Ella Childs is currently studying an MA in Sports Communications and Digital Media.
“My undergraduate degree wasn’t in media, I came from a science background. When I took my gap year, I wanted to take the time to decide what I wanted to do with my career. I’m an athlete with a passion for sport. This felt like a natural progression for me.”
“I love content creation, filming and sport, so this course was perfect for me. Since joining, it’s helped me decide what I really want to do in my career.”
“One of the things I love about this course is the access to equipment. The last few months, whenever I’ve been competing myself or my gym has no competitions running, I’ve been able to use the cameras out of the kit store and create higher-level content.”
“This can also count towards my university work. So I’ve been improving my videography skills that I’ve been learning here, alongside doing all my own sports stuff which has been a nice combination.”
“We’re currently learning how to use the radio studios for creating podcasts, which is new and exciting for me. The use of industry-level editing equipment, such as Adobe Premiere Pro, has been a new tool for me to use, which I’ve enjoyed learning and I’ve been using these skills in my own video editing.
“I’ve also enjoyed the communications side of the course – learning how to work in-house, for sporting agencies, and in public relations with lecturer Jenny. I’m gaining a range of new skills that I’m definitely going to take into the outside world once I graduate.”