advise Landlords/ Agents to be aware of Building regulations, these are legal requirements that need to be adhered to. These regulations apply to most type of buildings and relate to the technical aspects of construction and cover things like structural stability, fire resistance, means of escape, disabled access, weather resistance, thermal insulations and drainage.
Landlords should ensure they are aware of these regulations when purchasing a student property to let. We would advise that Landlords/ Agents make themselves aware of the following website:
Registration fees are as below; a separate online form and advert must be completed for every property registered. These charges may be subject to change.
Number of properties registered | Registration fee per property |
1 -9 | £80 |
10-19 | £60 |
20+ | £40 |
It is vital that landlords keep the team up-to-date when their property(ies) become full so we are not advertising an out of date list and landlords are not receiving unwanted calls. The largest complaint that we receive from students is about the housing list being out of date. We ask that landlords do inform us when a property has been taken.
Students will often look at the adverts that have photos of the property first as they can see what it looks like before calling the landlord. Therefore, we would encourage all landlords to add photos and videos to their adverts to give themselves the best chance of letting the property as early on as possible. We would advise that six good quality photographs are better than several smaller ones.
UoG encourages landlords to sign up to national and local accreditation schemes. If you are a member of the National Landlords Association (NLA) Accreditation Scheme or Gloucestershire’s Fit to Rent Scheme then we will highlight this on your property adverts and they will also have priority listing in search results.
Details on these schemes can be found here:
UoG is committed to raising housing standards in Cheltenham and Gloucester and wants to recognise those landlords/ agents that work in partnership with us to ensure this happens.
We are committed to being a community where equality of opportunity is a reality for all students and staff. That means creating a positive environment in which students and staff are respected.
We aim to ensure that no-one in our university community will receive unfair or unlawful treatment due to race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion, creed, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability or age.
Landlords must therefore ensure that there is no discrimination in the provision and letting of accommodation and that all tenants are treated respectfully and fairly. Under the Race Relations Act and the Sex Discrimination Act it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of race or sex.
Failure to comply with the university’s commitment to equal opportunities may result in owners / landlords being removed from the accommodation register.