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Parents and carers

Information for parents and carers about the support available to students at the University.

Information for parents and carers

Support available for students at the university

We understand that you want your child or young person to achieve their best and fulfil their potential at University which is why we are committed to providing a supportive and positive environment for all. The services outlined on our student support page are in place to support students should they face any challenges while they’re here.

The University also works closely with a number of local and statutory services where necessary and appropriate to provide a wider support network.

Student Services colleagues who facilitate many of our support services communicate closely with each other (within the bounds of confidentiality) to provide comprehensive and holistic support for students facing personal or academic difficulties.

Find out more about supporting your child or young person’s application to higher education.

Study and wellbeing

We realise that falling behind academically can be worrying, and this can happen due to extenuating circumstances, for example becoming ill. It’s really important that students communicate with us about any problems around their health or academic progress, so that we can provide support at the earliest opportunity.

If you, as a parent or carer, become aware that there might be a problem, please encourage your son, daughter, partner or family member to speak to their personal tutor or the Student Centre as soon as possible.

Student talking to an advisor at the Help Zone

Additional information