Hero Lubangu is currently studying an MA in Sports Communications and Digital Media.
“It’s a very, very good course. University of Gloucestershire is a relatively small university compared to many around the UK and my experience here has been positive.”
“I’ve really enjoyed the number of field trips we’ve attended. I’ve already been fortunate enough to visit Wolves’ stadium (Molineux) as well as Cheltenham Town recently. It’s been an overall positive experience so far.“
“I’ve always had an interest in photography and the fact that we have an opportunity to use the cameras that are available at the University means I’ve been able to get back into photography again. These are studio-quality DSLRs so they take very high-quality photos. I’m fortunate to be able to use these cameras as I’m hoping to become a better photographer. The fact I’ve been able to be hands-on has been one of my favorite things about this course, so far.”
“I also play American football at the University, which is a niche sport here but is growing in the UK. Surprisingly, there are a lot of participants and we enjoy playing against our big rivals such as University of Worcester.”