Foundation Fellows
Serving God, serving the university.
Anglican foundation
The Anglican Foundation of the University of Gloucestershire evolved from the foundation of the former Colleges of St Mary and St Paul, two of the institutions which came together to create the university.
Since 2011 the foundation has taken on the role of giving prayer and spiritual support to the staff and students, and taking an active interest in the mission and life of the university.
The foundation formally meets once a year for its Annual General Meeting at the university. This provides an opportunity for discussion, to meet staff and to hear at first-hand about developments in the university. There are other informal meetings for prayer and participation during the year.
The foundation is served by the Fellows Executive Committee, and is led by its chair and officers who are elected by the fellows at their AGM. The current membership of the Fellows Executive Committee is Dr Philip Giddings, Chair; Revd Canon Dr Mike Parsons, Secretary and Treasurer; Mr Ian Davies, Prayer Coordinator; Revd Paul Youde, Mr Geoff Locke and Mrs Karen Morgan.
In 2013, the university reviewed the meaning of its Anglican identity, how it was manifested in current practices and what action should be taken to develop it further. The Vice-Chancellor produced a summary paper that was endorsed by Council in April 2013.
Over recent years, the committee has reviewed the role of the foundation following changes to the university’s governance arrangements, to ensure that fellows can continue to support the university as one of its most important stakeholders. It is important that the foundation maintains a full and vibrant membership. Members, usually called ‘fellows’, are drawn both from the clergy and the laity.
Members are:
- Committed and active Christians who belong to a church community
- Committed to the values of an Evangelical Anglican Foundation for the university
- Committed to working out their Christian commitment in society
- Committed to working with others, valuing the development of strong networks
- Committed to the principle of a relevant Christian contribution to Public Higher Education
- Concerned to see the outworking of Christian beliefs and values in Higher Education institutions
- Concerned that the University of Gloucestershire continues to develop as an inclusive and diverse community, which values every person and seeks to help them develop their full potential
Members of the foundation commit to being:
- Able to attend the AGM
- Willing to support the university in prayer
- Willing to use your skills and networks in the service of the foundation and university as and when appropriate
Are you interested in becoming a member?
If you are interested in becoming a member of the Christian foundation please complete the application form and return by the date on the form.
A Listening Ear – the Foundation Fellows mentoring scheme
The University Foundation Fellows Mentoring Scheme (FFMS) provides an opportunity for all staff members to access mentoring support from a number of our present-day Foundation Fellows. The Foundation Fellows are a group of women and men who have, over the years, supported the University and its preceding institutions. They are volunteers, with a real heart for the work of the University, but are outside its formal administrative structures. A number of Fellows have gained interpersonal skills which have been developed in different walks of life and which they would like to make available to staff members.
University staff… would you welcome a confidential listening ear?
As ‘Foundation Fellows’ we are supportive friends within the university community but not part of its management.
We are experienced listeners, ready to help you to find your own wisdom.
If you would like to know more, speak to one of the Chaplains
Mentors offer support on a one to one basis, to talk through any issues which staff may feel particularly burdensome or difficult. Meetings will be informal, within the rules of confidentiality, and will take place at a mutually agreed time and venue on one of the University’s campuses. Mentors will listen, will not be judgmental, and will be looking to offer appropriate guidance and help.
If you would like to find out more about the scheme or to explore the possibility of linking up with a mentor, please email [email protected].
Informal enquiries about the foundation should be addressed to:
Penny Gravestock
Assistant Secretary to Council
University of Gloucestershire
Fullwood House
The Park
GL50 2RH