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University Council

University Council Minutes 25 November 2021

Last updated: 17 October 2022

Minutes of the meeting held on 25 November 2021 at 9.15 am via Microsoft Teams.

Ingrid Barker A
Paul Crichard
Nicola de Iongh (Chair)
Chris Fung (until C.21.136)
Steve Gardiner
Aimee Jones
Stephen Marston
Steve Mawson A
Stephen Maycock
Dr Andrew Misiura
Mehjabeen Patrick
Daniel Ramsay A
Dr Adeela Shafi
Pamela Sissons
Elonka Soros
David Soutter
The Rt Revd Robert Springett
Asha Sutton
Julie Walkling (until C.21.139)
Dr Peter Warry

Board Apprentices:
Julia Hopkins

In attendance:
Professor David James Dean (Academic Development)
Professor Jackie Labbe Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Andrea Chalk (for C.21.144) Academic Registrar
Camille Stallard Chief Financial Officer
Dr Matthew Andrews (Officer) University Secretary and Registrar
Penny Gravestock (Minutes) Assistant Secretary to Council

C.21.125        Prayer
The Rt Revd Robert Springett opened the meeting with a prayer.

C.21.126        Welcome and Apologies

Received: apologies for absence from Ingrid Barker, Steve Mawson, and Daniel Ramsay, and for early departure from Chris Fung and Julie Walking.  It was also noted that both Dr Andrew Misiura and Mehjabeen Patrick would need to leave for a short period during the meeting.

C.21.127        Business of the Agenda


Noted: that there had been a request to unstar agenda item C.21.147. No other requests were received and therefore the other starred papers were taken as approved or noted as stated.


Resolved: in response to the query raised in relation to C.21.147, it was agreed that paragraph 3.10 of the Modern Slavery Statement should be revised to reflect that the University did check the approach to modern slavery for partners but that it was easier to do so in the United Kingdom than overseas due to different legal and social frameworks.

C.21.128        Declarations of Interest

Received: a declaration of interest from David Soutter in relation to item C.21.143 as he knew two of the nominees well.

C.21.129        Minutes of the meeting held on 5 October 2021

Resolved: that minute C.21.112.2f should be revised to read “It was reported that the institution had submitted a proposal to run a pilot Short Course for the Office for Students, and was also in the process of seeking approval to offer a Level 4/5 Higher Technical Qualification.” Subject to that correction, it was agreed that the minutes were an accurate record of the meeting.

C.21.130        Matters Arising

Noted: that there were no matters for report.

C.21.131        Chair’s Business


Received and noted: a verbal report from the Chair, noting in particular successes such as the award of grant funding for the City Campus development, the recent Chancellor’s Dinner, and the Graduation Ceremonies for 2020 and 2021 graduates. The Chair also noted new facilities opened for architecture and policing and criminology courses, and the University’s recent success at the Green Gown awards.


Received: updates from each of the Committee Chairs on key discussions held at recent meetings:

  1. Finance and General Purposes Committee, 2 November 2021;
  2. Audit and Risk Committee, 5 November 2021;
  3. Council Chairs’ Group, 10 November 2021.


Noted: that since the last meeting, there had been no use of the Company Seal, no decisions made by circulation, nor any exercise of delegation.

C.21.132        Students’ Union Update (C/83/21)

Received and noted: the Students’ Union (SU) update, noting in particular:

  1. the success of the Graduation Ceremonies which had provided an opportunity to generate income from merchandising;
  2. current campaigns including ‘Don’t Drop Out, Drop In’ sessions which had been well attended, and the ‘Spotlight on You’ survey underway;
  3. the recent General Meeting with voting on matters such as changes to bylaws and the SU’s democratic structure;
  4. plans for an upcoming Study Smart campaign prior to exam and assessment week;
  5. feedback received from students regarding safety concerns that had been passed to the University, and work supporting police events and raising awareness of the reporting tool;
  6. a concern that students may feel unable to go out in light of recent spiking cases, and discussions with local Night-time Economy Providers about their procedures for keeping students safe.

C.21.133        CONFIDENTIAL: Vice-Chancellor’s Report (C/84/21)


Received and noted: a paper updating Council on major developments affecting the University since the previous meeting, highlighting in particular:

  1. the latest news on the University’s Covid-19 response;
  2. the Comprehensive Spending Review announcement on 27 October 2021 and other policy developments;
  3. an update on 2021 enrolments and the 2022 recruitment cycle;
  4. the current situation with regards to industrial relations.


Considered: the recent Chancellor’s Reception and the University’s plans to progress relationships with those key stakeholders invited. It was noted that the majority of those invited were already close partners of the University, and that the Department of Communications, Marketing, and Student Recruitment would continue to develop communications with key contacts to keep them informed of University news. It was also noted that different strategies were employed with different partners as necessary, but that assurance was given that contact was being actively followed up. 

C.21.134        CONFIDENTIAL: Overview of Strategic Plan Development (C/85/21)

 This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.135        CONFIDENTIAL: Draft Strategic Plan (C/86/21)

This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.136        CONFIDENTIAL: Ambition Growth Plan: Workforce Workstream (C/87/21)

 This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.137        CONFIDENTIAL: Portfolio Planning (C/88/21)

 This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.138        CONFIDENTIAL: City Campus Affordability Model Update (C/89/21)

 This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.139        Annual Financial Statements for y/e 31 July 2021 (C/90/21)


Received: the University’s financial statements for the year ending 31 July 2021. The Chair of Finance and General Purposes Committee introduced the paper, noting in particular the improved year end position compared with the final forecast exercise. The Chief Financial Officer highlighted the increase in liquidity and the management of costs achieved despite increased turnover, and that there were no post balance sheet adjustment events. It was noted that the audit had not been formally closed due to the absence of the Audit Partner but that it had been confirmed that figures presented would not change. It was anticipated that the signed accounts would be published on 1 December 2021.

C.21.139.2     Resolved: Council approved:

  1. the consolidated Financial Statements for the University of Gloucestershire for the year ended 31 July 2021 which had previously been considered by the Audit & Risk and Finance & General Purposes Committees.
  2. the Letter of Representation to the auditors for the year ended 31 July 2021.

C.21.140        External Audit Findings Report (C/91/21)

Received and noted: the External Audit findings report prepared to highlight key issues affecting the results of the University and the preparation of the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 July 2021. It was noted that due to the absence of the Audit Partner as referenced above, the University was waiting for confirmation that there would be no additional changes apart from the names of the representatives of the External Auditors, but that it was not anticipated that there would be any changes to the narrative. The Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee reported that one minor control issue had been identified and accepted, and congratulated the team on the clean report.

C.21.141        Internal Audit Report for 2020/21 (C/92/21)

Received: the Internal Audit Report for 2020/21. The University Secretary and Registrar highlighted the number of reviews undertaken during the year and the overall opinion given of “significant assurance with minor improvements” on the adequacy and effectiveness of the University’s framework of risk management, control, and governance.

C.21.142        Audit and Risk Committee Annual Report 2020/21 (C/93/21)

C.21.142.1     Received: the Audit and Risk Committee’s Annual Report which provided assurance to Council on the adequacy and effectiveness of institutional arrangements (up to the date of its report) for:

  1. risk management, control and governance (risk management including the accuracy of the statement of internal control provided with the annual financial statements);
  2. economy, efficiency and effectiveness (value for money).

The Chair of Audit and Risk Committee noted that the Committee had taken into account the reports from the Internal Auditors, management, and the Audit Finding report and management letter.

C.21.142.2     Resolved: Council received and approved the Annual Report and agreed that it should be forwarded to the Office for Students as part of the annual assurance submission, subject to formal closure of the External Audit.

C.21.143        CONFIDENTIAL: Chancellor and Pro-Chancellors (C/94/21)

This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.144        Annual Assurance Statement 2020/21 for Council (C/95/21)

C.21.144.1     Received: a paper that reflected on the University’s quality assurance systems during 2020/21 to inform Council on the health of the University’s academic provision in terms of academic quality and standards. It was noted that identified issues had been addressed through an action plan that had been presented alongside the paper. The Academic Registrar highlighted key sections of the report related to:

  1. External Examiners;
  2. Validation and Review;
  3. the Course Enhancement Review;
  4. Student Awards and Achievement.

It was noted that the report circulated to Council was missing key text at various points through the paper and it was agreed that a corrected version would be sent to Members via email after the meeting.

ACTION: Academic Registrar / Assistant Secretary to Council

C.21.144.2     Considered:

  1. the procedures in place to investigate issues where a course was rated as red through the Course Enhancement Review, which indicated that School or University level support was required. It was noted that the range of actions employed would vary depending on which specific issue had been identified;
  2. that amber ratings reflected where issues could be resolved at a subject-community level within the School, and would be addressed through discussions with Course Leaders, Academic Subject Leaders, and Heads of Schools;
  3. that whilst student cohorts would not receive standard communications about matters identified through the review process, it would be expected that Course Leaders would discuss issues flagged with the relevant Student Representatives where appropriate;
  4. a process to allow Council to understand where individual courses had improved. It was suggested that it would be useful for the report to include an additional column showing the direction of movement since the previous reporting period to help Council understand trends in the overall ratings.

C.21.144.3     Noted: the paper and action plan.

C.21.145        Re-appointment of External Auditors* (C/96/21)

Resolved: Council approved the reappointment of Grant Thornton UK LLP as the Company’s external auditors for 2021/22 and for remuneration to be agreed by the Audit and Risk Committee.

C.21.146        Prevent Strategy/Duty: Annual Report 2020/21* (C/97/21)

Resolved: Council noted the annual report which offered assurance regarding the Prevent Duty-related activity that had taken place through 2020/21. Council acknowledged the data outlined within the report, and agreed that the Chair of Council should sign the annual accountability statement for the return to the Office for Students.

C.21.147        Modern Slavery Act 2015 – Annual Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement (C/98/21)

Resolved: Council considered and approved the Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for publication and agreed that the statement should be signed by the Chair of Council, subject to the change proposed under C.21.127.2 that paragraph 3.10 should be revised to read: “The University has partnership arrangements with a wide range of organisations, both within the UK and internationally. To mitigate the risk of non-compliance with the legislation the University conducts checks with partners in respect of their approach to modern slavery and human trafficking considerations. In practice this proves to be easier to do in the UK than overseas due to the very different legal and social frameworks which exist in other places.”

ACTION: Chair of Council

C.21.148        Register of People with Significant Control* (C/99/21)

 Resolved: Council confirmed that its Register of People with Significant Control as maintained with Companies House would remain the same.

C.21.149        CONFIDENTIAL: City Campus: Property and Financing Report* (C/100/21)

 This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.150        Value for Money Report 20/21* (C/101/21)

 Noted: the Value for Money report for 2020/21.

C.21.151        Register of Council Member Interests* (C/102/21)

 Noted: the declarations of interest received from Council’s members for 2021/22.

C.21.152        CONFIDENTIAL: October 2021 Finance Report* (C/103/21)

This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.153        Operating Plan and Institutional KPIs 2020/21 – End of Year Report* (C/104/21)

Noted: the 2020/21 performance.

C.21.154        2021/22 Operating Plan, Institutional KPIs and Thematic Strategies* (C/105/21)

Noted: the 2021/22 performance to date.

C.21.155        CONFIDENTIAL: Annual Report of Academic Appeals, Student Complaints, Fitness to Practise, and Assessment Offences 2020/21* (C/106/21)

This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.156        CONFIDENTIAL: Annual Insurance Report – 2020/21* (C/107/21)

 This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.157        CONFIDENTIAL: Procurement Annual Report – 2020/21* (C/108/21)

 This item was considered under Confidential Business.

C.21.158        Council Schedule of Business* (C/109/21)

 Noted: the Schedule of Business.

C.21.159        Minutes from Council Committees*

 Noted: that the minutes from the following meetings would be available from

  1. Finance and General Purposes Committee, 2 November 2021;
  2. Audit and Risk Committee, 5 November 2021.

C.21.160        Any Other Business

  Noted: that no other business had been raised.

C.21.161        Date of Next Meeting

 Joint meeting with Academic Board on Tuesday, 8 February 2022 at 9.15 am (in FW015, Fullwood House, Park Campus, Cheltenham).



Action list for the meeting held 25 November 2021

Minute numberActionResponsibility
C.21.144   C.21.144.1                                               Annual Assurance Statement 2020/21 for Council   It was noted that the report circulated to Council was missing key text at various points through the paper and it was agreed that a corrected version would be sent to Members via email after the meeting.   Academic Registrar / Assistant Secretary to Council
C.21.147                                                                                               Modern Slavery Act 2015 – Annual Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement Resolved: Council considered and approved the Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement for publication and agreed that the statement should be signed by the Chair of Council, subject to the change proposed under C.21.127.2 that paragraph 3.10 should be revised to read: “The University has partnership arrangements with a wide range of organisations, both within the UK and internationally. To mitigate the risk of non-compliance with the legislation the University conducts checks with partners in respect of their approach to modern slavery and human trafficking considerations. In practice this proves to be easier to do in the UK than overseas due to the very different legal and social frameworks which exist in other places.”   Chair of Council

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