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Dr Jonathan Hobson

Associate Professor of Social Sciences

I am a Political Sociologist by training, and teach and research in Criminology and Sociology. I specialise in issues around Restorative Justice and understanding Genocide.


I am Research Lead for Social Sciences, which includes Criminology, Criminal Justice., Policing, and Sociology. I am a convenor for the University’s Society and Learning Research Priority area, supporting research and impact work across Social Sciences Education and Social Work. I research and teach across the Social Sciences, particularly in Criminology. I specialise in issues of Restorative Justice and international crimes such as Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.


  • PhD: Democratic Governance Beyond the State: An Exploration of Democracy and Governance in the European Parliament., University of Gloucestershire, 2012
  • BA (Hons): Sociological Studies, University of Gloucesteshire, 2004


University Teaching Fellow (2017)

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2017)

Membership of professional bodies

British Sociological Association

Teaching & Research



NS4403 Sociological issues

NS5403 Crimes against Humanity

NS6403 Politics Risk and Security in the global world

Ns6506 Restorative Justice


NS7516 International Security


My research focuses on the interconnected issues of conflict and reconciliation. In particular, I am interested in the ways we manage and then overcome harm. This includes harm at the individual and community levels, as well as harms that take place as part of conflict and Genocide. As part of this, I explore the use of Restorative Justice and Restorative Practices to help build relationships in settings such as schools, housing, police-young people relationships, and in post-conflict societies. Recent work has taken me to Northern Ireland and Sierra Leone to explore how conflict resolution, particularly restorative justice, works.


More publications from Dr Jonathan Hobson can be found in the Research Repository.

External responsibilities

Restorative Gloucestershire steering Group

Subject for media interview


European Union

Restorative Justice

External examining

Applied Social Sciences, Newman University

Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, SOAS