Financial Statements 2023
Contents Members of Council and Major Council Committees Honorary Posts, Officers and Advisers…
Last updated: 26 July 2023
Minutes of the meeting held on 16 May 2023 at 9.15 am via Microsoft Teams.
In attendance:
Stewart Dove (for C.23.70), Student Registrar
Prof Sarah Jones, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Enhancement and Research)
Prof Jackie Labbe, Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost
Jess Lawson (for C.23.69, Director (Planning)
Camille Stallard, Chief Financial Officer
Dr Matthew Andrews (Officer), Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Governance and Student Affairs)
Penny Gravestock (Minutes), Assistant Secretary to Council
C.23.58 Prayer
The Rt Revd Robert Springett opened the meeting with a prayer.
C.23.59 Welcome and Apologies
Received: apologies for absence from Stephen Maycock and for early departure from Steve Mawson.
C.23.60 Business of the Agenda
Noted: that there had been no requests to unstar any items on the agenda and that therefore papers C/33/23 to C/36/23 had been approved or noted as stated.
C.23.61 Declarations of Interest
Noted: that Staff Members with links to the Trades Unions would declare an interest for an item being raised under ‘Any Other Business’ regarding the recent votes of no confidence.
C.23.62 Minutes of the meeting held on 28 March 2023
Resolved: it was agreed that the minutes were an accurate record of the meeting held on 28 March 2023.
C.23.63 Matters Arising (C/26/23)
Received: details of the matters arising as outlined in the paper.
C.23.64 Chair’s Business
C.23.64.1 Received: a verbal report from the Chair on progress with the recruitment process for a new Vice-Chancellor, and updates from the Chair of the Council, Foundation and Chaplaincy Committee on key discussions at the meeting held on 26 April 2023.
C.23.64.2 Noted: that since the previous meeting, there had been no exercise of delegation nor any decisions made by circulation. There had been one use of the Company Seal: on 20 April 2023, the Building Contract for the City Campus between the University and Morgan Sindall Construction and Infrastructure Ltd, signed by the Vice-Chancellor and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Governance and Student Affairs).
C.23.65 SU Update Report to Council (C/27/23)
C.23.65.1 Received: the Students’ Union (SU) update, highlighting:
C.23.65.2 Considered:
C.23.65.3 Resolved: Council:
C.23.66 CONFIDENTIAL: Vice-Chancellor’s Report (C/28/23)
C.23.66.1 Received: a paper updating Council on major developments affecting the University since the previous meeting, including:
C.23.66.2 Considered:
C.23.66.3 Noted: the developments set out in the paper.
C.23.67 CONFIDENTIAL: Finance Report: March Year-To-Date Results (C/29/23)
This item was considered under Confidential Business.
C.23.68 CONFIDENTIAL: 2023/24 Draft Fee Income Budget (C/30/23)
This item was considered under Confidential Business.
C.23.69 CONFIDENTIAL: Project Reset Update (C/31/23)
This item was considered under Confidential Business.
C.23.70 Student Engagement 2022/23: Annual Report for University Council (C/32/23)
C.23.70.1 Received: a report that outlined the ways students engaged with the University that were not directly associated with their course programme or studies. The Student Registrar highlighted:
C.23.70.2 Considered:
C.23.70.3 Noted: the annual Student Engagement report for 2022/23.
C.23.71 Plans for Council Away Day 2023
Received: a verbal update from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Governance and Student Affairs), noting the decision to postpone the first day of Council’s away day in June 2023 with plans to canvass Council for alternative dates. It was confirmed that the Council meeting scheduled for 27 June 2023 would still be held and that there would be one further session, potentially looking at Project Reset.
C.23.72 CONFIDENTIAL: Draft Annual Report for Concordat Supporting Research Integrity* (C/33/23)
This item was considered under Confidential Business.
C.23.73 Annual Sustainability Report 2021-22* (C/34/23)
Noted: Council reviewed the report, noted its contents and the improvement actions specified.
C.23.74 Annual Chaplaincy Report* (C/35/23)
Noted: Council received and noted the report.
C.23.75 Council Schedule of Business* (C/36/23)
Noted: the Schedule of Business.
C.23.76 Minutes from Council Committees*
Noted: that the minutes from the following meetings would be available from
C.23.77 Any Other Business
C.23.77.1 Votes of No Confidence
This item was considered under Confidential Business.
C.23.77.2 Noted: Council congratulated the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Academic Enhancement and Research) on her recent inaugural lecture.
C.23.78 Date of Next Meeting
Noted: that the first day of Council’s away day had been postponed (C.23.71 refers) and that therefore the next meeting would now be held on Tuesday, 27 June 2023 at the Business School Building at Oxstalls Campus, Gloucester.