I have always been interested in teaching and how the body works and my desire for linking theory to practice is especially prevalent when delivering applied sciences within a physical education and coaching setting. In particular my expertise in body composition has enabled me to embed cutting edge research into lectures whilst working with elite level and professional athletes across varying individual and team sports. Recently, I have been able to transfer these skills and energies into another area of teaching and research interest, which is in relation to obesity.
Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
University Teaching Fellow
Shortlisted in the University of Gloucestershire Staff Awards for:
2016/17 Best Academic Feedback
Nominated in the University of Gloucestershire Staff Awards for:
2016/17 Most Engaging Module
2016/17 Inspiring Colleague
2015/16 Most Inspiring Lecturer
International Society for the Advancement of Kinathropometry (ISAK) Kinanthropometrist
International Society for the Advancement of Kinathropometry (ISAK)
Higher Education Academy
My teaching involves module leadership and contribution to a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules including: Human Structure & Function, Growth & Development, Health Promotion for Wellness & Wellbeing and Independent Project.
My research interests primarily include body composition tracking and measurement of elite athletes, obesity, overweightness, weight stigma, body image, menstrual cycle and perimenopausal impact on performance.
Body composition consultancy work with professional athletes in a range of individual and team based sports; obesity and overweightness consultancy work with schools/school children and parents
Body composition; obesity and overweightness; body image; lifelong physical activity; growth and maturation; physical activity levels in schools
Editorial Board Member for the Obesity Research Open Journal
Editorial Board Member and Reviewer for the Sports and Exercise Medicine Open Journal