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International trade expert is guest speaker at cyber and digital webinar

A specialist adviser for the tech and digital sector from the Department of International Trade is the guest speaker at the next C11 Cyber Webinar at University of Gloucestershire.

Registration is open for Paul Tomkins’ talk about the benefits and challenges of taking cyber and digital products to overseas markets, and offer perspectives, advice and support on this growing opportunity for UK SMEs.

Paul, a Chartered ex-RAF aerosystems engineer, has gained more than 30 years’ experience in international sales and marketing of technical solutions in aerospace, defence and security, and SME business consultancy.

The C11 webinar, entitled ‘Exporting Cyber Security and Digital Technology with the Department of International Trade: The benefits and challenges’, takes place via Microsoft Teams from 12.30pm to 1.30pm on 3 February.

Professor Kamal Bechkoum, Head of the University’s School of Computing and Engineering, said: “With the complexities of international trade compounded by the security and control needs of the cyber tech industry, this promises to be an interesting and engaging topic.”

With Gloucestershire fast becoming known as ‘the cyber capital of the UK’, the University is the perfect place to study a wide range of cyber and computing degree courses and gain experience through placements, internships and its industry links.

The University’s purpose-built facilities offer computing and engineering students the very latest hardware, including Oculus Rift, HTV Vive and Motion Capture, while research labs provide an authentic environment in which to practice mock cyberattacks through a private and secure network.