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Waste Management Policy 2023-2028

Last updated: 27 June 2023


The University’s Estates Strategy 2022-2027 and Sustainability Strategy 2022-2027 recognise the significant environmental impacts to be mitigated through effective waste management. This includes understanding and addressing the un-necessary use of resources as well as the financial costs of management and disposal.

The University recognises the significance of the hierarchy of related to waste production, namely ‘reduce, reuse and recycle’. It prioritises wherever possible the intention to avoid un-necessary purchases as critical in waste avoidance.

Whilst some operational elements are the specific responsibility of University staff, the actions of all staff and students are required to deliver the policy.

Policy Commitments

This policy is aligned to the ISO14001: 2015 Environmental Management System and performance monitoring is part of the annual Sustainability Performance Review. This assures that the University maintains its high-level commitments to comply with national waste management and recycling legislation and continually improve its culture of waste minimisation/avoidance and circular economy good practices.

The University’s Carbon Net Zero Strategy 2021-2030 has an aligned emissions reduction target related to waste policies and delivery of this includes effective liaison through its waste management contract.

Policy Objectives

  1. To reduce overall solid waste production throughout the University.
  2. To ensure no waste is sent to landfill.
  3. To maximise reuse, recycling and recovery of waste.
  4. To maintain good practice in waste management in student residences.
  5. To develop awareness of waste minimisation amongst staff and students.

SMART Targets

Performance against the targets for waste management volumes and recycling percentages are published in the Annual Sustainability Report.

These targets, baselines and related actions are identified below.

Objective & 2027 TargetBaseline (2018/19)2027 Target
Reduce waste arising   41.1kg/FTE  (Total waste = 323T)31.7kg/FTE (23% reduction)  
Increase recycling rate 55% of waste recycled (Total recycled = 176T)  60% waste recycled    

Actions to deliver against these two SMART targets recognise the inter-dependence of waste arising and recycling rates. The priority actions are:

  1. Review and update waste streams to identify opportunities for improvement and simplification (e.g. food waste).
  2. Develop and deliver communications to the user community of staff and students on waste avoidance, contamination, re-use and recycling.
  3. Maintain opportunities for students to engage in good practice related to halls of residence (e.g. British Heart Foundation Pack for Good initiative).

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