I have a specialist interest in European Intellectual History and am particularly interested in the relationship between race, religion and historiography in the nineteenth century. My BA dissertation considered the intellectual consequences of the French Revolution; my MA research focused on the theological origins of the British Welfare State; and my PhD looked at the historical writings of the Victorian intellectual E.A. Freeman.
AHRC Funding, PhD, University of Manchester (2006-2009)
I am a member of the Higher Education Academy,
Georgian Britain, 1714-1830
Victorian Values: Class, Culture and Religion
Politics and Empire in the Era of Gladstone and Disraeli
Britain in the Age of Extremes, 1900-1945
Conflict and Consensus in Post-war Britain
I have a specialist interest in European Intellectual History, focusing particularly on the relationship between race, religion and historiography in the nineteenth century.
I am currently working on a number of research projects including work on G.B. Vico and Thomas Arnold, and a monograph entitled Troubled Mirrors: Historical Time and the Problem of Progress in European Thought.