Subject resources and activities
Our academic staff have created these online resources, which can be accessed by teachers and students studying for their A Levels and BTECs.
If your students find these resources useful and you would like to find out more about our outreach activities, get in touch by email to: [email protected].
Online English resources
Arran Stibbe our English academic is pleased to share with you and your students this online first year English module. This module is available for free and is a taste of what studying English at UOG is like. -
Online Religion, Philosophy and Ethics resources
Our academic staff in Religion, Philosophy and Ethics have created the below short tuition videos, which can be accessed by teachers and students studying for their A Levels.
A-Level Philosophy, Sources of Authority in Islam: University of Gloucestershire, Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
A-Level Philosophy, Religious Language: University of Gloucestershire, Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
A-Level Philosophy, Sources of Authority (The Bhagavad Gita): University of Gloucestershire, Religion, Philosophy and Ethics
Video essays
The 2020 lockdown has meant that face-to-face teaching has been suspended and instead has moved online. One of the resources we use are ‘video essays’. You might have seen video essays on Youtube or Vimeo. It is a great way to explain ideas visually. Over the next couple of weeks we’ll be adding some of the video essays to our blog, so you can see some examples of online teaching that we do in RPE. -
Widening access schemes motivate children and young people from care who have the aptitude and potential to benefit from higher education, so that by the age of 18 they feel confident that they deserve to go to university. It is also vital that care leavers are supported to make informed decisions, so that they study the right course at the right place for them.
Through their widening access initiatives, the universities in the South West are dedicated to supporting Looked After Children, working throughout the year to provide aspiration raising or transition and progression activities for young people in care from across the region.
Through the links that we foster we are able to pass on information about our activities to young people in care and their carers. We also give advice about university, including how to apply. We often work collaboratively with local and regional universities when delivering events, so we can provide more information about the range of opportunities that are available.
To make it easier to find out what’s going on, the South West Universities Looked After Children Consortium are launching a newsletter advertising all of our free talks, workshops and events all in one place. You can sign up for this here.