Go to Global Business Administration (International Supply Chain and Logistics) MBA
Postgraduate taught
Global Business Administration (International Supply Chain and Logistics) MBA
Specialise in International Supply Chain and Logistics with this flagship two-year Global MBA.
Go to Business and Management (Enterprise & Innovation) BA (Hons)
Business and Management (Enterprise & Innovation) BA (Hons)
Want to be career-ready for a job in business and management? Choose to specialise in…
Places available
Go to Law (Individual Rights) LLB (Hons)
Law (Individual Rights) LLB (Hons)
This specialist LLB pathway provides an insight into how law protects and upholds the rights of…
Places available
Go to Journalism and Communications
Postgraduate research
Journalism and Communications
Experience a range of journalism specialisms and develop skills for a rewarding career in…
Go to Landscape Architecture MA, PgDip
Postgraduate taught
Landscape Architecture MA, PgDip
Develop and refine vital skills and experience, to establish a long-term career in landscape…
Go to Sports Journalism BA (Hons)
Sports Journalism BA (Hons)
Learning under award-winning sports journalists, you'll develop the skills for a rewarding sports…
Places available
Go to Secondary Education Physical Education PGCE
Postgraduate taught
Secondary Education Physical Education PGCE
If you’re looking for a lifelong, challenging and exciting career, teaching secondary Physical…
Go to Geography BA (Hons)
Geography BA (Hons)
Study the challenges of population, migration, conflict, development, global crime, health and…
Places available
Go to Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
Accounting and Finance BSc (Hons)
You'll cover all aspects of accounting from financial markets and institutions to the global…
Places available
Go to Cyber Security BSc (Hons)
Cyber Security BSc (Hons)
Study the cyber environments of banks, high-security digital environments, ecommerce and social…
Places available