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University of Gloucestershire Council: Guidelines for Paper Authors

Last updated: 14 January 2021

General notes

All papers for Council require a cover sheet (a blank template for which is attached in Annex A). Whilst the Secretariat will update details of agenda and paper numbers, authors are expected to complete the other boxes, in particular those relating to the action required and the executive summary.

Papers for Council Committees do not require a coversheet but, wherever possible, the start of the document should give the Committee name and meeting date, paper number, and agenda item number and title.

Papers should be kept as brief as possible.

It is important to remember that papers are written for a formal audience and form part of the corporate record and should therefore be written in an appropriate style. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the paper, including spelling and grammar. Remember to explain acronyms if it is necessary to use them.

To limit photocopying costs, please only use colour where necessary. Please number all paragraphs.

Authors are asked to consider whether their paper should be considered as Open, Confidential, or Reserved Business as detailed in the Articles of Association. The procedure for the classification of business is presented in Annex B. Authors are to note that any request for business to be classified as Confidential or Reserved should be submitted to the University Secretary two weeks prior to the meeting date.

The final classification for each paper will be agreed by the Chair. All items on the agenda will be considered Open unless they are marked otherwise. The Chair of Council reserves the right to declare any item of business Confidential or Reserved during the meeting, even if it has been classified as Open on the agenda.

If a paper associated with an open agenda item contains some paragraphs that should not be released to the general public, then this should be made clear on the front page of the paper (or cover sheet for Council).

Authors are also asked to indicate whether, in their view, the paper is to be presented as a ‘starred’ or ‘unstarred’ item (noting that the Chair, in discussion with the University Secretary, would agree the structure of the final agenda). If the item is ‘starred’, meaning that it will not be discussed at the meeting unless a member requests this, the author should indicate whether the item is for approval or just for note.

If a paper requires approval by another person or committee, this must be obtained prior to submission to the secretariat and must be completed in time to ensure that the deadline for paper submission is met. To avoid any risk of the wrong paper being circulated, please only send the final
version to the secretariat.

Guidelines for the Structure of the Paper

Effective papers should provide members of Council with the relevant context for the information being presented, and clear recommendations for action. The ideal paper length is no more than 3 sides (including the coversheet) plus any necessary appendices. Paragraphs should be numbered for ease of reference. A suggested structure for papers is detailed below.

Topic and purpose of the paper

This should give a very brief introduction to the paper. You should be clear about the purpose of the
paper. Is it:


This section should outline why the proposals are being made or information being presented. If applicable, this should cover the strategic context, e.g. how the issues fit into the University Strategy. It might refer to consultation which has taken place, or whether the proposal has been considered by other committees. If a number of options have been considered these should be presented briefly together with pros and con.

Proposal(s) / recommendation(s) / main information

This section should include the main information being presented to Council. Authors should indicate any resource implications of the proposals – financial and staffing; and should identify known or potential risks associated with implementing the proposals or taking no action, including
whether the risk has been highlighted in the current Risk Register. If applicable the paper should present any Equality and Diversity impact indicating any impact of the recommendations in relation to those with protected characteristics and how these will be addressed.


This section should summarise the proposals and details of the next steps to be taken


This should clearly outline what Council is being asked to do (and should correlate with that presented on the cover sheet). This should include whether Council is being asked to ‘consider’, ‘note’, ‘approve’, or ‘receive’ the paper being presente

Annex A: C/XX/16

MEETING OF COUNCIL: 30 September 2016

Agenda ItemC.16.XX
Paper NumberC/XX/16
TitleTitle of paper
AuthorName and title of author
Status (Open, Confidential, Reserved)
(for approval/for note) or
The procedure for the
classification of business
is outlined in Annex B.
Action Required by CouncilThis section should detail what
Council is being asked to do
(and should correlate with
that presented in the paper). This
should include whether Council is
being asked to ‘consider’,‘note’,
‘approve’, or ‘receive’ the paper
being presented.
Matter previously considered by:Include Committee name and
date of meeting where the item
was considered.

Executive Summary

This section should be a stand-alone summary of the main points of the paper.

Issues which may need to be highlighted include:

This summary should extend no more than one side of A4 paper and should refer to specific paragraphs in the report.

Appendix A1


Key Sustainability Opportunities and Risks (for inclusion in the Executive Summary)

About this Guidance Note
The University of Gloucestershire undertakes a policy which includes the additional consideration of sustainability in decision making.

Please use the Executive Summary section of the cover sheet to summarise (using bullet points) significant environmental, economic and/or social impacts of the project, whether positive (opportunities) or negative (risks). Where it is reasonably possible, please quantify identified opportunities and risks, and provide an additional financial cost to mitigate or reduce identified risks

Why consider Sustainability for Decision Making?

Suggested Approach

  1. Record (using a table as per Table 1) likely or potential sustainability opportunities and risks to the University resulting from this proposal. The table is divided into 5 sections, with some suggested areas for consideration. Under each section, consider if any potentially significant impacts can be reasonably mitigated or reduced and if so, at what additional cost.
  2. From the sustainability opportunities and risks you have identified, bullet point significant sustainability opportunities and/or risks arising from the project. Where appropriate, please also provide additional costs to reduce or mitigate identified risks.
  3. If, having undertaken this assessment, you consider there to be no significant sustainability opportunities and/or risks, then please add the statement “No significant opportunities/risks identified” in the section.

Table 1 Example Sustainability Issues for Consideration

  • Impacts/benefits on the wider community (our neighbours, business contacts, suppliers, partners, other HEI’s)
  • Environment
  • Potential environmental impacts e.g. energy use, carbon emissions, pollution, water use, production of waste, recyclability, biodiversity, protection of cultural heritage?

  • Do potential partners/suppliers have the ISO 14001 environmental management standard, or equivalent?
  • Human Rights
  • Ensuring suppliers/partners not involved in exploitative activities eg. child labour.
  • Marketplace – Students
    and Suppliers
  • Impacts on the student experience.

  • Use of sustainable procurement, opportunities to source renewable and/or low carbon materials, use of suppliers with demonstrated commitment to sustainability.
  • Workplace
  • Health and safety issues, and perceptions of wellbeing amongst staff, students and contractors working on our sites

  • Equality, diversity and inclusion

  • Job and skills creation/losses.
  • Annex B

    Procedure for the Categorisation of Council and Committee Business

    1. It will be assumed that all agenda items for Council and its Committees will be classified as ‘Open’.
    2. Council and Committee business is classed as follows:

    Open Business

    Business designated as open means that it has been judged that it is material which is appropriate to be published on the University website and therefore available to all members of Staff and Students and by implication the general public. The minute of the item will be
    made available to all Staff, Students and Council Members in such manner or manners as are approved by Council from time to time and all Council Members shall be entitled to be present at the relevant Council meeting at which the open item is discussed.

    The presumption is that any paper related to such open item(s) shall be made available to any member of Staff or any Student on their request, unless the Council at its discretion in any particular case considers that the paper should remain confidential even though the record of the discussion contained in the minutes will be open.

    Confidential Business

    In respect of a confidential matter then all Council Members shall be entitled to be present at the relevant Council meeting. Matters should be classified as confidential where that is appropriate, having regard to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act and/or the Data Protection Act, to protect the University’s interests, to protect matters which are
    personal, or to protect matters which are commercially sensitive. Any related papers shall remain confidential to Council Members (and any members of University Executive entitled to be in attendance). The presumption is that the record of the discussion of that item contained
    in the minutes will also be confidential, unless the Council at its discretion in any particular case considers that the minutes may be made available to all Staff and Students.

    Reserved Business

    This classification shall only be made if the item relates to a named or identifiable current or prospective or former member of Council or of Staff or of Student(s) or the Secretary. In that case all Staff and Student Council Members shall withdraw from the meeting together with any other Council Member or the Secretary who has a personal interest in the item. The minute and any related papers shall only be available on a confidential basis to those Council Members entitled to be present at the meeting where the item was discussed.

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