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Visitors and children on University premises

Last updated: 24 October 2023

1. Introduction

The University has a duty of care towards all visitors to our premises, including appropriate information and supervision while on site. This duty of care extends towards visitors of all ages and there is in addition specific legislation concerning children under the age of 18. 

This policy applies to any external visitors to the organisation who are present on University sites and also applies to anyone intending to bring children onto University premises for any legitimate reason, not related to work experience. Bringing children for the purposes of another staff member or student providing childcare is not a legitimate or acceptable reason. Similarly, this also applies to field trips outside the University, as it is not appropriate for children of staff or students to be present.

            The University also has a policy and associated procedures for the protection of children and vulnerable adults’ (currently under review) which is available via the Human Resources Sharepoint site. Guidance on Child Protection is also available from Student Services.

This policy does not apply to contractors employed by the University. The Control of Contractors policy is available via the Health & Safety webpages.

2. Policy

The University has agreed the following policy.

(a) While on University premises or involved in any University activity, children under the age of eighteen years must be supervised by a parent or other responsible adult at all times. Children are not permitted on University field trips under any circumstances.

(b) To enable the University to comply with Health and Safety legislation children must not, under any circumstances, be allowed to enter, even with a parent or responsible adult, the areas listed in Schedule 1 of this policy unless a suitable and sufficient risk assessment has been completed.

(c) Where Schools and Professional Services departments already have published rules or guidelines concerning children in their areas, these rules and guidelines must be followed.

(d) Children, who are on University premises, must never be allowed to operate any lift machinery or ride unaccompanied in passenger lifts.

(e) While visiting University premises, parents and supervising adults must recognise that some areas are covered by a Premises Licence (i.e. licensed for the service of alcohol and regulated entertainment). There is a clear requirement for children under the age of 16 to be properly supervised at all times in these areas, and to leave at or before any time determined by the Designated Premises Supervisor. Further details can be obtained from the Catering Manager at each campus or the Head of Facilities.

(f) All the foregoing and the Schedules shall also apply to external conference delegates and other visitors to University premises.

3. Procedure

3.1 Informing Campus Office/Reception

Where reasonably practicable, the appropriate Campus Reception should be informed in advance of visitors’ arrival by the member of staff responsible for inviting or receiving them. 

It is also essential that the Estates Helpdesk be informed of any special arrangements required by the visitor/s, e.g. the bringing of large or unusual vehicles, machinery, substances, etc., or of any specific facilities that may be required. For example, the visitor might be a disabled person and require special access arrangements, or have a child or children in a pushchair.

3.2 Dealing with arrival

The University has an ‘open site’ policy and therefore, visitors (with the exception of building and maintenance contractors and visitors to the Pittville Campus) are not required to sign in on arrival. Visitors to Pittville Campus must sign in with the Uliving reception in the Laurie Lee Building.

Visitors should be requested to report to the main reception of the relevant campus, in order that reception staff can make the visitor’s arrival known to the person/s they are visiting. In circumstances where the visitor is familiar with the location of the School or Professional Services Department he/she may be directed to their destination. If there is any uncertainty, the visitor should be collected from the main reception. 

3.3 During the visit

As a general principle, visitors must be escorted and appropriately supervised. Where a visitor is familiar with the layout of the area this will not be necessary. Supervision is particularly important to prevent the visitor from wandering/straying/entering any potentially hazardous areas. Children must remain supervised at all times.          

Where it is necessary for a visitor to enter a hazardous area i.e. a laboratory, appropriate approval/permission must be obtained before entry can be permitted.

Where personal protective equipment is required to be worn, the visitor will also be required to wear/use identical equipment to safeguard their health and safety.

3.4 Emergencies, accidents and incidents during the visit

Where an emergency arises during the visit, the responsible person accompanying the visitor/child must ensure that he/she is accompanied to a place of safety i.e. a fire assembly point, and that the visitor complies with the relevant University procedures.  

Any problems encountered by the visitor during his/her visit to the University should be reported to either the relevant Department/ School/Research Unit personnel or the relevant Campus Office/Reception personnel in order that a review may be undertaken and appropriate action can be taken by the University if required. 

4. Dogs

The University does not permit dogs or other pets on the site without prior agreement from Health & Safety, unless they support the needs of less abled people.

Schedule 1 – Areas where children are not permitted

List of those areas of University where children are not permitted even when accompanied by parent/responsible adult, unless a suitable and sufficient risk assessment has been completed.

All campuses

Oxstalls Campus

Park Campus

Francis Close Halls

Hardwick Campus – AP Building

Schedule 2 – Areas where children are permitted

List of those areas of University where children may go providing they are accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult and the conditions of this Policy are observed.


Children accompanying and supervised by a parent or responsible adult may enter Libraries provided that the parent/adult adheres to their guidelines.


Children accompanying and supervised by a parent or responsible adult may enter laboratories which are not COSHH areas (e.g. the Microscopy Lab at Francis Close Hall). Further guidance is available from the central Health & Safety team.

Lecture Rooms:

Children accompanying and supervised by a parent may be present in a lecture room:

(i) at the discretion of the lecturer in charge;

(ii) provided there is no disturbance to or intrusion into the activities being undertaken;

(iii) provided there is no material which could be unsuitable or inappropriate for the children concerned.


Children should only enter any student residence areas accompanied and supervised by a parent or responsible adult who enters the residence by invitation.

Sports Facilities:

Children accompanying and supervised by a parent or responsible adult may enter the Sports Centre facilities provided that the parent/adult adheres to the Sports Centre Health and Safety Regulations. Children may also use Sports Centre facilities when taking part in supervised training or learning activities.

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