Julie joined CCRI in 2004. Her main research interests are concerned with Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems and innovation processes. She is a specialist concerning knowledge exchange within the agricultural community and knowledge processes within the context of sustainable agriculture and natural resource protection, with particular reference to soil.
Her research has also covered the evaluation of agri-environmental schemes examining the influence of farmer knowledge, attitudes and motivations on behaviour. Her research examines socio-technical transition towards sustainable agriculture, for example through digital agriculture, bioenergy crops, agroecology. For a number of years, Julie worked in developing countries in agriculture and forestry before joining CCRI.
At the European level Julie has led Work Packages in numerous EU Horizon 2020 and FP7 projects such as AgriDemo-F2F (Building an interactive AgriDemo-Hub community: enhancing farmer to farmer learning), VALERIE, SmartSOIL and SOLINSA.
She has been active on the EU Horizon 2020 projects ‘SoilCare’ (SoilCare for profitable and sustainable crop production in Europe), and RECARE and currently leads a Work Package for MINAGRIS (MIcro- and NAno-Plastics in AGRIricultural Soils: sources, environmental fate and impacts on ecosystem services and overall sustainability).