Financial Statements 2023
Contents Members of Council and Major Council Committees Honorary Posts, Officers and Advisers…
Last updated: 27 March 2024
Minutes of the meeting held on 3 October 2023 at 3.15 pm in TC226, Teaching Centre, Oxstalls, Gloucester.
Paige Archer
Ingrid Barker
Paul Crichard
Nicola de Iongh (Chair)
Chris Fung
Steve Gardiner
Dr Louise Livesey (until C.23.135)
Clare Marchant
Stephen Maycock
Dr Adeela Shafi (from C.23.124)
Pamela Sissons
Elonka Soros
David Soutter A
The Rt Revd Robert Springett
Joe Sucksmith
Julie Walkling
Dr Peter Warry
Ibby Williams
In attendance:
Prof Sarah Jones, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Enhancement and Research)
Prof Jackie Labbe, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost
Camille Stallard, Chief Financial Officer
Dr Matthew Andrews (Officer), Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Governance and Student Affairs)
Penny Gravestock (Minutes), Assistant Secretary to Council
C.23.113 Prayer
The Rt Revd Robert Springett opened the meeting with a prayer.
C.23.114 Welcome and Apologies
C.23.114.1 Resolved: noting that Dr Adeela Shafi’s membership of Academic Board had been extended whilst the Board’s membership was under review, it was therefore agreed that her role as Academic Board Member of Council should also be extended from 30 September 2023 to 6 December 2023. It was noted that proposals for membership of Academic Board would be considered by Council at its meeting in November 2023.
C.23.114.2 Received: apologies for absence from David Soutter and for late arrival from Dr Adeela Shafi.
C.23.115 Business of the Agenda
Noted: that there had been no requests to unstar any items on the agenda and that therefore papers C/66/23 to C/70/23 have been noted as stated.
C.23.116 Declarations of Interest
Received: declarations of interest from the Staff Members of Council and members of the Executive team, all of whom were members of pension schemes recognised by the University. It was noted that the Staff Members of Council (with the exception of the Vice-Chancellor) had already been asked to leave the meeting for agenda item C.23.125, and that this has been discussed with the Staff Members prior to the meeting. It was agreed that this decision would also be discussed under Any Other Business. It was also noted that there was an item of reserved business to be discussed at the end of the meeting, and that all Staff and Student Members and attendees would be asked to leave the meeting (with the exception of the Vice-Chancellor and the Student Member of Remuneration and Human Resources Committee).
C.23.117 Minutes of the meeting held on 27 June 2023
Resolved: it was agreed that the minutes were an accurate record of the meeting held on 27 June 2023.
C.23.118 Matters Arising (C/57/23)
Received: details of the matters arising as outlined in the paper.
C.23.119 Chair’s Business
C.23.119.1 Noted: the Chair’s update, noting in particular:
C.23.119.2 Received: updates from each of the Committee Chairs on key discussions held at the following meetings:
An update was also received from the Senior Independent Governor on discussions at the recent meeting of the Reset Steering Group.
C.23.119.3 Considered: a concern raised by a Staff Member of Council that Members did not have access to the full minutes and papers from sub-committee business. It was felt that meant that Members did not have a full overview of business being discussed across the Committees. Council considered the issue and discussed the concerns raised by the Staff Member:
C.23.119.4 Noted: in discussion that:
C.23.119.5 Resolved: it was agreed that access to committee documentation would be considered by Governance and Nominations Committee at its meeting in December 2023.
ACTION: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Governance and Student Affairs)
C.23.119.6 Noted: that since the last meeting, there had been no exercise of delegation, nor any use of the Company Seal. There had, however, been four decisions made via circulation:
C.23.120 SU Update Report to Council (C/58/23)
C.23.120.1 Received: the Students’ Union (SU) update, noting in particular the priority campaigns for 2023/24: disabled students focussing on accessibility and access to reasonable adjustments; cost of student living; and belonging and identity.
C.23.120.2 Considered:
C.23.120.3 Noted: the recent activities within the Students’ Union.
C.23.121 CONFIDENTIAL: Vice-Chancellor’s Report (C/59/23)
C.23.121.1 Received: a paper updating Council on major developments affecting the University since the previous meeting, including:
C.23.121.2 Considered:
C.23.121.3 Noted: the developments set out in the paper.
C.23.122 CONFIDENTIAL: 22/23 Draft Results (C/60/23)
This item was considered under Confidential Business.
C.23.123 CONFIDENTIAL: Finance Update (C/61/23)
This item was considered under Confidential Business.
C.23.124 CONFIDENTIAL: City Campus Property Progress Report (C/62/23)
This item was considered under Confidential Business.
Staff Members of Council left the meeting.
C.23.125 CONFIDENTIAL: Pension Reforms: Extending UoGPSL to New Academic Staff (C/63/23)
This item was considered under Confidential Business.
Staff Members of Council returned to the meeting.
C.23.126 Approval of Council’s Role Descriptors for 2023/24 (C/64/23)
C.23.126.1 Received: the suite of role descriptors for Council Members, the Chair of Council, Vice-Chair of Council, Chairs of Committees, Senior Independent Governor, Secretary to Council, and the Chancellor and Pro-Chancellors for annual review. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Governance and Student Affairs) highlighted proposed changes to the role descriptors for Members of Council and Senior Independent Governor.
C.23.126.2 Considered: concerns raised regarding the reasons behind proposed changes to the descriptor for Council Members, particularly in sections 3.3 to 3.6. It was reported that the suggested changes were to note the role of Council Members as a group to discuss strategic level issues and to clarify the need for Staff Members to differentiate it from their roles as employees. The additions clarified existing practice and were not changes to current ways of working. There was also concern regarding the addition of clause 3.6 that Staff Members of Council were not expected to join Council sub-committees unless specifically permitted by the individual committee terms of reference. It was queried why Staff Members were not more widely included in the membership of Council’s sub-committees. Council discussed:
C.23.126.3 Resolved: Council agreed that clause 3.2 of the Council Member role descriptor should not be changed to specify External Members of Council. Council considered the remaining proposed changes for Council’s suite of role descriptors for 2023/24 and a vote was held. The result of the vote was:
For | 14 votes |
Against | 1 vote |
Abstentions | 2 votes |
The recommended changes were therefore agreed.
C.23.127 Risk Management Report: Revised Risk Register and Action Plan for 2023/24 (C/65/23)
C.23.127.1 Received: the updated Risk Register and Action plan for 2023/24, following discussions at the Annual Risk workshop.
C.23.127.2 Considered: a concern raised by a Staff Member that the register indicated a downward projection of risk 1908/7 despite the anecdotal reports of a high number of staff lost through resignation. However, it was noted that Remuneration and Human Resources Committee had considered a workforce report which indicated that there had not been a significant increase in the number of leavers, and that the same data were reflected in the draft balanced scorecard in the Vice-Chancellor’s report. The importance of staff morale was noted and suggested that this should be monitored through the use of pulse surveys.
C.23.127.3 Resolved: Council considered and approved the Risk Register and Action Plan for 2023/24 on the recommendation of Audit and Risk Committee.
C.23.128 TEF 2023 Results* (C/66/23)
Noted: the institutional silver award for the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023. It was also noted that a briefing session on the TEF and National Student Survey (NSS) results had been arranged for 18 October 2023.
C.23.129 NSS 2023 Results* (C67/23)
Noted: the 2023 NSS results and immediate actions.
C.23.130 Review of Register of Council Member Interests* (C/68/23)
Noted: the declarations of interest received from its members for 2023/24.
C.23.131 Internal Audit Plan 2023/24* (C/69/23)
Noted: the internal audit plan for 2023/24 as approved by Audit and Risk Committee.
C.23.132 Council Schedule of Business* (C/70/23)
Noted: the Schedule of Business.
C.23.133 Minutes from Council Committees*
Noted: that the minutes from the following meetings would be available from
C.23.134 Any Other Business
Considered: a concern raised by the General Staff Member of Council regarding the language used around potential conflicts of interest to require Staff Members to leave the meeting for specific discussions. It was suggested that there should be a conversation about how Council was defining conflict of interest and how other universities used it. Council discussed:
The Academic Staff Member referred to the discussion held under C.23.125 and Council to consider issues from the staff viewpoint which she had understood could be raised at this point in the meeting. The Chair noted that the discussion had been closed and should not be reopened. The Academic Staff Member left the meeting.
C.23.135 Date of Next Meeting
28 November 2023 at 9.15 am (to be held via Teams).
Staff and Student Members of Council (with the exception of the Student Member of Remuneration and Human Resources Committee) and all those in attendance left the meeting.
C.23.136 RESERVED: Report from Remuneration and HR Committee
This item was discussed under Reserved Business.
Action list for the meeting held 3 October 2023
Minute number | Action | Responsibility |
C.23.119 | Chair’s Business | Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Governance and Student Affairs) |
C.23.119.5 | Resolved: it was agreed that access to committee documentation would be considered by Governance and Nominations Committee at its meeting in December 2023. | Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Governance and Student Affairs) |