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University Council

University council Minutes 12 May

Last updated: 7 February 2022

University Council

Minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2020 at 10.30 am via Microsoft Teams.


Ms Ingrid Barker (until C.20.65)   ✔  
Mr Peter Bungard    ✔                                            
Ms Phoebe Crook      ✔                                        
Mr Paul Davies         ✔                                          
Ms Nicola de Iongh (Chair)       ✔                          
Mr Chris Fung               ✔                                     
Mr Dai Jones                ✔                                      
Mr Martin Jones         ✔                                        
Mr Stephen Marston   ✔                                 
Mr Allen Mawby           ✔                                      
Mr Steve Mawson         ✔                                     
Mr Stephen Maycock     ✔                                     
Dr Andrew Misiura         A                                  
Ms Imaani Mitchell        ✔                                      
Mrs Karen Morgan        ✔                                    
Ms Mehjabeen Patrick    ✔                                    
Mr Daniel Ramsay           ✔                                   
Mrs Pam Sissons              ✔                                 
The Rt Revd Robert Springett        A                    
Dr Peter Warry                  ✔                                 

Board Apprentice:
Ms Sophie Perret                                             

In attendance:

Ms Andrea Chalk (for C.20.62)                  Academic Registrar
Ms Jo Evans (for C.20.64)                           Head of Employability and Careers
Professor David James                               Dean (Academic Development)
Ms Jess Lawson (for C.20.60)                    Head of Planning
Dr Richard O’Doherty                                Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Dr Alex Ryan (for C.20.65)                         Director of Sustainability
Mrs Camille Stallard                                   Chief Financial Officer
Ms Gemma Tandy (for C.20.64)                 Head of Employability and Work Based Learning
Revd Simon Witcombe (for C.20.67)         Senior Chaplain
Dr Matthew Andrews (Officer)                  University Secretary and Registrar
Mrs Penny Gravestock (Minutes)              Assistant Secretary to Council

C.20.50          Prayer
Mrs Karen Morgan opened the meeting with a prayer.

C.20.51          Welcome and Apologies
Received and noted: apologies for absence from Dr Andrew Misiura and the Right Revd Robert Springett.  

C.20.52          Business of the Agenda
Noted: that there had been a request to unstar paper C/45/20 and it would therefore be discussed. It was also noted that item C.20.60 would be taken before C.20.59.

C.20.53          Declarations of Interest
Noted: that there were no declarations of interest.

C.20.54          Minutes of the meeting held on 31 March 2020 
Resolved: the minutes were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting held on 31 March 2020.

C.20.55          CONFIDENTIAL: Matters Arising (C/30/20)

C.20.55.1       [C.20.32.1] Council Membership: approval of new External members
Noted: that an update from the second round of interviews would be presented under agenda item C.20.69.

C.20.55.2       [C.20.32.2] CONFIDENTIAL: Matters Arising: Project Review
This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.20.56          Chair’s Business (C/31/20)

C.20.56.1       Received and noted: the Chair’s report, outlining key meetings and focus areas since March 2020. It was reported that discussions were being held with AdvanceHE to work with them in the review of their governance effectiveness review framework.

C.20.56.2       Noted: that since the last meeting on 31 March 2020, there had been no decisions made by circulation, no exercise of delegation, and no use of the Company Seal.

C.20.57          CONFIDENTIAL: Vice-Chancellor’s Report (C/32/20)

C.20.57.1       Received and noted: a paper updating Council on major developments affecting the University since the meeting held on 31 March 2020. The following were highlighted:

  1. that scenario planning in light of the Coronavirus situation would be considered later in the meeting;
  2. the recent announcements from the Prime Minister which were being considered to establish what the University would be able to do as an employer;
  3. concerns about how the pandemic could affect international student recruitment for the sector, for example the introduction of a 14-day quarantine period on arrival in the country;
  4. the introduction of Student Number Controls;
  5. the latest student recruitment position, noting that the UCAS decision date had been moved to 18 June 2020 and so applicants were taking longer to confirm their intentions. It was reported that the University was working hard to keep recruitment moving and to reassure applicants of plans to start in September 2020;
  6. the latest situation regarding industrial action;
  7. staff training and development to support the online activity required since lockdown;
  8. the new framework of Academic Career Pathways.

C.20.57.2       Considered:

  1. the Student Number Control, its effect on the sector, and how the University was planning its clearing campaign to maximise numbers. It was noted that the University had decided to move resource from clearing to support activity earlier in the recruitment cycle and that early indications were that applications and conversions were good. This meant that the budget for clearing was tight and would have to be managed carefully;
  2. the process for the Professorial Appointments Panel to ensure those appointed supported the University’s academic strategy. It was reported that the leadership needs within individual Schools were considered and there was external input through references to ensure that those appointed had the necessary reputation in their subject area.

C.20.58          Students’ Union Update (C/33/20)
Received and noted: the Students’ Union update. The following were highlighted:

  1. the planning underway to hold the annual awards as virtual events;
  2. that the Officer team had started work on ‘De-stresstival’ to support students undertaking their final assessments;
  3. ‘The Roof Over Our Head’ campaign to support students renting from private landlords that had been affected by the COVID-19 situation and were struggling financially;
  4. the updated Operating Plan which included COVID-19 planning for each department;
  5. the scenario planning for 2020/21 and the potential financial impact.

C.20.59          CONFIDENTIAL: Financial and Operating Performance Report (C/34/20)
This item was discussed under Confidential Business.      

C.20.60          CONFIDENTIAL: COVID-19: University Response and Scenarios for Operational Delivery (C/35/20)
This item was discussed under Confidential Business.      

C.20.61          Student Retention (C/36/20)
This item was discussed under Confidential Business.      

C.20.62          Degree Outcomes Statement (C/37/20)

C.20.62.1       Received: a paper outlining the requirements for the University to publish a ‘Degree Outcome Statement’ during 2019/20 as required by the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment in the publication ‘Degree classification: transparency, reliability and fairness – a statement of intent’. It was noted that the paper had been considered by Academic Board prior to presentation to Council. 

C.20.62.2       Resolved: Council approved the paper.

C.20.63          Research update

C.20.63.1       Research Excellence Framework (REF) (C/38a/20)

C.  Received: an update on the preparations for the REF. The Dean (Academic Development) reported that:

  1. the submission deadline had originally been set for 27 November 2020 with a staff census point at the end of July 2020, and that good progress had been made by the University in preparation;
  2. the COVID-19 situation had meant that the submission date would be delayed but that the staff census point remained as originally scheduled;
  3. consultation with the sector was underway regarding the length of delay, but institutions would be given at least eight months to prepare for submission.

C.  Noted: the content of the update.

C.20.63.2       Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers (C/38b/20)

C.  Received: the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers setting out a range of principles and expectations for universities in relation to the employment and development of research staff. It was reported that this was a voluntary Concordat, but was seen as good practice and a way of tackling current concerns about the precariousness of employment for some researchers.

C.  Resolved: Council approved that the University should formally commit to observing the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers.

C.20.63.3       Concordat to Support Research Integrity (C/38c/20)

C.  Received and noted: the Concordat to Support Research Integrity setting out a range of principles and expectations for universities in relation to the way research should be conducted in order to ensure its integrity.

C.  Resolved: Council approved that the University should formally commit to observing the Concordat to Support Research Integrity.

C.20.64         CONFIDENTIAL: Employability and Business Engagement Programme Board: Progress Report (C/39/20)
This item was discussed under Confidential Business.

C.20.65          Annual Sustainability Report 2018-19 (C/40/20)

C.20.65.1       Received: the Annual Sustainability Report 2018-2019, showing high level Key Performance Indicators for delivery against the Sustainability Strategy 2017-2022. The Director of Sustainability noted:

  1. the dual aspect to the report in communicating important statistics but also as a celebratory document for multiple stakeholders;
  2. that the People and Planet League Table would not be running in 2020 and so the University would retain its position at number one for a further year;
  3. the need to develop a new Carbon Plan in 2020/21;
  4. the development of partnerships, both at School and University level.

C.20.65.2       Considered:

  1. staffing changes within the Sustainability team, following the Securing a Sustainable Future programme;
  2. the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the sustainability agenda.

C.20.65.3       Resolved: Council:

  1. reviewed the Annual Sustainability Report; 
  2. noted the improvement priorities it contained.

C.20.66          Annual Report from Integrity and Ethics Committee (C/41/20) Received and noted: the annual report summarising the business considered by the Integrity and Ethics Committee in 2019/20.

C.20.67          Chaplaincy Report (C/42/20)
Received and noted: the Chaplaincy Report. The Chair of the Council and Foundation Standing Group introduced the report, noting the excellent work undertaken by the Chaplaincy team, and discussions held about how the Foundation Fellows Council get more involved with the University. The Senior Chaplain highlighted:

  1. the support received from the Foundation Fellows for the Chaplaincy and its activities;
  2. how the Chaplaincy had changed its provision following lockdown to ensure it was still available for staff and students. It was reported that many activities had moved online, such as opportunities for reflection and mindfulness sessions, and that WhatsApp groups had been created to aid communication. It was noted that the team would be looking at how the different initiatives had worked to continue using them when lockdown ended;
  3. the support given to international students who have been particularly hit through the Coronavirus crisis, noting the involvement of the Students’ Union in that work. It was reported that this was an area some Foundation Fellows had been involved with in the past through the provision of hospitality.

C.20.68          Annual Review of OfS Conditions of Registration (C/43/20)

C.20.68.1       Received: a summary of conditions of registration with the Office for Students (OfS) to provide assurance that the University was meeting conditions and to remind members of Council’s responsibilities under the Regulatory Framework. The University Secretary and Registrar reported that some of the conditions of registration had been amended in light of the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, and that one new time-limited condition had been proposed on the conduct of institutions with regard to admissions. It was noted that there had been some concern in the sector that the new condition could be extended, giving the OfS wide-ranging powers to intervene in institutional recruitment practices over a longer period of time.

C.20.68.2       Noted: the summary of conditions of registration with the Office for Students (OfS). It was also noted that the invoice from the Quality Assurance Agency for fees had been received by the University and processed for payment (following the issue raised the previous year).

C.20.69          CONFIDENTIAL: Council and Sub-committee Membership: Recommendations concerning appointments to 2020 vacancies (C/44/20)

                     This item was discussed under Confidential Business.      

C.20.70          Council Schedule of Business* (C/45/20)

C.20.70.1       Resolved: the Schedule of Business was considered and it was recommended that the new Director (Human Resources) and the Head of Business School should be invited to present at future meetings of Council. It was noted that additional meetings may be required over the summer of 2020 to agree the 2020/21 budget and to monitor the current situation and agreed that potential dates should be circulated.

ACTION: University Secretary and Registrar

C.20.70.2       Noted: the Coronavirus situation meant that the June 2020 dinner would not be able to take place, but that an online event would be held instead to which new Members of Council and those whose terms of office had ended during the year would be invited.

C.20.71          Minutes from Council Committees*
Noted: that the minutes from the following meetings would be available from

  1. Academic Board, 25 March 2020;
  2. Finance and General Purposes Committee, 28 April 2020;
  3. Council and Foundation Standing Group, 29 April 2020.

C.20.72          Any Other Business
Noted: that it was the last meeting of Council for Phoebe Crook and Paul Davies, both of whom would finish their terms of office before the end of June 2020. Members thanked them for their work and support for Council and the University.

C.20.73          Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday, 30 June 2020, at 3.15 am (to be held via Microsoft Teams)

Action list for the meeting held 12 May 2020

Minute numberActionResponsibility
C.20.70   C.20.70.1                                                                                                                                                                Council Schedule of Business                      Resolved: the Schedule of Business was considered and it was recommended that the new Director (Human Resources) and the Head of Business School should be invited to present at future meetings of Council. It was noted that additional meetings may be required over the summer of 2020 to agree the 2020/21 budget and to monitor the current situation and agreed that potential dates should be circulated.      University Secretary and Registrar

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